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ZombiU |OT| Zombi Emergency! WiiU WiiU WiiU WiiU


Phew. I changed my preorder from the nintendoland pack to the zombi U one, so the GS review was for the least worrying :p


The review summary from Edge is funny because they find the gamepad functionality fun and refreshing, which goes back to what EatChildren was saying about it being a subjective complaint.


That gamespot review sounded like he just wanted it to be left for dead an action shooter.

What struck me as weird was that it sounded like he wanted to kill every single zombie, even if it meant going through them one by one with the cricket bat.

I'm not sure I'd play the game like that, unless the objective at hand specifically involved killing every zombie.


Sounds like this will be one of those polarizing games. I think really, most people should know if they want it at this point, although it is true that it's good to get a range of opinions. To me it seems: if you like zombies, if you like slow, methodical games, if you like a challenge, if you don't mind a bit of repetition then I don't see how you'd go wrong. The basic gameplay systems seem to be competent enough from a distance.


To me it seems: if you like zombies, if you like slow, methodical games, if you like a challenge, if you don't mind a bit of repetition then I don't see how you'd go wrong. The basic gameplay systems seem to be competent enough from a distance.

Sounds like Monster Hunter. I love Monster Hunter.



That gamespot review sounded like he just wanted it to be left for dead an action shooter.

I also got that impression but he did bring up some valid points. Looking down at the gamepad to switch weapons and loot enemies might not be to everyone's liking. He also felt that the fast paced multiplayer was a lot more enjoyable than the supposedly dull single player so it probably soured his impressions on the overall game.

I guess it's all about balance and for the reviewer, it came off as too slow and repetitive for his liking.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
That gamespot review sounded like he just wanted it to be left for dead an action shooter.

I'd like to know how many times the guy died while playing. Honestly, it sounds similar to the complaints given towards Dishonored when players run'd and gun'd their way through and complained about how short it was along with it not being fun/long enough.

If so, you are playing it wrong people (or either the game just isn't for you).


Well the point is to survive against zombies , so even using the same weapon for 1 hour would be pretty scary at night while your character is 1 hours worth into the story. Dieing = your progress is lost.

We've been waiting for a zombie horror game like this for a whole generation it seems. I bet these guys just played like 10 Wii U games, including the Nintendo quality titles, so a low score for a random person trying to REVIEW it isnt so bad, IMO.


It's just a case of a reviewer being over critical, I wish they would do this for other (bigger) games to balance things out.


It got a 7 in EDGE!



El Capitan Todd
The "continually looking down at the gamepad breaks the immersion" thing is one of those arguments you can't really negate, as it's really subjective. Like, I get that's the point of ZombiU, and integral to the design, but for some people it just might not work. And in those cases, they don't really have any other metric to judge the game by. It's kind of like people who struggle with analogue sticks in a shooter, or can't manage motion controls for vehicle steering. It's not really a case of does/does not work, but a matter of preference. If somebody feels, for them, it breaks immersion, there's no way to 'prove them wrong' or fix it. As that's what it does: it breaks immersion, for them.

I feel that aspect alone is going to be hugely divisive among people.

It's part of the Wii U nature. (as the motion control for the wii)
I agree with you, but simply I'll avoid Wii U review of any writer that share this negative feeling about the console itself, just because it's not something I can rely on to decide if a game is good or bad.
as I did for the wii.
Haha, goddamnit, I was hoping it wouldn't happen, but it looks like it might be going to happen - Red Steel all over again. I'm still interested to play it for myself because it looks super, super interesting, but this news is at least a tad concerning.


It's part of the Wii U nature. (as the motion control for the wii)
I agree with you, but simply I'll avoid Wii U review of any writer that share this negative feeling about the console itself, just because it's not something I can rely on to decide if a game is good or bad.
as I did for the wii.

I think that's a good decision, because there will probably be a lot of this crap.
Haha, goddamnit, I was hoping it wouldn't happen, but it looks like it might be going to happen - Red Steel all over again. I'm still interested to play it for myself because it looks super, super interesting, but this news is at least a tad concerning.

EDGE gave Red Steel a 5. Don't over-react.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I imagine the 4.5 and 9.2 will be the outliners, with the majority of reviews settling somewhere between 7.0 - 8.5.


It's just a case of a reviewer being over critical, I wish they would do this for other (bigger) games to balance things out.

I think it's just a reviewer sharing his opinion on the game. As long as he makes decent arguments, he's fine in my book.

Even though, as I said, I completely disagree with him when he says the GamePad breaks the immersion.
At least I'll get some enjoyment out of this either way, given that it's a launch game and there'll be the 'new hardware' enjoyment of playing a game with this set up. I'm not backing out now, so it'll be what it'll be. I don't need to convince myself it's good if it isn't. Obviously I hope it is good, but I hope that about any promising looking game.

It'll be hilarious is I get more enjoyment out of BLOPS2 than this. I hate the COD series for changing every online FPS into grindathons, and I held my nose to order BLOPS2 because that split screen implementation was something I really wanted to try out, and this one looked less cookie cutter than the others with multiple endings and all that. I figure I'll mainly be playing zombies offline MP.

But I figured I'd be playing Zombi U's MP more. Now i'm not so sure how it's going to turn out.

I think it's just a reviewer sharing his opinion on the game. As long as he makes decent arguments, he's fine in my book.

Even though, as I said, I completely disagree with him when he says the GamePad breaks the immersion.

yeah. from hands on feedback, some people definitely felt that way and really didn't like it, but they seemed to be a minority. it'll be interesting to see the split.
The reviewer said action game, this is not an action game. I wonder if he's a fan of RE, particularly the originals.

As others have said, I don't doubt that he's given is honest opinion of the game. Right now, with only a few reviews to look at, people are going to unfairly try to argue why his opinion doesn't count or try to make out that everyone is going to feel the same way.

Either of us could feel the same way. Hopefully we won't, but the problems he highlights with the combat sound like things that would be problems in a survival horror game. If you do just lure zombies away one by one and then hit them repeatedly with the bat, and if they don't recover between hits, then the fact that sometimes it takes lots of hits to kill them will just make killing them a tedious chore.

I love survival horror. Slowly killing something with a blunt object that poses no threat to me while I'm doing it, isn't just something that sounds bad, but it's something I know I don't like from Silent Hill 2. Watching him die a bunch of times in the video makes me hope that the zombies DO pose a threat and can kill you easily even if you make a small mistake, because that would help maintain tension for me, and would probably have made me like fighting regular enemies in SH2 more. small mistakes there generally only cost you the smallest sliver of health. If he's right though... yeah, that could be a killer for me personally.

I'm glad that even a bad review likes the multiplayer. I'm really looking forwards to playing that.


I think it's just a reviewer sharing his opinion on the game. As long as he makes decent arguments, he's fine in my book.

Even though, as I said, I completely disagree with him when he says the GamePad breaks the immersion.
It always gets me when people claim using the pad for looting real time breaks immersion, but then claim a pause menu with those types of options does not.

That's a problem with the gamer in that case.. Not the game.


Y'all just got RedSteel'd

So as I see it things go like this:

first review available is bad: = must be true! game sucks! irredeemable!
first review available is good: = hold off, guys - probably a case of Mtn. Dewiness!


A review is worth nothing or very little at most without the context of the person reviewing it.


Y'all just got RedSteel'd
Not necessarily. It'll be a divisive game, but part of the problem will be people uncomfortable outside of their comfort zones probably more so than the game being crappy.

As was said, based on his review, the GameSpot guy sorta didn't "get it".


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
It's kind of silly to judge something for what it isn't and not for what it is.

While this probably deserves it's own thread at some point, it's something that really does bother me about most mainstream reviews in general in the videogame industry. There's this HUGE push toward conformity, with games taking hits (sometimes severe ones) because they don't play like *insert popular game/genre/control scheme here*. There's a difference between drawing some comparisons between similar games/genres/control schemes to highlight differences to inform the reader/viewer, and simply saying "this game isn't good because it doesn't play like blah blah blah" etc. It's this same mentality that causes games to get lesser review scores because they don't force in a multiplayer mode that may not be in the best interests of the game, or lesser scores because they do force it in, but it's clearly not designed for multiplayer and gets slammed for that too.

I need to see some more reviews of ZombiU before I draw any conclusions, but the GameSpot review seems to have a few legitimate criticisms mixed with undertones of "why can't I shoot everything on screen like in Left 4 Dead?" (again, pushing toward conformity) He mentions the scarcity of ammo as a negative point, when survival horror fans like me view that as a fucking positive and wish RE would go back to those days, for example.


It's always funny when people who never played a game says someone who did play and didn't liked simply "didn't get it".
Worried about black ops 2 sucking now

The fact that it seems like no reviewers got a copy yet makes me think it could have issues.

It's always funny when people who never played a game says someone who did play and didn't liked simply "didn't get it".

Gamespot provides a written and video review illustrating perfectly why they disliked the game, and gets torched. Edge reported to give it a 7, no review to read = "Yeah, now that's a good review! I trust that one." Internet.


I just listened to the gamespot review, I don't get it though. For the first half he's talking about things I expected and wanted from the game, as if they were bad. I"m sitting here thinking, well that's what a survival horror is.


Did reviewers have access to the online functionality in the game?

A 7 Edge sounds about right as far as my expectations. It doesn't seem to have that final level of polish in gameplay/graphics to make it a 9-10/10 game, but the strenght of the concept and the athmosphere alone should make it more than a 4.5.


It's always funny when people who never played a game says someone who did play and didn't liked simply "didn't get it".

Well, maybe ZombieU is shit but its not the first time a Gamespot reviewer shits the bed. Skyward Swords review was fucking horrible regardless of the numerical score it was given in the end.

That website is just bad.
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