Patch 1.01 is now available for BLUS30937 (30,6MB).
Any visible (FPS) enhancements? please do tell!
What's with the size difference? I still don't get why Konami are so shady about patch notes. They almost always never write a changelog.
Patch 1.01 is now available for BLUS30937 (30,6MB).
Any visible (FPS) enhancements? please do tell!
What's with the size difference? I still don't get why Konami are so shady about patch notes. They almost always never write a changelog.
Downloaded the patch and loaded some random saves.
VR Training is still slow, Phobos is still slow, Battleship fight is still slow, so I doubt it messed with the fps any. At best, the patch might have fixed the anime portrait graphic issues shortly before the Inhert fight.
So updates cost a lot right? So they spend money to make one that did not much of anything. Gees way to go Konami.
So updates cost a lot right? So they spend money to make one that did not much of anything. Gees way to go Konami.
First one is free, AFAIK.
I suspect that fixing the framerate issue will not be a trivial fix. This isn't the kind of thing that "slipped through" QA. The only way they could address this issue is to make compromises elsewhere or spend a lot of time rewriting code and optimizing.So updates cost a lot right? So they spend money to make one that did not much of anything. Gees way to go Konami.
They really should cut down the resolution on the alpha effects as far as they can go without looking broken. Those effects ARE very clearly the reason for performance dips. They were already at half resolution on PS2 (with the resolution PS2 using being much lower than this version). The effects occur so frequently and quickly that it would be difficult to see a significant reduction.Might reduce more effects or something than we know of... just to improve framerates a bit more.
That would've been easily worth $80. Yeah, we definitely should've gotten this one.Now this is a proper Limited Edition! The art book is at least 10 times as thick as the North American one and the package includes a scenario book with additional art, a soundtrack, IDOLO 2167 on BluRay and a making of DVD. Fucking Konami of America.
Join your brothers!
Join your brothers!
That would've been easily worth $80. Yeah, we definitely should've gotten this one.
I think I asked this before but best to ask again just in case:
I can buy the American LE via Amazon UK thanks to
There aren't any PSN codes in this pack are there? So essentially I can buy this for my PAL PS3 and everything will work just fine?
Yup. Everything works out the gate. Rising Demo is on the disc and shows up as a second disc option under ZOE HD.
For people who got the limited edition, is the art book along the back of the box? Mine is all crushed on the back and I don't really want to open it if it destroyed the art book also. I assume it was against the back of the box like most games do.
It slides out like a tray, the art book is on top, the game is behind it, then the soundtrack under that.
I want the anime on blu-ray.
Wow, I want that LE. How much was it?
And is it dubbed? I can deal with a text barrier.
Pretty much. The Japanese LE is 8980 yen, the Konamistyle edition which is what Liquidus has was 9980 yen.The Japanese LE is like $120.
This. It sucks but, I like the games too much to pass this up.One boss battle in ZoE 1 basically runs in slow motion the entire time. That's insane.
EDIT: Wow, the performance during the final boss of ZoE 2 is fucking embarrassing.
Wow, I got this because I love ZoE2 but the framerate is just unacceptable. It's actually hard to time combos. It's not...playable. Yikes.
The whole game slows down.
Or if you haven't played them since release anyway. And, perhaps, aren't trying to master the games and beat at high difficulties, if you're just in for the ride (and perhaps trophies at most) it'll be enough, managed to play through ZoE2 and still enjoy it lots.If you never played them before the games are more than fine. Though I can sympathise with previous players.