cacs keeping the daps downwhy can't i dap this post?!

cacs keeping the daps downwhy can't i dap this post?!
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker Episode 123 (engDub)
The Vanguard Assassin's vs UltraRare's Kourin, excellent fight, as is the case one can never predict who will win. Next episode I cant even guess if it will be Aichi or Ren Suzugamori as its not like the anime is afraid of making characters lose and us having to go through entire tournaments again. Looking forward to it.
Morikawa still incredibly hilarious.
Future Card Buddyfight Episode 7
Tatsuyo is hilarious in this deck building focused episode and the friendship stuff was lovely.
The teams being fairly set and the expected developmentmade for a nice and brief change of pace from the serious plot.Noboru finally getting his own Buddy (Baku has to be next I guess, he cant stay deck building exclusive)
Probably has something to do with this.
If you survived that episode, you can survive anything.
Satoko best girl, or Satoko BESTEST girl?
(Also Onibaba does have an actual name, lol. Sonozaki Oryou, as I recall. Though of course being a Sonozaki, even her real name has the "oni" character hidden in there...)
I might not be able to re-experience this myself but fellow viewers reactions help.
GaoGaiGar - 18
Let's all take a moment to appreciate one of the most powerful attacks in mecha history.
Sorry Giga Drill Break and Rocket Punch, you've met your match! The fact that in the English dub this man is voiced by Dan Green makes this attack more powerful than those two attacks combined.
So we finally have our first huge cliffhanger of the show. Though it's probably going to be all resolved in the next episode. I have to say though, I like how the main hero Guy is actually getting weaker as the series goes on as opposed to him getting stronger. The last few episodes have shown his attacks getting less and less powerful, to the point where he couldn't even pull off his signature attack. I'm really interested to see where they'll go with this. Especially after this episode.
why can't i dap this post?!
Gintama 98-99
dem VG parodies slayed me
SecretKill la Kill - 18
I remember that arc being so funny i had to pause many times from laughing too hard and took a break afterward since i couldn't handle it anymore
Was this the arc theycompete against each other in vidja gaemz?
Secretincest show of the season.
Samurai Flamenco Episode 11:
I have never seen a show lose its shit in this fashion and I am not sure if it is brilliance or tremendous stupidity yet.
Samurai Flamenco Episode 11:
I have never seen a show lose its shit in this fashion and I am not sure if it is brilliance or tremendous stupidity yet.
Nagi no Asukara 19
Everyone is also on Hikari's dick. Brb going to emulate everything he does
Nagi no Asukara 19
Everyone is also on Hikari's dick. Brb going to emulate everything he does
Secretincest show of the season.
Well, not everyone. Sayu has no interest in Hikari's dick, and arguably neither does Manaka.
...Maybe that's why they were both forbidden from participating in this episode =/
That really annoyed the hell out of me this episode. But then I disliked him from the start.
Probably has something to do with this.
Sakura Trick 06
The highlight was definitely Haruka's fantasy sequence, in defiance of human biology, but the beginning of at least three doujins.
Sakura Trick 06
The highlight was definitely Haruka's fantasy sequence, in defiance of human biology
Persona 4 TA 16
His face was already bad, now he sounds like generic anime thug #2.
Troy Baker got married, the bastard.
Eh, at least I got to hear him in Golden. Must suck to be fans of Old Chie and Old Teddie.
Eh, at least I got to hear him in Golden. Must suck to be fans of Old Chie and Old Teddie.
I actually warmed up to New Chie pretty quickly. Teddie really doesn't sound that different honestly. I probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't know.
Persona 4 TA 16
His face was already bad, now he sounds like generic anime thug #2.
Get bent
Gut Bunt
Dude, if you think THAT'S powerful you haven't seen shit yet. I mean you're at what, episode 18 out of 50? PLUS Final. And Final has the grand pappy of finishers. It may not be Renton tagging the moon or Simon making a drill the size of the universe or Domon turning an anguished declaration of love into a blazing inferno of pure love to blast a hole in the devil, but GaoGaiGar Final's final attack is still one of the craziest final blows in Mecha.
If you're worried about video quality, don't be:I finally gave in waiting and pre-ordered the GJ-bu: Repeat Disc (Blu-ray). Still hoping for a domestic release, but for $80-$90 I consider this a pretty good BD-box (though it is ALL 12 episodes on one BD-50).
unless by some coincidence you're the one that asked him that question, in which case you already knew the answer.VAP has been talking about that on the twitter account. The video bitrate will drop from about 40 mbps to 20 mbps, but it shouldn't affect the video quality. It's a bright show, so there shouldn't be any issues with banding either. I wouldn't worry about it.
That really annoyed the hell out of me this episode. But then I disliked him from the start.