Didn't the girls in Yuru Yuri literally take over their tea ceremony club just to steal the clubroom
Didn't the girls in Yuru Yuri literally take over their tea ceremony club just to steal the clubroom
Heartcatch Precure! 9
Episode of some guy trying to get Tsubomi's dad to leave his family for a big job opportunity just like that one episode back in Splash Star ah, who am I kidding, I don't need another episode about the follies of adulthood, I just watched Kino episode 4.
I therefore instead deem this:
Seriously I was not even aware it was possible for one girl to contain this much best.
Is this even allowed?
Golden Time 19
Koko, never stop being Koko. The Eiffel Tower was hilariously bad.
Also, I think Oka-chan is jealous, there was a definite look on her face when Mitsuo was talking about Linda-chan. Also, Banri should just tell everyone about his past with Linda, it's caused so much unceccesary drama.
If this death talk about Gundam is true, then imagine if Gen Urobuchi wrote a Gundam show!
That show would have no survivors. O_O
Actually...could this count as one?
Got enormously better when it stopped trying to be Lupin III on a budget of rusty nails and dryer lint and just went for its own thing.
And no one will ever, ever know (◞‸◟;![]()
Simply the best
I watched it for Oshima's music. No regrets. lol
IdeonWhere the hell does this gif come from?
Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl 9
Baseball episode. Surprisingly not that bad for it, though.
Since I have little to say about the episode, I would like to at least say that I really like the ED for this show. It's quite charming, and fits with Erio's personality. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the OP, as I find it a bit terrible.
Mawaru Penguindrum: End
I kind of rushed through a lot of the show as it was a clusterfuck of David Lynch storytelling, but this ending got to me.
they just wanted to be family :'(. Also when she started crying at the end unknowingly I teared up a bit too
Kirby didn't you start Gintama earlier this month?
I think you may have a problem.
All that Precure must be doing things to me. URUTRA HAPPY GETTO DA YO.
How's Waiting in the Summer? lol.
So Psycho Pass, From the New World, or Silver Spoon?
I'd love a second season, but if the dvd/blu ray sales are any indicator then it wont happen
After War Gundam X - 5
Huh, I guessed right.
So seeing as this is my first Gundam, I'm assuming that all Newtypes have the power ofin all Gundam shows? Or is it different in each one?telepathy
This season was overall much better than before, mainly because there's a lot more comedy around, in comparison to S4 having much more arcs in comparison, also thanks to the help of the Four Devas arc. Although its existence kind of lessened the impact of any other arc in this season.
madoka movies worth a watch?>
i dont remember the tv show much besides the twist (whats a homuhomu?)
If I were to search for anime descriptions I wonder how many would start with "[blank] was just an ordinary high school student, until..."
Dusk Maiden 2
This show is hitting all the right notes for me. Yuuko is best ghost.
The show shifted from the first episode but most people liked the changes and didnt like the first (I did though)
February 17-23 prelim sales list is up.
Just a couple notes:
- Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen finishes up 7 volumes with an average of 1,572.
- Makai Ouji Devils and Realist also finishes with its 6th volume and an average of 1,162. And that's being nice to it by accounting for its inflated v1; without it the average is more like 750.
And the SYD*, Kara no Kyoukai, and Chuunibyou movie stuff I mentioned before.
Not a whole lot else interesting besides that.
Looks like the LE for Part 1 of Attack on Titan is going to be a little pricey
Space Runaway Ideon: Be InvokedWhere the hell does this gif come from?
Space Runaway Ideon: Be Invoked
A magical animu machine.
Edit: Welp, time to go outside.
I think its worth watching. I much preferred the film...dropped the anime.
As much crap as Zetsuen No Tempest gets, I wouldn't mind watching it again if only for the cheesy romance that happens later on.
Still can't believe this was said. Thought i just dreamed it.
Exactly. That's what made After Story so great. Instead of ending at the love confession like every other anime, this one details basically their lives after Tomoya makes that decision and how this affects other characters and things.
i know , right ? going outside is like stopping watching anime !!
Who would want to do that ?
What's so bad about Urobuchi writing a Gundam show?
So I'm looking at the Spring 2014 chart, and I get to the entry for Gainax's new thing:
Jesus Christ, Gainax, this is essentially just the plot of K-ON! minus the music.
I didn't mind the first episode, I just thought it was a terrible introduction.
Well their last show was K-on with guns so....
If they keep up their streak of having Miyukichi in the cast I'm going to watch at least a few episodes. Fuck off NeoGainax!So I'm looking at the Spring 2014 chart, and I get to the entry for Gainax's new thing:
Jesus Christ, Gainax, this is essentially just the plot of K-ON! minus the music.
You forgot.reality bending powers
Nothing, would be a vast improvement over what Hino served up in AGE. It's just you bring up deaths in gundam and than mention Urobuchi like it would be even "more". That's completely ignoring that someone called Kill'em All Tomino was the creator of Gundam and routinely killed off large amounts of characters and protagonists in his shows. Zambot 3, Ideon, Dunbine, Zeta, CCA, Victory....
Futabu! 1
Well when you're adapting a source, not everything will stay the same in terms of character design, persay. Although it's safe to say we have our Sentai group established already (I think there was someone else joining the club very soon).
Our red haired girl is introduced to a club where she reacts that she's in a Winter Wonderland. This would probably be a place where Hijikata also gets his surplus of mayonnaise.
The brief workings of the girl's stature feels like a reminder where the taller, beefier ones have a 4th dimensional pockets to store the Incredible Caulk. Granted, when it comes to this stuff, everyone is like a 4th dimensional pocket.
I think one thing I would praise it is that it leaves far more for the imagination of the viewers, unlike other animes of this ilk where it's far too explicit in what it shows to the point of spiting its viewers for multiple reasons. Granted considering how unrealistic the scenario is, being super explicit would make zero fucking sense.
Animation wise, it's what you would expect from this. This however, felt really short, no thanks to the Opening being super long (over 7 minutes, what the fuck?), leaving little time to do more animation. Hope this isn't a trend going on from here. I barely care for OPs in this genre to begin with.
At least this is something SDBurton can get behind with though.
Clearly we need to gather money to stop this from happening.If they keep up their streak of having Miyukichi in the cast I'm going to watch at least a few episodes. Fuck off NeoGainax!
It just looks like it in the GIF. The kid is meant to be ducking for cover there and it's about 3 frames with the third being quite rapid but in proper speed not noticeable.The gif makes me crazy. The child disappears shortly before the cut - they should fix it for the BD release.
you know, anime really does have a bad 'eyes up here, buddy' problem. As in stop dropping big drama/story beats when you are in some distractingly cute/sexy outfit, or in some cases, camera cuts to your crotch or ass.
separate that stuff out.
story time.
crotch time.
And if that doesn't work maybe all of my love letters asking her to be mai real waifu will!Clearly we need to gather money to stop this from happening.
Well I now feel almost convinced that the season was meant to end with Colbert-sensei.![]()
I need excerpts from these letters.And if that doesn't work maybe all of my love letters asking her to be mai real waifu will!
Zero no Tsukaima - Futatsuki no Kishi 11
Well I now feel almost convinced that the season was meant to end with Colbert-sensei.
Some naked Louise service this episode however so I can't exactly complain.Already missing him. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN
This seems to have started to drag though. But Elf in sight now. NOT TOO LONG.
I need excerpts from these letters.
Most of them consist of the latest (usually bad) show I watched exclusively for her and varying comments about how her voice makes me either have heart attacks or tightened pants. Some day, some day.I need excerpts from these letters.
Can you name examples?
Are you suggesting that you could pay attention IRL to a story if someone was wearing a sexy/cute outfit in front of you?
My anime pick-ups for this month of february !
I'm very happy right now
I'm about to do a SHAFT OVERDOSE
nope. thats the problem!
When you are plot dropping, camera pan of the environment or the sky or flashbacks or w/e.
Niiice. I have all of these and cant complain about any of the transfers. (granted Im in US region so they may be different)
Have fun!
So youre saying its distracting to you![]()
yeah, was watching strike witches and there was some touching scene at a gravestone or something but i wouldn't know because the camera was on the gal's ass the whole time.
Niiice. I have all of these and cant complain about any of the transfers. (granted Im in US region so they may be different)
Have fun!
According to WTK, Ace of Diamond might be 52 episodes. This based on the show planning to release 13 volumes with 4 episodes per volume
Witchcraft Works ep 8
My god, Kagari-san is like a Yandere without the murderous intent, I ain't surprised if she love him enough to eat his poop.
Apart from the crazy second half, the subtle wacky out of place background scenes/items really makes you think what the hell is wrong with this place.