NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]

If they cut price and gave it to you free would you still say no to having something extra you can unplug?

Of course I'd be okay with that. I wouldn't have a problem owning a Kinect, but paying more money for something I don't really need is what's getting in the way of me being an Xboner.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
The problem with tracking software sales is the lack of digital data. 10 percent in retail means software sales are probably up when including digital

Digital releases of retail SKU's are roughly 10% of sales on a good day


I feel it's positive since I think it takes the burden off of JP sales as the only notable source of revenue.

Presumably series continuation decisions will no longer be made solely on Japanese sales potential, which puts a nice buffer on having to make up any budget increases they give the sequels, and I wouldn't be surprised if Square publishes the next one themselves in the West.

Basically my theory is in the long run they want something that resembles the profits of a 1+ million seller and if they can do a fair amount of that overseas I don't think they need to trend as strongly in Japan.

Hmm I agree that they will definitely want growth but I'm not sure how stuff like microtransactions and For The Sequels style updates figure into that.

I wonder if they expect Bravely Second to grow as much from Flying Fairy as Flying Fairy did from 4 Heroes of Light. I would guess a 30% growth would be respectable but that may be too low for modern SE.


I think Infamous is going to do better than many people expect, there are literally nothing new that's worth playing on the PS4 that feels like next gen. BF4 and KZ are left in 2013, and AC4's done.
Look at how well AC4 did on PS4, PS4 owners like third person open world games.


Dark bomb 2 = bomb

You'll see

(I think this is one exception the hardcore would be ok making and buying on last gen)

I think it'll do fine enough out of the gate, but it may overall end up selling less than the first Dark Souls given that this released at the end of the last gen and won't have nearly the same shelf life and long legs that the first received because of that. I'd love to be wrong though because I'm having an absolute blast playing it so far.


Happy to see Bravely Default doing so well.

Also, I'm shocked Donkey Kong did as well as it did, and managed to increase Wii U hardware numbers so much.

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3 from Retro confirmed ;)


Gameinformer: February NPD Charts Show Strong Hardware Sales
Hardware sales grew in February compared to a year ago, fueled by the two new consoles on the market. Both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One reported strong sales, with PS4 enjoying a slight lead, but all platforms performed strongly at retail.

According to NPD's Liam Callahan, "February 2014 hardware sales increased by 42 percent over February 2013 due to an over 60 percent increase in console hardware sales. Within console hardware, we continue to see strong year-over-year increases due to the success of the Xbox One and PS4. PS4 led hardware sales in February 2014, but by a narrow margin with Xbox One selling over 90 percent of what the PS4 sold in terms of unit sales. However, with Xbox One's higher price point, it led hardware sales on a dollar basis."

Xbox One sold 258,000 units in the United States in February, putting the PlayStation 4 at no more than 287,000 units. However, the good news wasn't confined to these new console: "The majority of hardware platforms experienced double-to-triple digit increases compared to January 2014."

For once, there was also good news for Nintendo's Wii U, which saw software sales rise on the back of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (which was the fourth highest selling single sku). The 3DS also experienced software gains fueled by Bravely Default. Wii U hardware sales also saw growth, climbing 25 percent over February 2013.

Software sales were strong, but the lower-than-average price points of games like The Lego Movie Video Game and Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare meant that total dollar sales were slightly down. Microsoft shares that it sold 772,000 Xbox One games in February, with a 2.75 attach rate for the console. Inclusive of Xbox 360 sales, Microsoft owns 48 percent of total software market share.


Neo Member
Strong numbers for PS4 and Xbox One. Im really thinking about trading my PS3 in for a 4.

Since mine has BC compatibility though it's tough.


Digital releases of retail SKU's are roughly 10% of sales on a good day

What about all the games that aren't available at retail. There is a much bigger pool than relying on retail sales alone as a guide. PC Gaming would be considered dead if you looked at retail alone.

I think that 10 percent number is low for XB1/PS4. Perhaps for PS3/360, but those consoles weren't built on day one digital.


I think Infamous is going to do better than many people expect, there are literally nothing new that's worth playing on the PS4 that feels like next gen. BF4 and KZ are left in 2013.

Yes. A lot of people are underestimating it. I think it will outsell Titanfall also.


Fire Emblem sold 370k copies as of December. I wonder if Bravely Default will also have legs similar to FE or if it's going to be more frontloaded compared to it. A JRPG, especially on handhelds, opening with more than 200k is very impressive regardless these days, though. A localization of Bravely Second should be a no-brainer now. :)


Didn't they send something like 330,000 to Japan for the Launch? Those numbers come right out of the stock for the other regions. Also, if Amazon gives any hint, March has had the PS4 on sale more times, and longer periods, than any other month previous from my observations.

I think Sony will have lots of stock in the supply chain this month. Japan launch is over, they know Microsoft is banking on Titanfall, and Sony wants to give as many people a chance to get that PS4 in March, especially in North America to battle Microsoft. Throw in Infamous, and I think Sony may have a nice little blueprint for March.

Idk if they have or can. Went to super wally world today and they had none. I talked to one of the managers and he says the usually get 30 through out the month. They usually sell out in a day or two. The are really under supplying.


That's impressive for the xbone considering all the doom and gloom reports of unsold stacks of boxes in stores.
I was one of the presumably many people who bought Lords of Shadow 1, said "WTF" at the ending, and decided not to pick up the sequel. They really dropped the ball.
Something that should happened already.

Especially MGSV being cross gen is kinda crazy if Phantom pain comes out sometime in 2015. They are going to sell next to nothing on last gen consoles and yet this gen versions are going to be shackled by limitations of PS3/X360. Lose - lose situation.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
holy SHIT those numbers are way higher than I thought

I guess the only conclusion we can make is FUCK JANUARY, CONSOLE GAMING AIN'T DEAD YET

seriously what was up with january, fuck that month

January(also February and March) is by far the slowest time in U.S. retail.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Fire Emblem sold 370k copies as of December. I wonder if Bravely Default will also have legs similar to FE or if it's going to be more frontloaded compared to it. A JRPG, especially on handhelds, opening with more than 200k is very impressive regardless these days, though. A localization of Bravely Second should be a no-brainer now. :)

Its opening was not so distant from freaking Kingdom Hearts 3D (first month - 225,000 units sold, regular + collector's).
looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually
Need LR sales for comparison to XIII-2.

unless Bravely Default sold a ridiculous % digitally, we know the drop wasn't as harsh as it was elsewhere, because XIII-2 did 355k first month
then again, the US also had the biggest drop the first time around, so I guess you can only drop so far
Man this means March is going to be so hard to predict. This truly is crazy. Glad to see decent HW sales.

What the hell happened in January though?
Yes. A lot of people are underestimating it. I think it will outsell Titanfall also.

It MIGHT outsell Titanfall on Xbox One, but no way in hell it will outsell Titanfall. InFamous could have a maximum of around 6 million sales... And not even that will happen, 1.5/2 at best?
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