Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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started playing fate/extra on a whim

red saber is my waifu

She's pretty good yeah. in fact in the fate /extra games you can't go wrong no matter what servant you choose.

Red saber, archer , fluflly tail is flufly or gilgamesh
(only in CC )
All of them are great.


I just didn't see a reason for Madoka Rebellion to exist at all. The only good thing that came out of this shitstorm of a film was
seeing Homura leave Kyubey scarred and terrified
and that sorta goes against the TV series'
having Madoka flip Kyubey the bird by undoing everything he'd planned in a peaceful, self-sacrificing way.

There was no reason for end of eva really. These ending movies are kind of a way to show alternate ending scenarios and test audience reaction without affecting the original work.

Too much of that movie was dedicated to flipping off people who liked Madoka already. It was EVA 3.0 with added German.

hehee. Cant wait to see for myself.

The chance to afford actual ramen instead of the instant kind.

Madoka was never anything that revolutionary. It just got people's attention where they have largely ignored the genre otherwise.

this is true. Sailor Moon was already super dark and subversive.

But what makes a magical girl show a magical girl show anyway?

to me it basically has a girl who transforms through the power of magic. Not supernatural or via technology.

ohhhhh yes. Also hopefully a large and beautiful figure to match Madoka.

If you really think about it, Madoka's success is surely going to fund a really great adaptation of Kizumonogatari, right? RIGHT?!

Yesss, let the hate wash overrr youuuu.

Now direct all of it at Onoderrraaaa.

What did that sweetheart ever do wrong? I want to cry. *holds Onodera


Tenchi Universe 1

Kinda sucks there's no real satisfying continuation of the OVA series. I guess I can do with this. Even though I'd rather not have this story start from square one again, this seems entertaining enough.


Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii 1

Ehhhhhhhh, I dunno, for some reason I'm not feeling it. The main character is a lot of fun, and the little girl was super cute (though I doubt she'll be even a recurring character, let alone a major one), but the pacing felt really weird and awkward and the world isn't doing anything for me for some reason.

I think I'll have to call this one dropped for the moment, since I really can't handle the number of weekend shows I'm looking at right now ~.~ Might give it another try later if I see positive impressions and manage to drop lots of other stuff.


One Week Friends 1


Good anime. It reminds me of Bunny Drop in that it's a show you could show non-anime watchers and they wouldn't think there's anything especially strange about it. Really refreshing after watching Captain Earth and Mahouka the previous day.


Subete no aware
Kindaichi Case Files R 1
I really wanted to like this a lot, but the first episode has been pretty average. The characters lacked the charm of Detective Conan's cast and it doesn't seem to have a good setup outside of a genius high school student who can solve cases. Still, this is only the first episode and it only established the suspects of the murder case. The investigation part for the next episode should be pretty telling of the quality of the anime.

I remember reading years ago a comment saying how Kindaichi has better locked room murder mysteries than Conan. I have no idea how true that statement is since I never read the manga, but I really hope we do get a locked room episode very soon and see how it's handled here.

Wait, is this Hyouka except the dude actually solves crimes? lol
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii 1

Ehhhhhhhh, I dunno, for some reason I'm not feeling it. The main character is a lot of fun, and the little girl was super cute (though I doubt she'll be even a recurring character, let alone a major one), but the pacing felt really weird and awkward and the world isn't doing anything for me for some reason.

I think I'll have to call this one dropped for the moment, since I really can't handle the number of weekend shows I'm looking at right now ~.~ Might give it another try later if I see positive impressions and manage to drop lots of other stuff.

Personally it's one of my recent favorite shojo mangas because the development between the leads is fairly fast. And you're correct on the little girl character, the manga's focus will be primarily on the people they introduce at the end of the episode.
After War Gundam X - 28

In which a guy
pulls the pin out of a grenade, puts it in his shirt, and then proceedes to run straight into the line of fire and explode to open up a path for the guy he was about to murder 10 minutes ago.

I certainly did not expect to see that in a Gundam show.

So anyway
war lost, New Federation wins, Frieden moves forward, Frost Brothers are still crap
, bladyblady blah this is starting to get dull. In terms of the plot anyway.


And what number, pray tell, is that?

With SoreSeka dropped, I'm down to four Saturday shows. With any luck I'll also be able to drop Dragonar next week, which would get it down to...still four, since Mekaku City Actors is starting next Saturday and I doubt I'll be dropping that.

As for Sunday, I have five shows on my list right now (not counting Seki-kun), all of which I have yet to actually check out. Hoping I'll be able to drop at least one of them as well.
Rin fans are statistically proven to be the worst people and are 90% more likely to be communists.

Who are the fans with the best taste you ask?

Mother. Fucking. Iskandar. I ship him with everybody.


Ahh. Never watched Detective Conan unfortunately, so I have no frame of reference. lol

Well are you familiar with Agatha Christie stuff? Detective Conan and probably Kindaichi is similar to the Poirot stories except they are about a high school detective, have more outlandish crime plans, with less attention to the psychological aspects of the suspects, and more anime.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Yeah once you finish all the main school story you get the much anticipated asuka Vs homura fight and you have to do said fight as each girl in order to get everything.

And you haven't played the individual stories , yet ? I'm afraid that your ranking WILL change then

Oh snap, maybe I was a bit premature with my rankings then! I doubt Hikage's position would change because she's my girl, but who knows!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Captain Earth 01
An utter wreck of nonlinear storytelling that failed to sell any of its characters or create a scene worth watching. The existing connective tissue and backstory might as well be gibberish. Things got progressively worse as the show kicked into masturbatory override with its protracted and overproduced launch sequence. Let's ignore the logistic and financial nightmare depicted to focus on the real kicker: this three and a half minute blast off attempted to climax the episode by sending some loser who is good at video games to space. And yes, he isn't even going to bother to change out of his street clothes.

Fucking anime.


I microwave steaks.
Finished Haganai and High School DxD, man I cannot wait for both of the second seasons to come stateside. Just started Maken Ki and "Listen to me girls, I am your father!". They're decent so far but I dunno if they can top what I just watched.
I genuinely have no clue how you guys are making these videos. I'll also wait for a firefox app that allows these videos to be displayed here. Though funny enough in my chrome browser for my android, youtube videos are embedded by themselves into neogaf.


Guys when are we going to get a Spring thread. I use the OT of each thread to get an idea of what to watch or whats even on to watch so it would be a great help :p

Not till this ones done. I think this idea wont work so well because theres too much info for two seasons.

Can we at least get an OT post like the one for this thread. It would be a massive help I am sure.

I think it would be a good idea.

Sure enough, Crunchyroll will also be simulcasting Hero Bank, the adaptation of the 3DS game. Mondays at 4:00am PDT.

sounds like futuristic animal crossing. Who will play not-Tom Nook?

So I finished the main storylines of all 4 schools in Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, and felt that I had to create a ranking of my top 8 girls.


7. Murakumo

I just wished she would've kept the mask off all the time. Her
nervous, squirly voice manages to capture my heart every time.

6. Haruka and Ryouna

Super 'S' meets Super 'M' and my god was their dialogue a sight to behold. Major respect for both of the girls' VA work because by the end of it I was fanning myself due to how steamy it got. I pray that in every following sequel these two have a scene together because I don't think I would be able to settle for anything less at this point.

5. Yumi

New character from Gessen Girls School. Awesome design, awesome voice, and awesome powers. Big points for her
for pointing out the obvious romance between Homura and Asuka.

4. Homura and Asuka

The OTP of Senran Kagura continue to wow us with both their skill and their overwhelming dedication to one another. Homura is so tsun for Asuka it hurts and you can't help but hug a nearest pillow as you witness her stammering like a fool whenever Haruka questions her true motives for seeing Asuka. Yumi also takes notice of this relationship and wonders how a ninja of shadow and one of light can be together so easily.

3. Yozakura

It's like BIG O in the body of a high school girl. Her gauntlets are absolutely wicked and her level 2 ninpo can one shot people if done in a wide area. Her nature to be proper and ladylike works well with Katsuragi's lustful personality, which led to hilarious conversations.

2. Imu

New character from the rebuilt Hebijo school who is head over heels in love with her squad leader Miyabi. She has a harsh personality, treating even her own sister like shit
though it is explained as to why and rectified later
. She has a serious yet confident personality and above all else is loyal to Miyabi to the 'T'. She also uses a bo staff and can quickly and easily fuck things up in a flash.

1. Hikage

Characters that can't be ranked because they're too godlike: Daidouji & Rin

wheres Mirai? Too many big boobs. Terrible.

Where's my Recettear anime?

We arent ready for such an experience.
Love Live 2 1
I have no idea why anybody would vote Honoka to be President of anything. The other 2 2nd year members are several times better especially at that job.


y people keep posting these weird webm links =/

Can't view them on my iPad...

Baby Steps 1

This is great. Tennis is one of the few sports I actually enjoy watching and even playing occasionally (er, very occasionally), and I have a bit of a weakness for cute tennis-playing girls as well (as anyone who's seen my favourite gif from Yes Precure can attest =p), so this seems like just the sports anime for me. Takasaki is wonderful and I love her already. And after two seasons of Yowapeda as the only sports anime I've been watching, it feels pretty damn refreshing to have a prominent female character at all(!)

That hair on the MC really is super weird though. Don't know what they were thinking with that one.


Kamigami no Asobi 1

This is Apollon on the left and Loki on the right
Well this is a fujoshi anime alright. The opening scene is pretty funny with all the hot guys fighting and shooting magic beams while the MC is running around calling for them with a tear in her eye. It seems like a standard fantasy harem setup, bunch of gods from different mythologies gathered together and there is a girl that is supposed to do something. Brains Base did their best to make this a competent adaptation, but the source material just isn't anything special. Not gonna keep up with it.


Subete no aware
Well are you familiar with Agatha Christie stuff? Detective Conan and probably Kindaichi is similar to the Poirot stories except they are about a high school detective, have more outlandish crime plans, with less attention to the psychological aspects of the suspects, and more anime.
So this sounds like what I'm looking for in an anime. Well, except for the high school part. But I guess that's just unavoidable.
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