Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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So this sounds like what I'm looking for in an anime. Well, except for the high school part. But I guess that's just unavoidable.

Mature posted a list of good early Detective Conan episodes to watch if you are interested in getting into that series and don't have the time to go through all the episodes.
I was confused by all this webm stuff at first. Then I made a decision I should have made years ago. Stop using Internet Explorer and use Google Chrome. Holy shit at this stuff. RIP Gifs indeed.

First 5 minutes into Madoka and I am like "what in the actual fu---".

IT BEGINS. Welcome to the Madoka experience! Enjoy your stay!



Gokukoku no Brynhildr 1

Don't need no silly identifying marks to tell that's not Kuroneko. She's not nearly as cute as little Kuroneko was, ergo clearly an impostor.

She does know a few neat tricks, though.



Please do not group everyone who enjoyed all the girls with you Hotaru haters.

This. She was good :(

Aim for the Ace is better!

A nyanpassuuuu button. Why not. lol



I hope I didn't just get Chihayafuru'ed. :(
That was neat though. Assuming it's more Free (even with this daddy issues) than any other sports show, I can see myself watching this to the end.

Baby Steps

Is this a mohawk? Bed head? I'm confused because no one ever brings it up.

The show looks much cheaper compared to Haikyuu, but seems okay. I'm wary of the fact that the dude is a studier, if only because I am expecting 10 minute monologues about shot angles and court positioning and all the other exposition that drags a show down.

But the light romance + sports thing can work if done right. Just ask Adachi!

That button has been pressed over 2 million times. I only account for a million so it must be popular :D
Jesus that Nisekoi ED was really good looking animation/art style wise. I want to watch it for the eye candy but the plot. THE PLOT.

Why can't they make a Madoka season 2 (that continues from the point season 1 ended)
Let me rephrase myself

"I want to watch it for the eye candy. But the knowledge the romantic aspect has no progress. THE KNOWLEDGE THE ROMANTIC ASPECT HAS NO PROGRESS."


Subete no aware
There's an actual agatha christie anime for what its worth.
It's probably not worth it. lol

Mature posted a list of good early Detective Conan episodes to watch if you are interested in getting into that series and don't have the time to go through all the episodes.
Hrm, might be an interesting reference... I don't know if I'll ever get to it though. There is a slight chance that I'd watch this new show... but we'll see!

This. She was good :(

That button has been pressed over 2 million times. I only account for a million so it must be popular :D


Kawai Complex 1
Well that was a pretty good first episode, generic main protagonist as usual but the side characters make up for his blandness.


Tenchi Universe 2

Didn't really like how quick Ayeka was to fall for Tenchi in this version. Think I actually preferred that initial awkwardness they had. Liked how this time it was her who dragged the two ships down and destroyed them this time though. Mihoshi pleading with Ayeka in the ship was funny too.
Haikyuu 1

A big surprise for me. This is the best made episode out of the spring season that I've seen, actually. The direction is really strong, the structure is well laid out, there's really great editing between the different flashbacks and montages, there's great animation in both the volleyball action and the character acting: it's great stuff all around. I can't say I care for volleyball much, but I enjoyed the way it was presented and in particular how the two leads and their contrasting teams were characterized during the match. I hope the production can stay this good, or nearly this good anyway, because that'll make for a very fun show.

One Week Friends 1

Exactly what I expected: a sweet, understated slice-of-life/romance series. The production values are solid, and the overall art design is really appealing and perfectly complements the mood of the material. I simply adore the character designs. The adaptation does a good job of taking the manga, with its frequent lapses into 4-koma, and turning it into something that works as a half-hour anime episode. You have to suspend disbelief for the mysterious ailment that Fujimiya has, but as long as you can get past that the characters are likable and their interactions are adorable. So much cute blushing!


Yes nofunallowed, whatever. I don't give a fuck. This isn't 4chan, I tell people to knock if off when people are spamming gifs too much too. I want to talk about anime, not spam images all over and go "HNNNNNNNNGGHHH" or whatever. That sort of thing is not what we want on this forum. Don't like it? Go post on an image board instead.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Hunter x Hunter - 123

Bug Pam cleans up as nicely as human Pam :)

EDIT: Why didn't I ever notice her the ending credit until now?
So I just realized most of the shows I was looking forward to particularly in this season air in the weekends. Guess the rest of these days I might get pleasant surprises or nothing at all to watch.


Yes nofunallowed, whatever. I don't give a fuck. This isn't 4chan, I tell people to knock if off when people are spamming gifs too much too. I want to talk about anime, not spam images all over and go "HNNNNNNNNGGHHH" or whatever. That sort of thing is not what we want on this forum. Don't like it? Go post on an image board instead.

Thank you based duckroll.


I don't think people who want webm to "replace" gifs for use on forums have really thought it through. The idea of having dozens of compressed videos being decoded and played at the same time is pretty hilarious. :p

HTML5 has really good video support compared to Flash, but it's still not practical to have videos autoplaying all over every time someone thinks they have some "clever" or "cool" moving image to post.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Mushishi S2 - 01

Dang! That opening music... shiiiiiiiiiiet! I'm going to have to take this show out of any votes to give other new shows a chance. This show has "coming for my booty" written all over it :3
Mokuda 1

Thoughts during episode:
- Okay that is kind of abstract.
- That was kind of cool fight even though we don't know who's fighting.
- What in the actual hell is going on?
- Oh that was just a dream? But obviously she entered into a pact to become a magic girl. They are gonna hold her to that.
- These faces are kinda dumb looking.
- Mokuda's mannerisms are kinda cute.
- Man these characters faces really bother me. Why are they so wide?
- Oh look who transferred into class. That's kind of a weird remark.
- "She thinks she's an anime character". Got a chuckle out of that line.
- These faces are really, really bothering me.
- This shows environments are pretty well done. Show is very pretty when it wants to be.
- Music store!
- That new transfer student don't look too happy. Mokuda looks like she's in danger. Yay! Friend to the rescue.
- Uh..... what?
- What?
- Faces are dumb.
- Yup that is a magical girl transformation if I ever saw one.
- WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT?! Not gonna lie that was kind of awesome.
- Faces are still dumb.
- Sick burn new girl. Tell that transfer student what's up.
- Talking cat. Nice. I want you to be magic girls. I feel like he/she/it already said that at the beginning...
- That's certainly quite the.... ED.

Episode 1 End


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Yes nofunallowed, whatever. I don't give a fuck. This isn't 4chan, I tell people to knock if off when people are spamming gifs too much too. I want to talk about anime, not spam images all over and go "HNNNNNNNNGGHHH" or whatever. That sort of thing is not what we want on this forum. Don't like it? Go post on an image board instead.

Goddamn! :lol


sealed with a kiss
I don't think people who want webm to "replace" gifs for use on forums have really thought it through. The idea of having dozens of compressed videos being decoded and played at the same time is pretty hilarious. :p

HTML5 has really good video support compared to Flash, but it's still not practical to have videos autoplaying all over every time someone thinks they have some "clever" or "cool" moving image to post.

i realized that the second i activated the extension in that webm thread lol
Yes nofunallowed, whatever. I don't give a fuck. This isn't 4chan, I tell people to knock if off when people are spamming gifs too much too. I want to talk about anime, not spam images all over and go "HNNNNNNNNGGHHH" or whatever. That sort of thing is not what we want on this forum. Don't like it? Go post on an image board instead.

I don't think people who want webm to "replace" gifs for use on forums have really thought it through. The idea of having dozens of compressed videos being decoded and played at the same time is pretty hilarious. :p

HTML5 has really good video support compared to Flash, but it's still not practical to have videos autoplaying all over every time someone thinks they have some "clever" or "cool" moving image to post.

I don't really get it... that case isn't really going to happen outside of a few select threads that already wax gif-heavy(and of course right now, but people literally discovered it for the first time today). Dozens of compressed videos versus a 50-100MB footprint for opening a forum thread page sounds equally bad to me.
Mokuda 1

Thoughts during episode:
- Okay that is kind of abstract.
- That was kind of cool fight even though we don't know who's fighting.
- What in the actual hell is going on?
- Oh that was just a dream? But obviously she entered into a pact to become a magic girl. They are gonna hold her to that.
- These faces are kinda dumb looking.
- Mokuda's mannerisms are kinda cute.
- Man these characters faces really bother me. Why are they so wide?
- Oh look who transferred into class. That's kind of a weird remark.
- "She thinks she's an anime character". Got a chuckle out of that line.
- These faces are really, really bother me.
- This shows environments are pretty well done. Show is very pretty when it wants to be.
- Music store!
- That new transfer student don't look too happy. Mokuda looks like she's in danger. Yay! Friend to the rescue.
- Uh..... what?
- What?
- Faces are dumb.
- Yup that is a magical girl transformation if I ever saw one.
- WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT?! Not gonna lie that was kind of awesome.
- Faces are still dumb.
- Sick burn new girl. Tell that transfer student what's up.
- Talking cat. Nice. I want you to be magic girls. I feel like he/she/it already said that at the beginning...
- That's certainly quite the.... ED.

Episode 1 End

Best ED comes later on, don't worry.

As for faces (I assume you mean the character's faces) it's just part of the artstyle, do keep in mind also this is supposed to pronounce the youth of these characters which will play a major role later on in the series.

Edit: Dat title doe
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