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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Madoka 9

Thoughts during episode:

- Man.... this sucks. This whole show is messed up in the head.
- You really want me to like Sakura huh?
- The faces! Noooo! (I will never let this go now)
- Homura knows what's up.
- This OP is so deceiving.
- Dat symbolism on that light poll. Geez.
- Wow. That was cold Homura.
- She has quite the drastic turn though. She's got that down.
- Why do you even talk to that thing Madoka?
- Wow. These things are completely heartless.
- Man Sakura is quite the hopeful one. Your intent on making me like her aren't you show?
- Dang it. Alright I forgive Sakura for her earlier transgressions. I like her now.
- This seems so futile. This idea was never going to work. Even I know that.
- Whaaaaaaaaaaat?
- Whoa. What a manipulative little prick. One track mind. Seriously
F the cat.
- Hey! What happened to the old ED. I want that back.

(Don't know if you guys are noticing but these points are what I write down as I progress through an episode. I literally have note app open while the show is playing and I'll write stuff down as it's playing. So that way you get my immediate unfiltered thoughts.)

I like this method. I should try it for something. would be fun.

Is it me or has this thread seen a lot of new members in the past few months?

Reports of insularity were grossly exaggerated.

Link Man

(Don't know if you guys are noticing but these points are what I write down as I progress through an episode. I literally have note app open while the show is playing and I'll write stuff down as it's playing. So that way you get my immediate unfiltered thoughts.)

Did the same thing with Yami (and now Brynhildr). Except I just did it straight into a GAF post. Seems pretty effective.
No Game No Life 1

I mean it isn't particularly good in the writing department, and I can tell it'll turn into a harem but I like me a good Gary Stu story. I could do without the dandere sister though. And I can tell it'll eventually go ecchi.

Either ways it's not like I have much to watch these days, will keep watching for now. Though I have some comments:

- What MMO is this that allows them to not cheat and beat 1200 players at the same time? Realistically speaking you cannot take that much damage from that many players if you are all max level and 1200 players means a bunch of them should have good armor/weapons as well. Also acrobatics and things of the sort? Again what game is this? If you're gonna Gary Stu at least make me believe it could happen. Like with Onii-sama (lol)

- Moar incest subtext. So this season we have dragons, gary stus and incest. Wow. Just wow.

- What game allows multiple people to have the same "[ ]" name in the same server? IMMERSION BROKEN.

- Take off those Kamina glasses. You don't deserve them

- On a positive note the art direction for character design and colors is definitely good.


Chaika 01

"From the writer of Outbreak Company and Magician's Academy", I'm not going to pass that up. I like that Chaika's giant gun can do more than just shooting things, like being a radar system. Feels more like a multipurpose tool. There's clearly a mystery surrounding Chaika herself, and while the toughest part of these fantasy worlds is always taking in all the terminology for the countries and people and history, what we really need to know is that Chaika wants to find something. I wonder if she'll become more eloquent later on. OP and ED are both nice. Also, killer unicorns.
Oh, I did not know Nobunaga the Fool was getting a sequel.


guuuuuuuuuuuurl pleaaaaaaaaase

Madoka 9

- You really want me to like Sakura huh?
- Wow. That was cold Homura.
- Man Sakura is quite the hopeful one. Your intent on making me like her aren't you show?
- Dang it. Alright I forgive Sakura for her earlier transgressions. I like her now.
- Hey! What happened to the old ED. I want that back.

(Don't know if you guys are noticing but these points are what I write down as I progress through an episode. I literally have note app open while the show is playing and I'll write stuff down as it's playing. So that way you get my immediate unfiltered thoughts.)



Madoka 9

(Don't know if you guys are noticing but these points are what I write down as I progress through an episode. I literally have note app open while the show is playing and I'll write stuff down as it's playing. So that way you get my immediate unfiltered thoughts.)

Clearly there are people who disagree, but I find impressions like this less useful. Filters and context help me interpret what your impressions mean. Since I don't remember everything that happens in every episode of Madoka, impressions like that make me feel like I'm hearing one half of a telephone conversation. And if I hadn't seen Madoka at all, they'd be completely incoherent and useless for telling me about the show.

I'm interested in how people react to different shows. I like seeing what different people bring to the same material. Sometimes it tells me something about the show that I wouldn't otherwise have seen. But conveying how you feel about an episode takes more effort than just liveblogging your first thoughts, and those snap reactions feel a lot less valuable to me.


Reading this thread makes me want to buy a gun, fly to Japan, and brutally murder everyone involved in the anime, LN, and manga industries.
C'mon, don't get crazy!

How the fuck are you gonna get and transport so many bullets? A logistical nightmare.

Though seriously, if my local anime club is going to have a "First episodes of this season" video night, it's going to be a multi-hour choir of groans
Clearly there are people who disagree, but I find impressions like this less useful. Filters and context help me interpret what your impressions mean. Since I don't remember everything that happens in every episode of Madoka, impressions like that make me feel like I'm hearing one half of a telephone conversation. And if I hadn't seen Madoka at all, they'd be completely incoherent and useless for telling me about the show.

I'm interested in how people react to different shows. I like seeing what different people bring to the same material. Sometimes it tells me something about the show that I wouldn't otherwise have seen. But conveying how you feel about an episode takes more effort than just liveblogging your first thoughts, and those snap reactions feel a lot less valuable to me.

Would it be more helpful if I did like a summary paragraph at the end of each post to help encapsulate my thoughts in a more comprehensive manner so that way people who enjoy snap, unfiltered thoughts can enjoy that while those like yourself can read a real impression in a cohesive manner?

Still trying to refine how I do episode thoughts/impressions/reviews and I liked doing it like this but I can see throwing something at the end for actual impressions within context could help those that haven't watched the show or don't remember every little thing.
Sometimes it's nice to limit your field of view. Ping Pong should be good. That and one or two other shows is enough for me.

I've actually enjoyed the shows I've watched this season (Mushishi, Haikyuu, Matsutaro, One Week Friends), and I normally enjoy watching the anime I choose to watch. It's just reading this thread and all of people's impressions about all the shit out there (there seem to be more people watching everything this season than usual) that makes me depressed.

... Hmmm.


Would it be more helpful if I did like a summery paragraph at the end of each post to me capsulate my thoughts in a more comprehensive manner so that way people who enjoy snap, unfiltered thoughts can enjoy that while those like yourself can read a real impression in a cohesive manner?

Still trying to refine how I do episode thoughts/impressions/reviews and I liked doing it like this but I can see throwing something at the end for actual impressions within context would help those that haven't watched the show or don't remember every little thing.

That'd be an alright compromise.


Chaika 01

Now that's what i call eyebrows

Hell yes!

Would it be more helpful if I did like a summary paragraph at the end of each post to help encapsulate my thoughts in a more comprehensive manner so that way people who enjoy snap, unfiltered thoughts can enjoy that while those like yourself can read a real impression in a cohesive manner?

Still trying to refine how I do episode thoughts/impressions/reviews and I liked doing it like this but I can see throwing something at the end for actual impressions within context could help those that haven't watched the show or don't remember every little thing.

Probably would help people who have only seen the show once but personally Ive seen it so many times that I know exactly what youre talking about when you comment.


Chaika The Coffin Princess 1
lots of eyebrows moe and inability to speak proper sentences moe? I'm not sure if the last one is a thing, but then again I have no idea what reason there is to make your main character incapable of speaking properly. Seems like your standard fantasy LN shit. Average at best, nothing too compelling to make me keep watching.
Chaika the Coffin Princess 1

Ugh such horrible character designs. Decent first episode though we have:

- Warrior type male MC who can handle his own in a fight but is lazy. So basically Gintoki clone. With really stupid hair. Seriously who would let their hair get so long and curly that the front two bangs join together on top of your face? Get a haircut.

- Gothic maid loli with a coffin who speaks in broken sentences, which I assume is because otakus consider that moe? I don't know. She also can kick ass, but eh. Also giant eyebrows, fucking pluck those.

- Violent tsundere little sister, with giant tits, who greatly respects what her brother is in battle but doesn't respect what he currently is. Violent tsundere sister, that never happens.

Not the best impression of the season, but better than some of the shittier shows sof ar. The unicorn's design was pretty cool I guess.

What's up with sisters, lolis and possible incest this season? This is now like the fourth or fifth show so far, if not more, that has one of those. Either ways will keep watching.


I've actually enjoyed the shows I've watched this season (Mushishi, Haikyuu, Matsutaro, One Week Friends), and I normally enjoy watching the anime I choose to watch. It's just reading this thread and all of people's impressions about all the shit out there (there seem to be more people watching everything this season than usual) that makes me depressed.

... Hmmm.
Just gotta work harder at filling it up with impressions and discussion of worthwhile shows.

Where's PoeticProse when you need him?


I've actually enjoyed the shows I've watched this season (Mushishi, Haikyuu, Matsutaro, One Week Friends), and I normally enjoy watching the anime I choose to watch. It's just reading this thread and all of people's impressions about all the shit out there (there seem to be more people watching everything this season than usual) that makes me depressed.

... Hmmm.

It's cause the season is starting, I usually watch episode 1 of everything, and from then I decide which ones I won't even bother, which ones I'll give 3 episodes and which ones I'll definitely like.

This season I'm actually quite slower, since I decided to catch up on some stuff before starting, I've only watched Mahouka, Mangaka-san and Captain Earth.

You wanted this to happen. Sayaka is still best girl. Deal with it.

Probably would help people who have only seen the show once but personally Ive seen it so many times that I know exactly what youre talking about when you comment.

The more people can get from my impressions the better. Don't worry I'll have something for everyone. Not giving up on the "points of thought" that I have used this entire time for Madoka and like using so far.


Fucking Black Bullet.

They should've adapted the manga adaptation of the LN. That's just all action and character development, none of this LN crap.
Not to mention the superior as fuck art:

The anime looks like generic shit. Pretty bad.


I've actually enjoyed the shows I've watched this season (Mushishi, Haikyuu, Matsutaro, One Week Friends), and I normally enjoy watching the anime I choose to watch. It's just reading this thread and all of people's impressions about all the shit out there (there seem to be more people watching everything this season than usual) that makes me depressed.

... Hmmm.

I think it's just that this thread now features a lot of people who watch a lot more (bad - sorry folks) shows than ever before. As a whole the industry is certainly tilted in that direction, but there's certainly still plenty of good content being produced by the creative talent in Japan.


Not officially but she basically disappeared off the face of the seiyuu scene in 2012.

Wasn't she originally a TV drama actress before switching across to anime voice acting? Perhaps she's moved back to that? (Or did I make that fact up?)

Please don't tempt duckroll to start giving out tags. He only gives out one.
From what I recall, he can't give tags. He can put in a message to people who can but there's no guarrantees for that. Probably for the best since it limits all the tag begging and "wow you should get a tag for that" posts.

This is correct. Woofington is the one who starts heavy breathing whenever something creepy happens in any anime and makes a point of informing everybody that his trousers are round his ankles through the use of a witty meme.


Subete no aware
Anime needs a savior every year. For 2014, it's probably Mushishi ;)
Anime needs to be saved every season, it seems! lol
Ginko-sama, save us.
But what if there were Mushishi bodypillows??

Or at the very least devoid or likable morals it seems.
It just seems like anime is made to sell cards to kids or body pillows to men. Very few shows in between those two extremes.

As long as there's stupid bullshit and cute girls, anime will always be saved.
For you, anime never died!
This is correct. Woofington is the one who starts heavy breathing whenever something creepy happens in any anime and makes a point of informing everybody that his trousers are round his ankles through the use of a witty meme.

[for best emphasis read this in Aziz Ansari voice]

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