Browsing the non reader thread and saw this regarding Theon/Reek:
Theon was visibly hurt when he heard what happened to Robb. He is acting as Ramsay's slave to stay alive -- he wants to live.
Got me thinking that the show actually hasn't gone far enough with Theon "turning into" Reek, despite all of the awful torture of last season.
Maybe the show should have been more drastic in Theon's physical change into someone else entirely? That's what always struck me in the books when you get that first Reek chapter in ADwD. The guy not only has had his mind completely broken but physically the guy is barely recognizable as Theon Greyjoy anymore. I think that's exactly the case when Asha barely recognizes him when they meet up. Whereas Reek in the show does a decent enough job acting broken but the physical transformation is a but lacking. He basically just looks like Theon with a nervous tick. I always pictured Reek as looking more like Theon Greyjoy on one of those Faces of Meth posters- the guy's hair has grayed prematurely and is all falling out, he's had teeth knocked out, fingers and toes flayed/chopped off.
I just feel like some of the shock of seeing Reek for the first time in the books in ADwD and realizing it's Theon was basically pissed away in the show by dragging out his torture on screen .