Dude I had that on my dvr.
I'm not sure how we could have won this one.
Pick a farming mid next time.
Guys, don't kill Ned yet. You can only do it after we find out if there is custom game modes in the May Day Update.
Guys, don't kill Ned yet. You can only do it after we find out if there is custom game modes in the May Day Update.
This thread is turning into Lord of the Flies.
Pit lord ARG?
This thread is turning into Lord of the Flies.
Nice!my own classic WC3 Dota mod is coming along... currently I've achieved:
- Dota1 loading screen
- Dota1 music
- some dota1 sounds (tp, night/day, bkb, mom, and a few others)
- night elf hud
- original hero names on selection screen / minimap
- original hero portraits
right now i'm working on porting the dota 1 hero voice lines ( I have mirana done, but it's a lot of work)
This is starting to look worse than the Portal 2 ARG thread.
Don't be like that ;_;
I'm not sure how we could have won this one.
And then May Day passes with no updates but some shoddy tournament sets
I have never ever ever seen a butterfly sniper.
And against that lineup? wtf?
Tobi on Twitter said:For people wondering about the @ESL One ticket and a lot of other tickets they are meant to come in the patch this week (here by friday)
Toby Dawson @TobiWanDOTA · 11h
For people wondering about the @ESL One ticket and a lot of other tickets they are meant to come in the patch this week (here by friday)
so one this week and the big one next?
Yeah, the book is 18 years old now, and that happened like 3 or 4 years ago on the show. While its a big plot twist, and I didn't realize it was going to happen when I read the book a year ago, I think the statute of limitations is in fact up. Its not like its the ending or anything, its pretty early on all things considered.
I didn't realize BZM has his own team brand name now.
I dunno, I think the statute of limitations has run out on that one
Playing support in solo ranked is so miserable. How do we lose against four hard carry team in 33 minutes...
Yeah, the book is 18 years old now, and that happened like 3 or 4 years ago on the show. While its a big plot twist, and I didn't realize it was going to happen when I read the book a year ago, I think the statute of limitations is in fact up. Its not like its the ending or anything, its pretty early on all things considered.
I have never seen the show so I miss a ton of jokes about GoT, they emphasis different things in the show I guess.Yeah you both whiffed on the joke.
I have never seen the show so I miss a ton of jokes about GoT, they emphasis different things in the show I guess.
So, which happens first. Techies or The Winds of Winter
Ok here's my prediction.
The patch comes soon. Maybe may 1st. It'll be TI branded, and include techies and pitlord, SF remake. Kind of like the three spirits except TI and explosions and demons and shit.
Last two updates were two heroes each right?
Nope. It was Terror and Phoenix yeah, but then Legion was solo before that, and then the Three Spirits
alarminggraph.jpgI mean the totally new hero Wraith King was added too.
right now i'm working on porting the dota 1 hero voice lines ( I have mirana done, but it's a lot of work)