The Forest
Everyone is about to be poor.
Really hoping The Forest will be something special.
The Forest
Everyone is about to be poor.
The Forest
The Forest
Everyone is about to be poor.
Dreadout actually started getting scary and I realized I'm not in the mood for that so hopefully I'll be able to get through it tomorrow. Games are so much scarier with a nice pair of headphones. Is the Forest going to have Oculus Rift support at early access launch? Will be the death of me.
Prediction: Two of those games will be poor. But I don't know which ones.
What games are people looking forward to in June?
What games are people looking forward to in June?
What games are people looking forward to in June?
What games are people looking forward to in June?
So I just realized it's been over a year now since Trading Cards released, and yet almost all of the future developments that were promised during Beta seem to have ground to a halt. While I love the fact that these cards have almost single-handedly supported my gaming habit for the last year, it's frustrating to see it seemingly abandoned to being just a gimmick especially when the promised album feature seems like such a crucial element to any sort of real collectability.
What games are people looking forward to in June?
Penumbra games
Silent Hill Homecoming
Doom 3
Huntsman The Orphanage
FEAR 1/2 (because I finished 3 recently and it wasn't scary at all)
Condemned (this would be cheating since I finished it on the 360 before I turned into such a pussy)
Dreadout (if I buy it)
I'm looking forward to Murdered: Soul Suspect impressions, likely won't buy it though.
Darkwood, Unrest, and Gods Will Be Watching look kind of good.
And who's not hyped for Don Bradman Cricket 14?
The first thing to think about when you start playing Don Bradman Cricket 14 is to forget what you know about Cricket games and start afresh it's cricket like you've never seen it before!
From the discription.
The game enters Early Access next month, and it does look fairly promising if you're interested in this kind of thing.
I'm thinking of trying to conquer my fear of horror games by binge playing a bunch of them... I'll either conquer the fear, or have a nervous breakdown
List of candidates in my steam collection off the top of my mind:
Penumbra games
Silent Hill Homecoming
Doom 3
Huntsman The Orphanage
FEAR 1/2 (because I finished 3 recently and it wasn't scary at all)
Condemned (this would be cheating since I finished it on the 360 before I turned into such a pussy)
Dreadout (if I buy it)
I'm sure I have more but I can't remember
Oh, speaking of Darkwood, I have hardly seen anyone mention it at all in these Steam topics, so let me do one of those informative posts.
I'm thinking of trying to conquer my fear of horror games by binge playing a bunch of them... I'll either conquer the fear, or have a nervous breakdown
List of candidates in my steam collection off the top of my mind:
Penumbra games
Silent Hill Homecoming
Doom 3
Huntsman The Orphanage
FEAR 1/2 (because I finished 3 recently and it wasn't scary at all)
Condemned (this would be cheating since I finished it on the 360 before I turned into such a pussy)
Dreadout (if I buy it)
I'm sure I have more but I can't remember
The dreaded enhanced Steam early access logo strikes again. The image you probably want:
Divinity Original Sin and Sniper Elite IIIWhat games are people looking forward to in June?
Doom3 and Fear1 arent scary at all.
Play Outlast or Amnesia.
Thanks for the Ninja DLC.
Is the Stanley Parable likely to be cheaper in the upcoming sale?
Is the Stanley Parable likely to be cheaper in the upcoming sale?
ehhh, I am new to pc gaming...just built mine within the last month. I never knew this thread existed before. But I am looking at the trusted sellers, and it has gotten me worried. I bought a watch dogs key from some place called G2A because it was only 30 something dollars. Was this a mistake, are they not reliable
ehhh, I am new to pc gaming...just built mine within the last month. I never knew this thread existed before. But I am looking at the trusted sellers, and it has gotten me worried. I bought a watch dogs key from some place called G2A because it was only 30 something dollars. Was this a mistake, are they not reliable
ehhh, I am new to pc gaming...just built mine within the last month. I never knew this thread existed before. But I am looking at the trusted sellers, and it has gotten me worried. I bought a watch dogs key from some place called G2A because it was only 30 something dollars. Was this a mistake, are they not reliable
well, thats not good to hear. Think I might just go ahead and try to cancel my order.
Aha, so they basically made the old chests useless, and with that the keys. I didn't think the change was so severe.Actually, they have full sets in contrast to the old chests that have a mix of items. And they also change the way you get the items so you don't get duplicates for opening the same chest a couple of times. Basically they guarantee you will get the item you are looking for sooner or later without having to spend $1,000 on keys...
A few that I have in my "play soon" backlog like Remember Me and Guacamelee.What games are people looking forward to in June?
G2A is an unauthorized key reseller, so whether you get to keep the game or the key ends up revoked is a coin toss (do mind that in this case it's very likely an UPlay key and not a Steam one). If not buying from Steam always buy from authorized sellers only (amazon, gmg, gamefly, gamersgate, etc) to avoid issues like that.ehhh, I am new to pc gaming...just built mine within the last month. I never knew this thread existed before. But I am looking at the trusted sellers, and it has gotten me worried. I bought a watch dogs key from some place called G2A because it was only 30 something dollars. Was this a mistake, are they not reliable
Unlikely since you can't buy it, but I wouldn't mind, would be the trigger for me to finally install itWonder if Playfire'd ever have rewards for the Deadpool game...
I was trying to think of any 100% legit services I use that has numbers in name, but I can't.I have a rule to not use sites with numbers in the name. Also it's probably not even a steam key but a uplay key
well, thats not good to hear. Think I might just go ahead and try to cancel my order.
thanks for the help and advice everyone. I was already able to cancel and get a refund. Definitely going to pick it up from a more trusted place
ehhh, I am new to pc gaming...just built mine within the last month. I never knew this thread existed before. But I am looking at the trusted sellers, and it has gotten me worried. I bought a watch dogs key from some place called G2A because it was only 30 something dollars. Was this a mistake, are they not reliable
Wonder if Playfire'd ever have rewards for the Deadpool game...
I think the cheapest you can get it for at the moment would be at greenmangaming with this 20% off coupon: FUSWJT-B1DU64-JBV8UY (someone correct me if it's cheaper anywhere else).