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Wolfenstein: The New Order; PC Performance Thread


Neo Member
For me, the +r_multisamples launch option doesn't stick, you can check it in the console (just type r_multisamples without a number) and it goes to 0 regardless. +vt_maxaniso 4 seems to work, though. Doesn't want to go higher. (Apparently engine limited)
I think another poster and I figured out that if you are using the in-game custom profile, then aa will not work with launch options. It will work on default low, med, high, ultra profile. I haven't tested this out to be sure yet though. For now I am using console command to enable AA, haven't tried AF yet.

Edit: bolded part
Has anyone seen any area that actually uses Screen Space Reflections?

I've only done the tutorial and first 2 chapters but not seen a single reflective effect anywhere. Toggled through the settings on areas where I'd assume they'd be in play but nothing (no water, glass or metal reflections). Knocking that off frees up a lot of GPU power and 2560x1440 and 4xMSAA is easily achievable for me with everything else as set to max.

It's so subtle and so not worth the performance hit. I was messing with the settings and happened to notice it in use.

Where's Wally/Waldo?



The Detective
Has anyone seen any area that actually uses Screen Space Reflections?

I've only done the tutorial and first 2 chapters but not seen a single reflective effect anywhere. Toggled through the settings on areas where I'd assume they'd be in play but nothing (no water, glass or metal reflections). Knocking that off frees up a lot of GPU power and 2560x1440 and 4xMSAA is easily achievable for me with everything else as set to max.

Polished Concrete floors?


It has been mentioned before in this thread but if you don't have the time to search for it, I'll answer it for you.

To enable in launch options, find game in steam library, right click, properties, set launch options, type +r_multisamples 4 (can use 2-16).

To enable in console command, first type +com_allowConsole 1 in launch options. While in-game, press ctrl and ~ to bring up console, type r_multisamples 4 (or again, can use 2-16)

Thank you. Somehow I missed the post in first page that explained that :/


The game runs perfect on high for me, haven't messed with any extra settings or anything.

i7 930


I just fixed all of my stuttering problems by turning off V-Sync and Screen Space Reflections. AMD card here.

Running at a smooth 60 now.


Neo Member
Discovered something while tinkering with settings.

Enabling AA disables Screen Space Reflections.

Reflections on floor, no AA enabled:
refections enabled without AA by vincentric, on Flickr

Reflections go away after turning on AA with console command:
refections disabled with AA by vincentric, on Flickr

Interesting, causing reflections to go away is probably why they did not include any in-game AA options? Personally, I would have taken AA over screen space reflections. The game looks much better with AA enabled, while refections demands huge performance and doesn't really look all that great. I will gladly keep reflections disabled for AA.


I play with medium default settings at 1919x1080p , default Amd catalyst settings, windowed w/ Vsync off and 100pov. I'm able to maintain 60fps with drops to 40's for most of the gameplay so far and i am in the prison. Theres just a few hiccups when transitioning too the begining of cutscenes that are annoying.

Here are my specs
AMD 7770 Gpu w/1gb
AMD 8350 Cpu
8gb Ram

Also, I play it while running Softxpand 2011 Duo which allows multiseat gaming or users(ie. someone else can browse internet or play games at the same time). I also use the game with a program called Windowed Borderless Gaming by GameplayCrush because otherwise the game will just have annoying borders. I cant play in fullscreen mode for this game because of softxpand but the work around is to do what I did.


Can you guys educate me on something? With v-sync off in game and when I force triple buffering through Inspector I still get screen tearing; when I "force on" vsync and triple buffering set to on, tearing goes away. Does this make sense?

Triple Buffering is just a flag in OpenGL that says "if v-sync is being used, be sure to behave in such-and-such way." It doesn't force any v-sync in itself. So by selecting "force on" v-sync you activated both v-sync and triple-buffering.


Triple Buffering is just a flag in OpenGL that says "if v-sync is being used, be sure to behave in such-and-such way." It doesn't force any v-sync in itself. So by selecting "force on" v-sync you activated both v-sync and triple-buffering.

Ah, this is enlightening. Thanks for answering!


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Do the friendly non-nazi npcs look extra shiny to yall? Noticed it in the
hideout after the concentration camp with the people you took in.


I have the following:

Intel Core I7 2600
Nvidia GTX 670
SSD card
Win 7
Latest Nvidia drivers

What kind of performance can I expect? I hate fluctuating FPS and would like to remain constant 60 FPS at 1980x1200. Should I go PC version or PS4?


I have the following:

Intel Core I7 2600
Nvidia GTX 670
SSD card
Win 7
Latest Nvidia drivers

What kind of performance can I expect? I have fluctuating FPS and would like to remain constant 60 FPS at 1980x1200. Should I go PC version or PS4?

You could wait for better drivers or a patch update from the developers. If you go PC and lets say you beat the game, you will be stuck with it forever I believe. So buy on PS4, and you wont have to worry about setups and graphics issues, just play the game and when your done, get some of you money back by trading it in. You could just rent it also.


Not sure if this truly qualifies as a "performance" question but here goes:

With the weapon bobbing that seems overly exaggerated, I start to get mild motion sickness no matter where I set my FOV. That's pretty sad since I don't get motion sickness in any other situation. Are there any console commands to reduce weapon bob? Anyone have any suggestions for optimal FOV? I'd welcome any suggestions.. as it stands I can only play for a few minutes at a time before I start to get mild nausea and eye strain.


Has anyone with the issue of a non-scaling downsampled image (ie; too big for the screen) found a solution yet? Running a 780 / Windows 8.1 / latest beta Nvidia drivers (same issue with non-beta drivers).

Edit: fixed it by turning off scaling in nVidia control panel. Not sure if this will break downsampling in other games but it works here.

Dr. Kaos

How does it run with an Intel Iris Pro 5200?

My rMacbook pro has an i7 and 16GB of ram, so the GPU is definitely the bottleneck. Has anyone tried it? How does it run at 1440x900? What about 1080p? 720p?

edit: the system requirements list GPUs that are twice as powerful as said iris 5200. Not reassuring...


Unconfirmed Member
I must be doing something wrong. I enabled everything to ultra (sans shadows, which are at 4k) and I'm getting buttery smooth 60fps @1080p, which is better than what most are reporting in here for my specs: 770 4GB + 750Ti, i7 2600k @stock, 16GB of RAM, SSD for Windows and other SSD for Steam folder. W7.

Also, I was getting terrible tearing with the in-game Vsync so I used D3Overrider instead.


Doesn't seem wrong to me. You might be able to get 2 or 4x msaa too. And yeah, lots of people are using drivers for their vsync/triple buffering.


Neo Member
Buggiest game I have played for a while. I have a 2500k and a 7990 with windows 8.1.

I had to run the game in compatibility mode for windows 7 to even get past the opening sequence.

And I'm getting continuous out of memory warnings, I have 8gb and task manager is showing only 3gb in use


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
The Afterburner OSD won't show in-game for me for some reason. Haven't really tried to figure out why yet, but it's annoying.

Yeah, the RTSS OSD refuses to work. I just left Afterburner itself running and checked the max figure as reported by the history graph.


Anyone else run this with Fraps? I loose most of the textures & sound in game but cut scenes go back to normal.
Game being run at 1080 with everything maxed.

Dr Dogg

It's so subtle and so not worth the performance hit. I was messing with the settings and happened to notice it in use.

Where's Wally/Waldo?

Huh? Yeah that is quite minimal. Seeing as it's usually the same performance hit for the effect regardless how crazy you go being that subtle is a bit odd unless it's an artistic decision.

Still if it's a toss up between a small reflective effect or downsampling with AA I think I know which one wins out there ;)

Polished Concrete floors?

Yeah I was thinking that while going through the hospital, looking at the tiled surfaces. I've seen a few screens that show something of a reflection though nothing first hand in game myself. But...

Discovered something while tinkering with settings.

Enabling AA disables Screen Space Reflections.

Reflections on floor, no AA enabled:

on Flickr

Reflections go away after turning on AA with console command:

on Flickr

Interesting, causing reflections to go away is probably why they did not include any in-game AA options? Personally, I would have taken AA over screen space reflections. The game looks much better with AA enabled, while refections demands huge performance and doesn't really look all that great. I will gladly keep reflections disabled for AA.

Aha! That would probably be why I've not seen anything like the above then. Will have a fiddle around later but this probably settles it. Cheers.


Played a bit last night. Game runs at a smooth 60fps @1080p (HDTV) and 1200p (monitor). Everything set to highest setting, shadow quality at second to highest setting.

i7 920 OC @ 3.8
GTX 780
is there any trick to reduce the texture pop in? a lot of times i turn around or look around a corner the textures and objects are popping in, not as bad as in Rage, but its really annoying


I must be doing something wrong. I enabled everything to ultra (sans shadows, which are at 4k) and I'm getting buttery smooth 60fps @1080p, which is better than what most are reporting in here for my specs: 770 4GB + 750Ti, i7 2600k @stock, 16GB of RAM, SSD for Windows and other SSD for Steam folder. W7.

Also, I was getting terrible tearing with the in-game Vsync so I used D3Overrider instead.

Are you sure v-sync is functioning? I didn't realise D3DOverrider supported anything other than DirectX games. This game uses an OpenGL renderer, as such the triple buffering setting in nvidia control panel and inspector actually works. I get nice results forcing v-sync and triple buffering that way.


for anyone with SLI, try out the "SLI AA" options

go to Nvidia control panel, application settings, select Wolfenstein TNO, set AA to enhance the application, and select SLI 8x or SLI 16x

basically this should disable regular SLI but split the AA workload over two (or more) cards. So you get 8x AA quality for the performance cost of 4x (or 16x quality for 8x performance)

this seems to give me a nice smooth image while doing at least something with my second card.

Had to disable & turn down quite a lot of stuff to get smooth 60 fps everywhere though (finished the game already).
2GB 670s ... also tried triple buffering + V-Sync, but the input lag at 60 fps is just too much for me (I'm used to 120Hz).


I think another poster and I figured out that if you are using the in-game custom profile, then aa will not work with launch options. It will work on default low, med, high, ultra profile. I haven't tested this out to be sure yet though. For now I am using console command to enable AA, haven't tried AF yet.

Edit: bolded part

Oh well, i think thats whats happening in my case.
I used the launch option you told me (multisample4) but i still saw jaggies everywhere.
I will change the settings to "high" and then try to force MSAA again throught launch options.


Neo Member
Huh? Yeah that is quite minimal. Seeing as it's usually the same performance hit for the effect regardless how crazy you go being that subtle is a bit odd unless it's an artistic decision.

Still if it's a toss up between a small reflective effect or downsampling with AA I think I know which one wins out there ;)

Yeah I was thinking that while going through the hospital, looking at the tiled surfaces. I've seen a few screens that show something of a reflection though nothing first hand in game myself. But...

Aha! That would probably be why I've not seen anything like the above then. Will have a fiddle around later but this probably settles it. Cheers.
Welcome. The reflections seem a little buggy as well, I notice some broken shadows with it but dunno if that's just a problem on my end.

Oh well, i think thats whats happening in my case.
I used the launch option you told me (multisample4) but i still saw jaggies everywhere.
I will change the settings to "high" and then try to force MSAA again throught launch options.
If you get a chance, try this workaround as well: open up console command, type in bind * r_multisamples 4 (replace * with key of your choice). That key can be used to enable AA, even after you exit the game and start it up again, one press of the key will enable AA. This works well for AF as well; bind * vt_maxAniso16 (note, maxaniso goes up to only 4, but I noticed that you have to use value higher than 4 to re-activate AF after reloading checkpoint or dying). Just use different keys to bind, can't use the same key to bind multiple commands. Sorry if that was confusing, I can go into a little more detail if you need me to.


Welcome. The reflections seem a little buggy as well, I notice some broken shadows with it but dunno if that's just a problem on my end.

If you get a chance, try this workaround as well: open up console command, type in bind * r_multisamples 4 (replace * with key of your choice). That key can be used to enable AA, even after you exit the game and start it up again, one press of the key will enable AA. This works well for AF as well; bind * vt_maxAniso16 (note, maxaniso goes up to only 4, but I noticed that you have to use value higher than 4 to re-activate AF after reloading checkpoint or dying). Just use different keys to bind, can't use the same key to bind multiple commands. Sorry if that was confusing, I can go into a little more detail if you need me to.

I know its a stupid question but: how can i open the console? I have set the launch option but what do i need to do in-game in order to open it?
Try setting it in console. There is a clear difference.
Unfortunately, it falls back to 4x when there is a loading or you die.

Like I wrote. That doesn't work. Setting it to 16x in the console doesn't actually increase it. If you run the command "vt_maxaniso" on it's own the console reports which setting it's currently at and after setting it to 16x it still reports only 4x.
Ok something weird is going on. Just now during a certain scene I played with all settings on max, but with DOF on medium and I got ~40 fps. I lowered them all to medium and got a slight drop from 60fps. Then I turned them back to max, but kept max ppf on 16 and I still got ~60fps so I thought that was the culprit. Now I turned that back to max too and I still have ~60fps during the same scene restarted and all.

EDIT: No. It's Max PPF that does it. Restarted the game using max ppf 64, dof on medium and everything else on max. Dropped and stayed on about 40fps.
Restarted the game with max ppf 16, dof on medium and everything else on max. Now it's pretty much locked on 60. There's also less texture pop-ups.
Did not have this issue in Rage. I'd like a GPU transcode option in this too. That doubled the texture streaming performance for me in Rage.


I know its a stupid question but: how can i open the console? I have set the launch option but what do i need to do in-game in order to open it?

CTRL+ key to the left of 1

But the FX8350 scores over 9000 in Passmark and the i5 2500k only 7000, how is that possible?

Passmark is an artificial benchmark test with near perfect parallelism. The test takes advantage of the fact that the 8350 does better with parallel workloads (8 threads) vs the i5's (4 threads).


Hey guys, one question. Bought the key through Kinguin.net and activated it on day of release. This is what my steam says I activated/bought: "Wolfenstein: The New Order ROW Pre-Purchase". I live in bruges, Belgium.

This appears to be the uncensored version, yet decapitation and limb removal happens rarely. Even when mowing down a bunch of Nazi's using the double auto-shotguns. Any explanations? Is it something I should turn of or in the setting (checked that but did not find anything).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'd like a GPU transcode option in this too. That doubled the texture streaming performance for me in Rage.

vt_useCudaTranscode 1. 2 is ideal (forces the use of all CUDA cores versus "smart" allocation), but similar to AF the game doesn't support a higher value.


i am having trouble getting the game to launch on my 4k monitor. i have three monitors. the main one is a samsung 4k. when i open the game even in windowed mode and i drag the window to the 4k monitor, once the game gets to the start menu it will default back to the monitor on the right. i also tried +windowed1 in the advanced launch options of steam.
someone please help :)


Ok something weird is going on. Just now during a certain scene I played with all settings on max, but with DOF on medium and I got ~40 fps. I lowered them all to medium and got a slight drop from 60fps. Then I turned them back to max, but kept max ppf on 16 and I still got ~60fps so I thought that was the culprit. Now I turned that back to max too and I still have ~60fps during the same scene restarted and all.

EDIT: No. It's Max PPF that does it. Restarted the game using max ppf 64, dof on medium and everything else on max. Dropped and stayed on about 40fps.
Restarted the game with max ppf 16, dof on medium and everything else on max. Now it's pretty much locked on 60. There's also less texture pop-ups.
Did not have this issue in Rage. I'd like a GPU transcode option in this too. That doubled the texture streaming performance for me in Rage.

PPF 64 is going to be expensive for your CPU if your GPU does not support transcoding or the GPU transcoding is not enabled for some reason. I don't have the game to hand, does the console command vt_UseCudaTranscode even exist in Wolf?

thanks for the link
but i dont entierely understand it
first he talk about a variable, but then about a folder. what folder? and in which cfg is the variable and to what do you change it?

Create <afoldername> beneath this path:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\MachineGames\Wolfenstein The New Order\

Create wolfconfig.cfg here:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\MachineGames\Wolfenstein The New Order\base\

In the config add the variable fs_cachepath <afoldername>


CTRL+ key to the left of 1

Passmark is an artificial benchmark test with near perfect parallelism. The test takes advantage of the fact that the 8350 does better with parallel workloads (8 threads) vs the i5's (4 threads).

lol i know, people are going crazy in the Watchdogs "you need a CPU with 9000 passmark" thread. It also takes advantage of CPU instruction sets that games dont use, such as encryption techniques that have been overhauled in Haswell.
PPF 64 is going to be expensive for your CPU if your GPU does not support transcoding or the GPU transcoding is not enabled for some reason. I don't have the game to hand, does the console command vt_UseCudaTranscode even exist in Wolf?

Create <afoldername> beneath this path:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\MachineGames\Wolfenstein The New Order\

Create wolfconfig.cfg here:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\MachineGames\Wolfenstein The New Order\base\

In the config add the variable fs_cachepath <afoldername>

Doesn't stress my i5 2500k @4.3GHz in rage. Using ppf set to 64 that is.
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