Well that explains why I get way better performance when I enable AA, lol.Discovered something while tinkering with settings.
Enabling AA disables Screen Space Reflections.
Well that explains why I get way better performance when I enable AA, lol.Discovered something while tinkering with settings.
Enabling AA disables Screen Space Reflections.
But I get horrific screen tearing during cutscenes. Any way to fix this?
So, does Wolfenstein TNO only support 4x AF? When I try to use "vt_maxAniso 16" the value will be set to 4.
I've been forcing triple buffering through Inspector and leaving the in-game option to off.
Yeah, supposedly it is a limit of the engine. I also have inspector trying to force 16x but I haven't taken screenshots to confirm that it's actually doing anything.
Seems to work for some people (adaptive) but made my tearing worse. 660ti. You could give it a shot though, just remember to turn it off in-game.Even though I have Vsync enabled, I am still getting screen tearing ocassionaly and it is pretty annoying. If I enable Vsync from Nvidia Control panel will it go away?
Even though I have Vsync enabled, I am still getting screen tearing ocassionaly and it is pretty annoying. If I enable Vsync from Nvidia Control panel will it go away?
Does anybody else notice pretty bad popin when you rapidly turn on the spot? It's not so bad on normal levels but when you're inside the, it's really, really bad. Like you turn away, then turn back and it pops in again.Kreisau circle headquarters
i5 4670, 16gb ram, gtx780.
Does anybody else notice pretty bad popin when you rapidly turn on the spot? It's not so bad on normal levels but when you're inside the, it's really, really bad. Like you turn away, then turn back and it pops in again.Kreisau circle headquarters
i5 4670, 16gb ram, gtx780.
I've tried to enable anisotropic filtering through drivers but it doesn't appear to be working. What gives?
I also get pretty horrible... artefacting on some character's faces. It's like some kind of shimmer or shadow thing or something.
Does anybody else notice pretty bad popin when you rapidly turn on the spot? It's not so bad on normal levels but when you're inside the, it's really, really bad. Like you turn away, then turn back and it pops in again.Kreisau circle headquarters
i5 4670, 16gb ram, gtx780.
Sure seems to. It's not very aggressive, but if you have settings over capacity you'll see a lot of framerate inconsistencies as it keeps adjusting itself back and forth and the jaggies can be awful.
Megatextures do not allow such things like that due to how differently the textures are handeled.
Bad pop-in is a constant. Literally every time I turn the camera there's pop-in, if ever so slight. Rarely is there a single scene where an asset, usually a door or prop, doesn't quickly pop in as my camera swoops by instead of before. I've a 4GB card, but maybe even that isn't enough.
Cheers. Saw online people were using console commands to increase AF, but New Order wont actually run it above x4.
It's a console bug in my opinion, look at this screen:
4x AF
16x AF
As you can see the "vt_maxAniso" command actually works but the console don't recognise this new parameter, so it leave the boolean to 4.
This is why you need to reinsert the command every time the game (re)load the megatextures.
Interesting. I wonder if the game actually does support vt_useCudaTranscode 2, then.
This is the variable that is tied to the GPU Transcode option in the in-game menu. 0 is off, 1 is on, and 2 is forced, which cannot be set in-game. When the setting is 1, the game continuously monitors the time spent rendering on the GPU and the time spent transcoding textures. If it detects that the game is likely starting to render too slowly, it dramatically cuts back the amount of GPU transcoding to prevent the game frame rate from becoming sub-optimal. When it detects that there are spare GPU cycles it slowly raises the transcoding rate until a balance is found. As such, GPU Transcoding can be enabled on four-year-old GPUs with little to no impact on the frame rate or in-game texture streaming. The heuristic isn't perfect because the load can change drastically from one second to the next, and the data that the game receives is slightly delayed, which is why it’s impossible to say that GPU Transcoding will never impact your frame rate.
It can be overwritten however by setting the value in the config file to 2. In this case, vt_useCudaTranscode will always try to do all the work on the GPU, which can cause frame rate disruptions, especially when rendering Rage at higher resolutions on slower GPUs. However, if a user feels that image fidelity is more important than a constant sixty frames per second, this is perfectly acceptable to use, though it is only recommended for users of GeForce 500 series GPUs.
This is the budget in milliseconds that the CUDA GPU Transcode feature uses to determine when to increase or decrease workload. The default threshold is 14 milliseconds, which is well below the 16.6 needed to maintain sixty frames per second. This is deliberately conservative to err on the side of caution to ensure that even in the most demanding situations the frame rate remains rock-solid. For users seeking the absolute best image quality, the threshold can be raised, and for those seeking a consistent frame rate, lowered.
This works in RAGE? If yes, there are good chance that works in Wolf as well.
The problem is how to monitor the CUDA usage? Did you noticed frame rate improvement or less pop in?
I'm an Ati user, good old 5870, so good luck with the test. I can only give you a link:
I like screen space reflections. Setting it to high and knocking down shadow resolution to 4k is a perfectly fine compromise to me.
3570k @ 4.6
7970 GHz OC to 1135 (14.4)
Along with v-sync and triple buffering through the driver, I get a consistent 60.
Turn of screen space reflections. Shit is hardly noticeable and axes your framerate drastically.Not getting the best performance. i7 4930K, 780TI, struggling to find a good setup for holding 60fps without dropping too much quality. Would expect better : /
Running these options and rarely holding 60. What the hell. Wonder if I should try moving it to my SSD.
Not getting the best performance. i7 4930K, 780TI, struggling to find a good setup for holding 60fps without dropping too much quality. Would expect better : /
Running these options and rarely holding 60. What the hell. Wonder if I should try moving it to my SSD.
Is that an i5 3570k? How did you overclock it to run at 4.6 GHz? Otherwise I have the same setup as you with a 7970 Ghz but at 1100 MHz and running 14.4. Could my 3570k at 3.4-3.8 GHz be bottle necking me?
Get a better cooler and up the voltage. The i5 can usually hit 4.0 without even touching the voltage so it's weird you can't get above that. But your CPU shouldn't bottleneck you.
I actually haven't tried OCing it yet, only ever tried my GPU with negative results every time. Just figured if you're getting a solid 60 with the same seteup as me bar the OCed CPU that might be my issue. I have a Hyper Evo 212 cooler on it, what program do you recommend to OC it?
You overclock through the BIOS. There should be a tutorial in our PC hardware thread if you need further help.
I don't think your CPU would be the problem in this case. I didn't have acceptable performance using the ultra preset and the only meaningful changes I did to get the framerate where it needed to be is lowering shadow resolution and using vsync through the driver.
I see, I'll give it a shot. As it is right now I'm using the same settings as you, with Triple buffering through CCC, and getting fluctuations of 40-60 depending on what's going on and sometimes just randomly. I'll check out that thread for OC info, thanks for the help.
Does anybody else notice pretty bad popin when you rapidly turn on the spot? It's not so bad on normal levels but when you're inside the, it's really, really bad. Like you turn away, then turn back and it pops in again.Kreisau circle headquarters
i5 4670, 16gb ram, gtx780.
Bad pop-in is a constant. Literally every time I turn the camera there's pop-in, if ever so slight. Rarely is there a single scene where an asset, usually a door or prop, doesn't quickly pop in as my camera swoops by instead of before. I've a 4GB card, but maybe even that isn't enough.
Not getting the best performance. i7 4930K, 780TI, struggling to find a good setup for holding 60fps without dropping too much quality. Would expect better : /
Running these options and rarely holding 60. What the hell. Wonder if I should try moving it to my SSD.
Sure, it can't hurt.
With rivatuner on, I did a brief firefight soon after finding the LWK and 58 was the absolute lowest it gave me. I'd be looking at the random framerate drops you're getting, maybe use afterburner or look at the resource monitor to see if there's anything going on that shouldn't. Also, are you absolutely sure you have vsync off in game and on through the driver? I know you mentioned triple buffering, but that's a separate option.
That's really strange...I don't think I had any dips (monitoring with MSI Afterburner OSD) with a 4770K (4.5 GHz) and a GTX 780 (Lightning, 1100 MHz - light OC). My OS drive is an SSD (Samsung 830) and the game is installed on my D:\ drive (Seagate Momentus XT Hybrid drive). Using NVIDIA 337.50 driver...and I'm absolutely maxed out. V-sync is on, btw...because I know the game doesn't go over 60 FPS (120hz monitors all around, grrr).
Anyone else have issues with both Afterburner and/or RadeonPro's OSD not showing with this game? I'd like to see what my framerate (I know it's low) and VRAM usage is but I can't get either one of them to show up.
Anyone else have issues with both Afterburner and/or RadeonPro's OSD not showing with this game? I'd like to see what my framerate (I know it's low) and VRAM usage is but I can't get either one of them to show up.