I usually don't comment on these, but I just wanted to throw out there some weird things that I've noticed.
Forcing Triple Buffering through the nvidia control panel doesn't seem to work for me...like at all. Game bugs out every time I've tried it. Textures won't load properly or glitch in hilarious ways. Disabling it again fixed that so I have to roll with it off I guess; which blows.
Disabling the intro screens also doesn't work in the way I hoped it would. It just sits at a black screen for what seems like the same length of time it would have taken to watch the logos and whatnot. I kind of hoped it would just skip to the start screen.
Setting launch arguments for the antialiasing level also wasn't working for me (like someone else on here mentioned) and typing it in the console was the only way to get it to work. However, every death/checkpoint/game restart it was resetting to default so I had to keep typing in the command.
I got tired of that so I just adjusted the profile information in graphicsprofiles.json in the base folder with the antialiasing setting I wanted, and that's the only way I've gotten it to persist without constantly having to reset it. But the tradeoff is you have to use one of the default profiles (low, med, high, ultra) in the advanced options menu; custom doesn't work as far as I can tell. Also, adding in the AF command information into this file didn't seem to work. Not entirely sure though; I'm going to try it again later.
Just throwing it out there for anybody else who couldn't get the antialiasing setting to stick for them the ways mentioned in this thread.