Trying that Mid-range Paladin deck!
Which one?
Save $5 on Naxxramas by getting a $20 gift card for $15 at Gamestop
Welp, I ended up spending the 200 gold I was saving for naxx to buy packs today. Fucking worthless cards.
Much better to buy packs in big chunks to avoid this feeling.
I suck at this. In how many hours will I be able to do this?Between 2-4AM EST I believe.
I suck at this. In how many hours will I be able to do this?
What exactly do I do during this time? Got a step-by-step guide?
AwwAfaik if you play on EU servers the infinite quest reroll doesn't work.
Buy 40 packs on my computer = 45 euro = 60 usd
Buy 40 packs on my iPad = 375 SEK = 54 usd
Buy 40 packs while my region is on US = 40 usd
What the FUCK Blizzard/every company in the world.
Don't do it. Its not worth it.
it's worth it for a new player as it sets up pretty good but if you have being playing for a while yeah its not worth it.
lvl 58 paladin reward... Golden GOLDSHIRE FOOTMAN.
I get what you're saying, scy. winning streaks are way too forgiving.
you don't even have to be a good judge of the current meta since there are so many legendary players streaming. just copy what they've figured out on their climb through the lower ranks.
maybe just reducing the number of stars you need for ranks 20-5 would be a better system?
Pretty much sums up this whole season
Pretty much sums up this whole season
Is anyone trying to blame loses? It's about people playing brainless decks such as murloc or warlock rush etc which are a complete fucking joke to play and also not very fun to play against.
It's not just Tuesday. You have to wait till the patch is available, then download and update, then log in while everyone else is logging in, then wait for the servers to reset from the crash when it overloads.ugh tuesday come onnnnn
dat holy light in hand too
Having to start over every month is dumb.
In this case though, Zilea had a guaranteed win if he just did the math and kept the combo in mind.
It's not just Tuesday. You have to wait till the patch is available, then download and update, then log in while everyone else is logging in, then wait for the servers to reset from the crash when it overloads.
Or maybe that's just WoW.
Since I have extra gold saved up (more than I need for Naxx), I've been trying Arena again. I haven't played Arena in a long time. I'm terrible... but it's a lot of fun. I'm seeing cards I forgot even existed. It's so much more varied than constructed.
Save $5 on Naxxramas by getting a $20 gift card for $15 at Gamestop
Watching a chinese HS tourney where both players miss optimal plays all the time... It's bizarre.
I watched some of that earlier, and was SHOCKED at how bad it was. One match I watched was so bad that the casters were kindly goofing on how bad the two had been playing (they were legit awful), even though the casters miscounted lethal several times themselves...
I honestly don't see how Hearthstone could ever become a good e-sport. For people who play hundreds of games per month, the ladder actually works pretty well. The RNG gets averaged out, and small differences in skill have a very real effect on ranking. In a tournament, there just aren't enough games played for this to happen. Tournaments could change to a format where far more games are played, but that would be boring to watch.
ugh tuesday come onnnnn