There is definately some skill to this game. There is a reason why some people rush to legend and others need to grind.
Every little decision matters in this game. Of course there is luck to the game, like in any card game.
But a world class player will trash a very bad player every time, regardless of draw.
That beeing said, getting to legend itself does not say much about your skill. Simply dismissing peoples oppinion because they are not legend, is downright idiotic.
Most players, given enough time, can grind to legend.
Alot of players, just cannot effort to put the amount needed into the game to get there.
I would say, if you want to dismiss people based on any rank, then it should be how high they are in legend rank, or how fast they reached legend rank. (based on amount of games played, not period of time)
I realise this was a while a ago, but just wanted to respond because I think you're misinterpreting the intention of my post a bit.
I'm not dismissing his opinion on the game and opinion on what is/isn't skill because he's not legend rank (hell I never bothered to try get legend either)
My issue was that he was saying how easy it was to get legend, that you don't even need a brain to do so, when (from what I can remember and from what I have heard from others) he's never gotten to legend himself.
Like he can't really comment on how easy it is to get to legend and it's unfair to those that have achieved legend to have their achievement diminished by someone who has never achieved it himself.