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Don't like indies? ITT NeoGAF helps find indies you may enjoy! Also: CONTEST


Junior Member
I don't mind indies. I've found a lot of games I really enjoyed, but GAF's insistence that they're their own genre is absolutely ridiculous.

Just enjoy the games you like to play. If they're indie or otherwise don't make such a big deal out of it.


I've tried a handful and not really liked any of them, with the notable exception of Shovel Knight. Mostly due to the Mega Man vibes and Virt.

Should I do a write-up on Shovel Knight to be considered for the contest, or should I try something else that's recommended ITT? As far as genres go I like platformers (I did beat Thomas Was Alone and did not like it), action games, adventure games, point and click, and JRPG.

I'd like it to be a game someone recommends to you new, if possible. It's about new discoveries after all :)


For those who like brilliant puzzles and a haunting atmosphere.



For those who like brilliant puzzles and a haunting atmosphere.

Can't wait to dive into it. Pre-ordered and ready to go tonight I think. I'm actually holding off on playing it though. I also have Hohokum and Counterspy lined up to play as I need a stockpile of games for when I go overseas for a bit in September.


Can I try to pull a hype train here for an indie game that is yet to come?
If so:
take a look at Axiom Verge, metroidvania fans!

Phil S.

I recently really enjoyed Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition. It's out for most current gen platforms, I believe. If you like Metroid-style games, then listen up! Or I guess it would make more sense to say "read closely!"

The game has a seriously satisfying combat system, and the same moves you use in combat are used for the insanely remarkable platforming. It's cool to chain a charge into an uppercut, into a frog slam (ground pound-like maneuver). There's lots of references to various video games like Super Mario Bros., Mega Man, Castle Crashers, Metroid, and so on. The amount of hidden goodies and the discovery of them is amazing and highly rewarding.

I can't recommend it enough. It's $15, btw.


Some stuff I've recently enjoyed

Paper Sorcerer


Turn based rpg game. give it a try if you are a fan of the genre.

The Banner Saga


Very good turn based rpg game with a great story. made by some former Bioware devs.

Gravity Badgers


Fun puzzle game. Kinda like Angry birds only its in outer space with jetpacks and badgers :D

Electronic Super joy


Hard platformer with amazing soundtrack.

Some others that may have already been mentioned Guacamelee, Brothers, Swapper, Forest, FEZ. All are great.


Switchblade Monkeys just announced a new character for Secret Ponchos, which is on Steam Early Access right now and is coming to PS4 later on.

The devs are also streaming right now on Twitch, giving away some codes.

Getting online around 8PM PST is the best time to find people usually.


Kentucky Route Zero

Just... play this game. There are no puzzles, but man, I have never played a game quite like it. It's an interactive play when it boils down to it, dialogue is presented like a script, stage directions introduce and close scenes and dialogue, and dialogue options can shape your version of the story, but never shape the story itself, just the backstory of the characters. Gorgeous visuals, outstanding music, and the best sound design I've ever heard period. Being released in 5 parts, 3 of which are out now, and 2 "standalone" games: Limits & Demonstrations, and The Entertainment are free on kentuckyroutezero.com, and tie into the main game pretty heavily
I also can't say enough good about this game. This game should be on the top of everyone's list. Constantly surprising. Absolutely transcendent moments. Intellectually challenging without having a single puzzle in it. Samuel Beckett meets Zork meets Faulkner meets Monkey Island meets Jorge Luis Borges.

A classic that's still unfolding. Feels amazing to be part of it as it happens. Hard to imagine there are only 2 more episodes left.


If you believe first-person (multiplayer) melee combat can't be done well, look no further than Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.





Fair warning: the game has its share of technical issues, some of which are still being ironed out. The mechanics are deceptively complex and allow experienced players to pull off some pretty wacky moves. There are plenty of players in-game and on the forums willing to help out newcomers, though. I personally believe the game is worth playing just for the voice commands alone.
This game is so fuckin good. More people should be playing it.
I'd like it to be a game someone recommends to you new, if possible. It's about new discoveries after all :)

Hmmmm well then...I guess I do have that free Guacamelee I downloaded on my XBOne I should check out (recommended above). I do like me some Metroids.


what are some indies with good gameplay? quite a lot of the ones people recommend are style over substance, they look great but are mediocre at everything else. (prime example: Limbo)

I mostly like Nintendo games.
Short games are better, no serious depth, I don't care about looks as long it's not extremely ugly.
Not arcade, high score based. Few or no cut scenes.

I think i would love Shovel Knight but it isn't out yet.

Have you tried Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack? It's a 2D platformer by the Guacamelee guys.

Then I'd say Velocity Ultra. Even though is a shmup, it's not score based as that is only required if you want to go for the 100%. It's more of a fast paced puzzle game than a shmup

Also, Guman Clive. But that's <1h short.
Steamworld Dig is short and metroid-y but you can say it may get too deep
eh eh

PS: I agree with you about Limbo, in fact it's one of the indie games I liked the less

I like indies as I like any other games.

I would love if someone made a list of good Metroidvania games for Wii U and, if possible, another for 3DS.

My priority is the Wii U because I've been smuggling it into my work, with my backpack, and I often play it on my lunch time thanks to Off TV.

Steamworld Dig is a Metroidvania to a certain extent, and it's available on 3DS (it will be available on Wii U too later this month)

Wii U has Knytt Underground...but that's a pretty particular game. First of all it's all about exploring a huuuuge world, there's no combat. Platforming is great though, thanks to the switching mechanics (you can switch in real time to another charachter, a bouncing ball)
Rime Berta.




I haven't bought it yet but I know I will and it really seems to be the game to scratch that SRPG itch that I also have.

Disclaimer: I run the Playism department at AGM!

Thanks for the shout-out! Rime Berta needs more love around these parts! It isn't going to blow any minds with the production values but the systems are very solid and it has an interesting story!

I would definitely recommend One Way Heroics to anyone who likes either JRPGs or Rogue-likes. Personally, I consider it one of the best indie titles created in the past 10 years.
It is a great mash-up of those genres with a lot of attention to detail. It is also dirt-cheap!


Disclaimer: I run the Playism department at AGM!

Thanks for the shout-out! Rime Berta needs more love around these parts! It isn't going to blow any minds with the production values but the systems are very solid and it has an interesting story!

I would definitely recommend One Way Heroics to anyone who likes either JRPGs or Rogue-likes. Personally, I consider it one of the best indie titles created in the past 10 years.
It is a great mash-up of those genres with a lot of attention to detail. It is also dirt-cheap!

People keep telling me to get One Way Heroics. I think I just may!

Also, there is a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT coming this afternoon in this topic. Some very nice GAFers we have on this forum, to say the least.


Spelunky is incredible. If gaming never progressed into 3D, Spelunky is the sort of futuristic, inventive stuff we'd be getting :p
Disclaimer: I run the Playism department at AGM!
I would definitely recommend One Way Heroics to anyone who likes either JRPGs or Rogue-likes. Personally, I consider it one of the best indie titles created in the past 10 years.
It is a great mash-up of those genres with a lot of attention to detail. It is also dirt-cheap!
Just heard about this now, this is pretty awesome. Snagging this, thanks ^_^


Neo Member
Rogue Legacy is great, it got a huge boost a while ago, and recently got released on Vita. It's $15USD (i'm not sure if it's indie but it's great)

Another really good 'indie' game is a rpg maker game called Ib, definitely check it out. Warning, it's horror, and the art style takes little getting used to, but once you play through it you might wanna go and get the other endings (it usually takes about an hour or so to finish one playthrough) also it's free so check it out.


Another game is "Wadonohara and the Great Blue Sea" it's another RpgMaker game and it's free. I haven't finished it but the sheer amount of recommendations I have gotten for this game means it's either great or all of my friends have shit taste, either way like I said, it's free. So go ahead and check it out.



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
People keep telling me to get One Way Heroics. I think I just may!

Also, there is a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT coming this afternoon in this topic. Some very nice GAFers we have on this forum, to say the least.

Dont push it up further, really grab One Way Heroics. One of the most original genre outings I ever played.


See though, even your own position doesn't follow completely because you enjoyed Spelunky, which shares much in common with platformers and 2D sidescrollers. That's why it makes sense rather to judge on a game by game basis. ALL games in ALL fields, whether AAA or indie, are 'straight up rubbish and get boring very quickly.' That's the average curve across the board. So, it's good that you still try to look and find something you can enjoy like FTL and Papers Please (fantastic game!)
Good points. I put Spelunky under roguelikes though.

And roguelikes are pretty awesome. Love randomly generated games.

Transistor is also a good indie game in my opinion.
Good points. I put Spelunky under roguelikes though.

And roguelikes are pretty awesome. Love randomly generated games.

Transistor is also a good indie game in my opinion.
If you enjoy roguelikes, randomly generated games, you should check out:

- Dungeons of Dredmor
- NEO Scavenger
- Nuclear Throne
- Not The Robots
- The Nightmare Cooperative
- Teleglitch
- Risk of Rain

Keep an eye out for Catacomb Kids. Been playing the alpha and it just might be the best blend of platformer and roguelike since Spelunky. Vagante is another game to watch, you can download the alpha here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/vagante
I'm not really interested in indie games at all. I don't like how most of them look, and the ones I've tried have had underwhelming game design. I don't know how to explain what I would like except by listing what I already like.

Favorite developers:
-Platinum Games
-Sega AM2
-Older Sega/Konami/Capcom

Favorite games:
-Final Fight
-Strania - The Stella Machina
-God Hand
-SMW2: Yoshi's Island
-After Burner Climax
-Mars Matrix
-Rhythm Heaven Fever
-Gotcha Force
-Sega Super GT
-Phantasy Star Online
-Contra: Hard Corps
I'm not really interested in indie games at all. I don't like how most of them look, and the ones I've tried have had underwhelming game design. I don't know how to explain what I would like except by listing what I already like.

Favorite developers:
-Platinum Games
-Sega AM2
-Older Sega/Konami/Capcom

Favorite games:
-Final Fight
-Strania - The Stella Machina
-God Hand
-SMW2: Yoshi's Island
-After Burner Climax
-Rhythm Heaven Fever
-Gotcha Force
-Phantasy Star Online
-Contra: Hard Corps
If you like Vanquish and God Hand, you might enjoy Aces Wild


If you believe first-person (multiplayer) melee combat can't be done well, look no further than Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.





Fair warning: the game has its share of technical issues, some of which are still being ironed out. The mechanics are deceptively complex and allow experienced players to pull off some pretty wacky moves. There are plenty of players in-game and on the forums willing to help out newcomers, though. I personally believe the game is worth playing just for the voice commands alone.

this would be my vote.

Probably the only indie title I would say is a must buy, mainly because there should be more games like it but for some reason there isn't.
Cool idea for a thread. I get a little disheartened when people say they just don't like indies and the reasons are usually just misinformation. Happy to recommend some titles to people willing to try new things. Immediately my biggest rec would be Rogue Legacy. Incredible game that I poured over 20 hours into on the PC and started recently on the PS4/Vita. It's a 2D action-platformer-rogue-lite. You play as a new character everytime you die but you can spend any gold you got on the previous run to upgrade all future characters. Such a lot of fun.


Neat thread idea. I don't automatically dismiss indie games, but I tend not to find them as charming as most of GAF does. I had my fill of 8 & 16 bit platformers and 20 years ago and seeing games like that spring up again doesn't fill me with nostalgia, That being said, there also nifty ltttle gems like Hyperlight Drifter that look fantastic despite the use of low res pixels.Over the last few years, here are the indie games I've enjoyed:

Valdis Story: Abyssal City
Legend of Grimrock
Fortune Summoners
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Zeno Clash
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

Looking forward to:
No Man's Sky
Darkest Dungeon
Ghost Song
Ghost of a Tale
Night in the Woods
Cuphead (the art style is gorgeous, but I suspect I'll wind up disappointed by the gameplay, same as Bastion)


I personally thought the story was effective. But I played it in a unique way I don't remember seeing many others play this way. When I played, my sister used one analog stick on the controller and her right button, and I used the other analog and the left button. It was a tad awkward at first, but we quickly gained control of it and started working in synchronicity. When the story is completed, when it all plays out, the story had extra oomph. It really was effective when you play it like this with someone you love.

I did the same thing with my girlfriend. It's a good way to experience the game, and I have a feeling this was intentional on the developer's part.


I did the same thing with my girlfriend. It's a good way to experience the game, and I have a feeling this was intentional on the developer's part.

Hm, I wonder. Do they have any interviews suggesting it? I am curious to know what they would think of people who played it that way. When I read the Brothers thread and mentioned I played it that way, few if anybody said they had.



Thanks to the generosity of Lab Zero Games and neoGAFer Ravidrath, I have five codes for Skullgirls to give away - and these codes include all the DLC characters as well!

These codes will be open to anybody in this topic who actively engages in a back and forth on the subject of indies. That includes those of you who love indies, so everyone is invited! From here on out, all people who participate in this thread will be entered into the contest randomizer for selection by 14 August 2014 @ 4:30PM(EST).

Thanks again for all the recommendations and participation so far!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
This is a really good idea for a thread. I'll be reading it closely. Some of the best games I've played in recent years are indies, there's a lot of amazing stuff out there.

Kentucky Route Zero

Just... play this game. There are no puzzles, but man, I have never played a game quite like it. It's an interactive play when it boils down to it, dialogue is presented like a script, stage directions introduce and close scenes and dialogue, and dialogue options can shape your version of the story, but never shape the story itself, just the backstory of the characters. Gorgeous visuals, outstanding music, and the best sound design I've ever heard period. Being released in 5 parts, 3 of which are out now, and 2 "standalone" games: Limits & Demonstrations, and The Entertainment are free on kentuckyroutezero.com, and tie into the main game pretty heavily

Yes. KR 0 is a very special game, easily recommended to anyone who's looking for a unique experience. The wait for a new act is getting harder every time.

Still I get the feeling not enough people play it. The Act III thread here only has 1 page, and it's the most substantial bit of content yet! I bet some people are waiting for all acts to be released. I can't wait to replay everything before starting Act V.
Had no idea the devs made more stuff outside main KR 0, will have to check that out sometime.


I can't wait to play Kentucky Route Zero but I am waiting for all the parts to be out before trying it. I can't stand waiting between episodes on things. Same reason I waited for all of Walking Dead Season 2 and Wolf Among Us before a purchase.


Love me some indies! few points:

  • I totally agree with the Rogue Legacy comments and recommendation.
  • Chivalry is a ton of fun and highly recommended as well (did he just set the man on fire with a kick in that second .gif?)
  • Faster Than Light (FTL) is an amazing game as well
  • Some big ones worth mentioning to frame the discussion: Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, Gary's mod, DayZ, Rust and recently the Stanley Parable
  • Goat Simulator actually happened

One of my favorites is Dear Esther. I think it shows what indie freedom allows for. Different kind of experience. That "game" is pure atmosphere in semi interactive format. I still hear the narrators voice in my head sometimes...

You can play through the whole thing in few short hours but the experience actually stays with you long after you stop playing.

I could (and should) make a post about all of Arcen's games and point out how they all manage to mesh together different genres into a unique cohesive package, and maybe I will make one for The Last Federation and A Valley Without Wind 2 at some point. But for now, I want to talk about the crown jewel (and first release) from the company, AI War: Fleet Command.


The game is not a looker. It has an aesthetic and it works for the game and is functional. If you're the kind of person (or people, more on that later) who is interested in playing this game, you almost assuredly don't care about the graphics that much.

What the game does is take almost every rule of strategy games and break them. Let's go over the points where AI War breaks free from both the 4x and RTS genre trappings:

1) The AI and the player are playing very different games and different goals. In AI War the player is working to build up enough assets to perform a successful decapitation strike against the AI. The AI starts with more or less the entire galaxy, and the player essentially performs assymetric warfare with the goal of trying to get the AI to pay as little attention to them as possible (until its too late for the AI to stop the plan the player sets in motion). The AI in this game is a programmed intelligence that acts in very specific manner, and is NOT designed to just be another player to compete against.

2) There's a huge amount of randomness that the player must react to, and the way to win is the player to ride the wave of this randomness and not buck against it into a "this is best plan" strategy. This isn't Starcraft or Age of Empires, or even Civ, here you have tech options randomized and the AI behaviors randomizes in addition to the randomness of the galaxy that is generated. The result is that you get all sorts of crazy emergent things going on and that every game is unique and crazy in its own way.

3) It's plays great in single player, and absolutely excels in co-op. The dvision of work in AI War is pretty clean and parallelizes very well. This means that you can more or less play the core game flow in parallel with your other players. Games are long, but if you and a friend set aside a few sessions of a few hours each you can finish one up. Think of them like mini-D&D camapaigns. No other strategy game really has that kind of long,involved co-op play. If you play single player that's fine too. You can scale in and scale out the galaxy size to meet you playlength demands.

4) There's no end to the rabbithole this game can take you. There is a very large amount of added content for the game, but it's not wasteful throwaway campaign garbage (AI War doesn't have a campaign, because RTS campaigns are trash) and instead just more units and more behaviors to add into the ways the game can play out.

5) It's an extreme game. Not in the sense of Mountain Dew, Doritos, and Call of Duty, but in the sense that this game exists and is made for a very specific set of people. If you're still reading this or have been interested in the game in the past, you might be one of those people. Games that cater to an extreme are rare, but if they click with your tastes they are the best things ever.


I mostly like Nintendo games.
Short games are better, no serious depth, I don't care about looks as long it's not extremely ugly.
Not arcade, high score based. Few or no cut scenes.

I think i would love Shovel Knight but it isn't out yet.

I would recommend Guacamelee, as a Nintendo fan myself.


I can't wait to play Kentucky Route Zero but I am waiting for all the parts to be out before trying it. I can't stand waiting between episodes on things. Same reason I waited for all of Walking Dead Season 2 and Wolf Among Us before a purchase.

The crazy thing with Telltale's pricing structure is by the time all of the content is available, the game can be picked up for cheap.

It almost encourages consumers to wait until the content is released.

I will probably pick up KR0 when act IV is released. I think my girlfriend really enjoys adventure games.


The crazy thing with Telltale's pricing structure is by the time all of the content is available, the game can be picked up for cheap.

It almost encourages consumers to wait until the content is released.

I will probably pick up KR0 when act IV is released. I think my girlfriend really enjoys adventure games.

haha, that's true. i got Wolf Among Us for 12 bucks lol



Looking for a game like Patapon. Prefer RPG elements more like Patapon 2 and 3.

Also, what is the closest game like Dragon Quest. More like 8 and 9 (and 10) than 1-7.

Needs to be computer, Android, or Vita (although I'm pretty educated on what the Vita has).


Alright. Is there any sci-fi games that are not horror,puzzle or platformers and with 3d art?

Don't like roguelikes either. Released only if there are.
Rime Berta looks amazing. Very tempted to pick it up today even though I'm in the middle of some other games. And hey, I hadn't heard about it before seeing it in this thread, so the thread is working as far as I'm concerned.
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