Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


-The Last Guardian
-Duke Nukem sequel
-Final Fantasy VII remake
-The Legend of Dragoon 2
-Crash Bandicoot 4
-Syphon Filter reboot


It's possible with the Power of the Ps4!



Gamescom Predictions
-Open with continuation of Uncharted 4 trailer which shifts right into gameplay when Drake enter the jungle

-gameplay trailer ends with Drake enter new area of the jungle, but it is now daylight and the jungle looks a bit brighter camera zooms in to orange object off in the distance....its Crash

-Immediately follows into demo for PSN Crash Bandicoot from small Naughty Dog team

-demo ends with Neo Cortex in space leering down at Crash from his satellite...suddenly alarms go off, then another, and another. Camera swoops over to sea of alarm lights, sitting on top a sea of monkeys

-Sony announces 'The Great Ape Escape' by Sanzaru Studios. No trailer just a title and Now in Development

-Now lets 'switch gears'

-New DRIVECLUB footage, looks gorgeous as always

-Demo ends announcer says 'thats not all we've been working on at Evolution studios'. Trailer begins with a set of dune buggies, motorcycles, and trucks racing through a forest somewhere in north america. The groups begins racing in a river kicking up water as they approach the end of the river. Suddenly all the cars come to a screeching halt, smashing and sliding into each other at the edge of a waterfall.
A new engine sound can be heard in the distance, sounding similar to a fighter jet. Camera pans up behind the wall of autos and you can see what looks like 2 or three motorcyles coming up the rear very fast. Just as the motorcycles look like they are about to hit the stopped cars, they swiftly jump over revealing themselves to be prototype Jet Moto bikes. They go flying down the waterfall splashing down into the water below and jumping back out flying into the air moving into a gameplay race between the 3 bikes, ducking and diving between trees and river banks, busting through abandoned homes. The stopped cars from the waterfall are soon seen racing along the banks of the river. Race accumulates in a huge finish with all of the cars, trucks, and jet motos squeezing past a narrow finish line.
'Jet Motorstorm' flashes across the screen.

-"Now we are going to slow it down a bit" Journey PS4 gameplay shoots onscreen, new area, dynamic sand blowing. "Its not about the end, its about The Journey" around 2 hours of extra levels and areas. Quick Unfinished Swan PS4 announcement.

-New RIME gameplay, new area showing off dynamic weather and day/night cycle

-FROM Software comes onstage shows Bloodborne....long demo that is basically E3 demo+

-Square comes out "You're excitement has paid off" boom FFXV gameplay trailer, shows off screen filling summons that become temporary party members with special attacks that can be ordered from a new slowed timed order menu...gameplay is very much KH on steroids...boss battle involving platforming elements teased

-next up KH3 gameplay trailer. Sora and team are caught in a blizzard climbing a they reach the top suddenly the snow clears revealing Elsa's castle, but something is off as heartless can be seen crawling around it, fast forward to a battle with possessed Elsa in thrown room shooting of Ice blasts yelling 'Leave me alone!'. Demo ends with Sora 'unlocking' her heart thus saving her....cue sizzle real...action figure Sora with articulation points fighting along side Woody and Buzz fighting Zerg.... dolphin tail sora swimming along side Marlin and Dory fighting off the three sharks....teased battle with Doctor Facilier.... cue shots of new organization and returning characters.... end trailer with huge sweeping shot of spaceship and robot Sora jetting around on a fire extinguisher with Wall E

-"And finally one last announcement"

-Black screen, a soft scraping of chains can be heard. Cue glorious reveal of 'The Last Guardian' on PS4. Basically the PS3 trailers we've seen with a PS4 coat of paint. End conference.
GC predictionz:

Shahid walks up the stage and just says:

New Parappa
New Ape Escape
New Syphon Filter
New Colony Wars
New WipEout
Crash is back
This is how we do it



Gamescom Predictions
-Open with continuation of Uncharted 4 trailer which shifts right into gameplay when Drake enter the jungle

-gameplay trailer ends with Drake enter new area of the jungle, but it is now daylight and the jungle looks a bit brighter camera zooms in to orange object off in the distance....its Crash

-Immediately follows into demo for PSN Crash Bandicoot from small Naughty Dog team

-demo ends with Neo Cortex in space leering down at Crash from his satellite...suddenly alarms go off, then another, and another. Camera swoops over to sea of alarm lights, sitting on top a sea of monkeys

-Sony announces 'The Great Ape Escape' by Sanzaru Studios. No trailer just a title and Now in Development

-Now lets 'switch gears'

-New DRIVECLUB footage, looks gorgeous as always

-Demo ends announcer says 'thats not all we've been working on at Evolution studios'. Trailer begins with a set of dune buggies, motorcycles, and trucks racing through a forest somewhere in north america. The groups begins racing in a river kicking up water as they approach the end of the river. Suddenly all the cars come to a screeching halt, smashing and sliding into each other at the edge of a waterfall.
A new engine sound can be heard in the distance, sounding similar to a fighter jet. Camera pans up behind the wall of autos and you can see what looks like 2 or three motorcyles coming up the rear very fast. Just as the motorcycles look like they are about to hit the stopped cars, they swiftly jump over revealing themselves to be prototype Jet Moto bikes. They go flying down the waterfall splashing down into the water below and jumping back out flying into the air moving into a gameplay race between the 3 bikes, ducking and diving between trees and river banks, busting through abandoned homes. The stopped cars from the waterfall are soon seen racing along the banks of the river. Race accumulates in a huge finish with all of the cars, trucks, and jet motos squeezing past a narrow finish line.
'Jet Motorstorm' flashes across the screen.

-"Now we are going to slow it down a bit" Journey PS4 gameplay shoots onscreen, new area, dynamic sand blowing. "Its not about the end, its about The Journey" around 2 hours of extra levels and areas. Quick Unfinished Swan PS4 announcement.

-New RIME gameplay, new area showing off dynamic weather and day/night cycle

-FROM Software comes onstage shows Bloodborne....long demo that is basically E3 demo+

-Square comes out "You're excitement has paid off" boom FFXV gameplay trailer, shows off screen filling summons that become temporary party members with special attacks that can be ordered from a new slowed timed order menu...gameplay is very much KH on steroids...boss battle involving platforming elements teased

-next up KH3 gameplay trailer. Sora and team are caught in a blizzard climbing a they reach the top suddenly the snow clears revealing Elsa's castle, but something is off as heartless can be seen crawling around it, fast forward to a battle with possessed Elsa in thrown room shooting of Ice blasts yelling 'Leave me alone!'. Demo ends with Sora 'unlocking' her heart thus saving her....cue sizzle real...action figure Sora with articulation points fighting along side Woody and Buzz fighting Zerg.... dolphin tail sora swimming along side Marlin and Dory fighting off the three sharks....teased battle with Doctor Facilier.... cue shots of new organization and returning characters.... end trailer with huge sweeping shot of spaceship and robot Sora jetting around on a fire extinguisher with Wall E

-"And finally one last announcement"

-Black screen, a soft scraping of chains can be heard. Cue glorious reveal of 'The Last Guardian' on PS4. Basically the PS3 trailers we've seen with a PS4 coat of paint. End conference.

....Please, make all of this happen; that just sounds way to awesome not to happen :D! Paritcually, love how you describe really natural transitions between the three starting announcements (Uncharted to Crash to Ape Escape). Also dat Jet Motorstorm....that has to happen :D!

Would love to also see Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XV get shown off again in the fashion you described.....

Of course none of this will happen though, this is Soony we are talking about X(.....


I'm expecting to find out with PS Now becomes available in the UK.

I'm also expecting to laugh when seeing the prices Sony expect us Brits to pay for renting games via the service.


Gamescom Predictions
-Open with continuation of Uncharted 4 trailer which shifts right into gameplay when Drake enter the jungle

-gameplay trailer ends with Drake enter new area of the jungle, but it is now daylight and the jungle looks a bit brighter camera zooms in to orange object off in the distance....its Crash

-Immediately follows into demo for PSN Crash Bandicoot from small Naughty Dog team

-demo ends with Neo Cortex in space leering down at Crash from his satellite...suddenly alarms go off, then another, and another. Camera swoops over to sea of alarm lights, sitting on top a sea of monkeys

-Sony announces 'The Great Ape Escape' by Sanzaru Studios. No trailer just a title and Now in Development

-Now lets 'switch gears'

-New DRIVECLUB footage, looks gorgeous as always

-Demo ends announcer says 'thats not all we've been working on at Evolution studios'. Trailer begins with a set of dune buggies, motorcycles, and trucks racing through a forest somewhere in north america. The groups begins racing in a river kicking up water as they approach the end of the river. Suddenly all the cars come to a screeching halt, smashing and sliding into each other at the edge of a waterfall.
A new engine sound can be heard in the distance, sounding similar to a fighter jet. Camera pans up behind the wall of autos and you can see what looks like 2 or three motorcyles coming up the rear very fast. Just as the motorcycles look like they are about to hit the stopped cars, they swiftly jump over revealing themselves to be prototype Jet Moto bikes. They go flying down the waterfall splashing down into the water below and jumping back out flying into the air moving into a gameplay race between the 3 bikes, ducking and diving between trees and river banks, busting through abandoned homes. The stopped cars from the waterfall are soon seen racing along the banks of the river. Race accumulates in a huge finish with all of the cars, trucks, and jet motos squeezing past a narrow finish line.
'Jet Motorstorm' flashes across the screen.

-"Now we are going to slow it down a bit" Journey PS4 gameplay shoots onscreen, new area, dynamic sand blowing. "Its not about the end, its about The Journey" around 2 hours of extra levels and areas. Quick Unfinished Swan PS4 announcement.

-New RIME gameplay, new area showing off dynamic weather and day/night cycle

-FROM Software comes onstage shows Bloodborne....long demo that is basically E3 demo+

-Square comes out "You're excitement has paid off" boom FFXV gameplay trailer, shows off screen filling summons that become temporary party members with special attacks that can be ordered from a new slowed timed order menu...gameplay is very much KH on steroids...boss battle involving platforming elements teased

-next up KH3 gameplay trailer. Sora and team are caught in a blizzard climbing a they reach the top suddenly the snow clears revealing Elsa's castle, but something is off as heartless can be seen crawling around it, fast forward to a battle with possessed Elsa in thrown room shooting of Ice blasts yelling 'Leave me alone!'. Demo ends with Sora 'unlocking' her heart thus saving her....cue sizzle real...action figure Sora with articulation points fighting along side Woody and Buzz fighting Zerg.... dolphin tail sora swimming along side Marlin and Dory fighting off the three sharks....teased battle with Doctor Facilier.... cue shots of new organization and returning characters.... end trailer with huge sweeping shot of spaceship and robot Sora jetting around on a fire extinguisher with Wall E

-"And finally one last announcement"

-Black screen, a soft scraping of chains can be heard. Cue glorious reveal of 'The Last Guardian' on PS4. Basically the PS3 trailers we've seen with a PS4 coat of paint. End conference.

You're setting yourself for big disappointment.


Realistic Expectations:

- Big Driveclub push
- LBP3 creation tools trailer/demo
- New Bloodborne trailer with gameplay.
- 1 new game from a EU/NA studio [bets on MM, Guerilla's saved for VGAs]
- 1 new Japan studio title (as per the rumours).
- A few small Vita announcements [indie titles, perhaps 1 semi-big title] and price drop on memory cards + new bundle for fall/christmas.
- Updates on Rime, Shadow of the Beast, maybe No Mans Sky and one new small dev collaboration in the same vein.


Regarding The Last Guardian, I would be happy if we even got "Please look forward to E3 2015" to at least know the project is alive.

Regarding Bloodborne, BRING IT ON.


What I realistically expect:
- PS Now talk with EU countries in mind, details on when the beta rolls out over here...
- Which will probably lead into PS TV stuff and other services/apps that have yet to launch in Europe.
- Then new trailers and maybe more info on games we saw at E3 such as The Order, Bloodborne, Little Big Planet 3 and hopefully Drive Club finally gets its time in the spotlight,
- Until Dawn gets re-unveiled as that has been heavily rumoured, and they do some kind of available right now with maybe Journey or Unfinished Sawn.
- Destiny and No Man Sky will probably get stage time considering how much 'press talk-time' those two games generate whenever they are presented.
- And most likely we get another look at some of the 3rd party multiplatform titles and indie games that are due out soon as well.

What I'm hoping on top of that:
- Update on Rime, Shadow of the Beast, and Everyone's Gone to the Rapture considering we haven't heard anything from those since last year.
- Some sort of new announcement be it from Media Molecule or some other internal studio.

For some reason I don't feel like Uncharted will be teased again at Gamescom.
My bets for Tuesday are these :D.

- Ratchet and Clank Redux getting a gameplay trailer with a demo coming this fall and/or comes bundled with LBP 3 or something :).
- More gameplay on The Order, LBP3, DriveClub and Bloodborn. Bloodborn will get a release date for sometime next year.
- Proper gameplay trailer for Uncharted 4. After that, we get another trailer but for an Uncharted Collection (developed by Bluepoint; they did say they were working on bring a Classic PS IP to PS4 I think :D) with an Uncharted 4 Beta being included with the Collection.
- MM's, GC's, GG's and Studio Japan's PS4 games all get shown off :D! MM will be a game that uses the PS Camera and Move Controllers to create 3D platforming levels using the engine from Tearaway, GC making either a new Killzone game or returning to a old PS1 IP (Midevil maybe :D? They DID hint that at the end of PS All Stars), GG's finally showing off there RPG game, and Studio Japan closing the show with a massive, huge revivial/new JRPG IP :D!.
- PS4 getting a new SKU; PS4 + Vita bundle officially announced for NA and EU this fall for 450. It will include a 16GB Memory Card, a year of PS+, and a big Sony game (I guess.....either Infamous or Killzone).
- More indie games coming to PS4/PS3/Vita. Hopefully will include the more 3D games coming to Steam (please, can A Hat in Time come to PS4? Freedom Planet coming to Vita?)
- Until Dawn getting re-born as a sudo-action/horror game with gameplay similar to Resident Evil 4 or still a game that heavily uses PS Move (but at this point, I don't know about that :l. The game has been pushed back a two years already, so I must be the motion controls getting in the way of the games development or something...)
- Surprise 3rd party exclusive announced (seeing that the Street Fighter producer is making SOMETHING for PS4 that isn't Deep Down......maybe Capcom developing a PS Fighting game? That would be amazing :D!)

- More Collections announced; Ape Escape and Level-5 Collections coming to PS3 and Vita. Ape Escape will include all three original games Ape Escape 1 (Based on the PSP but with higher-res character models/worlds and restoring the original PS1 game's controls), Ape Escape 2 and Ape Escape 3 with full HD and 60FPS (Vita having native res with 30FPS with controls modeled after the PSP Ape Escape 1 but with camera mapped to right stick). Level-5 Collection will include Dark Cloud 1 and 2 + Rouge Legacy. Studio Japan and Level-5 working on both projects and coming some time next year. (With this being new Collections, they will be cross-buy with Vita :D!)
- Sony announcing 3rd party's developing even more HD Collections; Capcom bring Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, Activison bring the Spider-Man games (SM 2 and USM), more coming.
- PS3 gets new SKU; very small model with 1TB hard drive (that can easily be removed) and has a year of PS+ included but no disk drive. Will cost 150$ and coming sometime next year (to not over-lap with PS TV sales).

PS Vita:
- 64GB Memory Card coming in September for EU and NA :D! That alongside new prices for the memory cards; 4 and 8GB cards discontinued, 16GB costing 20 bucks, 32GB costing 40 bucks and 64GB 60 bucks.
- Mega Packs coming to NA; they will range from 30 dollars (including 8GB cards) to 50 dollars (including 16GB cards). They will be based of the ones that was released in EU.
- More HD Collections coming; Ico Collection coming earily next year, Ratchet Dreadlocked coming this fall (made by the Mass Media, also ported the Trilogy to Vita), Okami, DMC Collection, and Resident Evil games (RE4 and RE: CV) coming next year, Prince of Persia and/or Splinter Cell Collections coming next year, and Silent Hill Collection (developed by Armpature or Bluepoint; I don't think Konami will want to fuck that collection up AGAIN I think :l) coming next year.
- Gravity Rush 2 still coming to Vita but also coming to PS4 (Vita version still pushing the hardware though). Coming some time next year.
- Oshoka and Freedom Wars shown off in montage.
- PSN games on PS3 coming to Vita; the bigger ones (many of the ones that are really great, like Mega Man 9/10 and Sonic CD 2011)
- .....I guess more Mobile ports; third party have been making lots of console quality games on mobile but they never landed on Vita X(. Stuff like Deus Ex the Fall, Xcom Enimie Unknown, Bioshock 1 port, ect should be on Vita.

I think that is it :). I know this isn't modest at all, but if any of these things can happen, that will be nice :D.
Expectations > Reality

lol...I like the enthusiasm though '-)

I wouldn't expect any huge surprises, they've already teased pretty much everything they're going to show.

- Until Dawn PS4 re reveal trailer
- Media Molecule new IP trailer
- Bloodbourne gameplay demo
- The Order gameplay demo
- Rime gameplay demo
- Driveclub gameplay demo
- More info about other already announced indies (Shadow Of The Beast, The Witness)
- One new downloadable title from SCEJ
- GTA V PS4 release date and bundle
- SOE games on PS4 dated and short demo of Planetside 2
- New OS updates
- Already announced third party games

I would not expect anything major outside this.
That's not a bad show though...Not in the slightest...
What I realistically expect:
- PS Now talk with EU countries in mind, details on when the beta rolls out over here...
- Which will probably lead into PS TV stuff and other services/apps that have yet to launch in Europe.
- Then new trailers and maybe more info on games we saw at E3 such as The Order, Bloodborne, Little Big Planet 3 and hopefully Drive Club finally gets its time in the spotlight,
- Until Dawn gets re-unveiled as that has been heavily rumoured, and they do some kind of available right now with maybe Journey or Unfinished Sawn.
- Destiny and No Man Sky will probably get stage time considering how much 'press talk-time' those two games generate whenever they are presented.
- And most likely we get another look at some of the 3rd party multiplatform titles and indie games that are due out soon as well.

What I'm hoping on top of that:
- Update on Rime, Shadow of the Beast, and Everyone's Gone to the Rapture considering we haven't heard anything from those since last year.
- Some sort of new announcement be it from Media Molecule or some other internal studio.

For some reason I don't feel like Uncharted will be teased again at Gamescom.
I don't think so either, game isn't due out until likely fall of next year. Uncharted titles come out in November usually IIRC.

I just want 1-2 games we haven't seen before and updates on quality software that's coming soon. PS4 UI update and PSnow update would be nice too. Really though, I like that Sony has 1-3 surprises per show, I don't want to be overloaded with new IP reveals just to have nothing else to talk about for the rest of the year.
Predictions before everything leaks.

AAA / first party

Not a lot of new stuff
LBP3 will have a big presence.
Demos for stuff we saw at E3. Destiny again, Maybe Dead Island 2.
Bloodborn real time trailer. No official raw gameplay footage until TGS.
DriveClub gets stage time.
Rime is finally shown again.
Shadow of the Beast got canned.

1 new boxed game announced. (Until Dawn?)

Shahid indie hour

Maybe we get a date for Hotline Miami 2 and Minecraft
Other then that look at steam and pick random indie games released in the last 6 months and you will probably get it half right.

Another super late port of a console game is coming to Vita. Maybe Bioshock. Definitely not FF Type 0.

OS updates

Looks like MS is going to announce some big OS features judging by them handing out preview codes to attendees. If MS announces MP3 support Sony will counter with a similar announcement but not have a date outside of "Soon" or "this holiday".


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Man what happened to Sony insiders? It's been so quiet.
Mortimer got himself banned.
Verendus has been silent for a long while.
GopherD hasn't said much since launch.
DemonNite has been deadly silent since Bloodborne (Project Beast) actually leaked the first time.
Tidux (lol) well... lol.
Cboat got found out probably T_T.
Nktrnl accidentally posted that one time.

At least this close to an event, having no leaks is a good thing.


Mortimer got himself banned.
Verendus has been silent for a long while.
GopherD hasn't said much since launch.
DemonNite has been deadly silent since Bloodborne (Project Beast) actually leaked the first time.
Tidux (lol) well... lol.
Cboat got found out probably T_T.
Nktrnl accidentally posted that one time.

At least this close to an event, having no leaks is a good thing.

Sony ninjas stepped in to have a word with them~!

Also I feel like insiders get it unfair, because things change in the industry so much over the course of a few months things fall through, get canceled etc. and then they get a lot of shit for it. There is no real benefit to leaking things, beyond some ego stroking, but its probably best for them to enjoy all that insider info they have and just leave it alone.
Man what happened to Sony insiders? It's been so quiet.

Sony Insiders before E3


Then E3 came and Sony had fuck all outside of Bloodborn which leaked anyway.

The insiders that are trustworthy have shut up. The rest are shitting up twitter and random sites on N4G.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sony Insiders before E3


Then E3 came and Sony had fuck all outside of Bloodborn which leaked anyway.

The insiders that are trustworthy have shut up. The rest are shitting up twitter and random sites on N4G.

I don't know that this characterizes any sony insider. Like even the bad ones.


Sony Insiders before E3


Then E3 came and Sony had fuck all outside of Bloodborn which leaked anyway.

The insiders that are trustworthy have shut up. The rest are shitting up twitter and random sites on N4G.
I think you mixing something between sony E3 and ms E3 rumors?
Only thing i remember leaking on sonys E3 was bloodborne.


@sn00zer, you better be snoozin during the show, otherwise you will be mighty disappointed.

Sony Insiders before E3


Then E3 came and Sony had fuck all outside of Bloodborn which leaked anyway.

The insiders that are trustworthy have shut up. The rest are shitting up twitter and random sites on N4G.

True that. Its certainly a lot quieter than last year, thats for sure.

There's plenty of big stuff to leak, but it's always met with "wishful thinking" or "no way, that's bullshit".

You talking about GS, right? Would you say I should aboard the hype train?


Sony Insiders before E3


Then E3 came and Sony had fuck all outside of Bloodborn which leaked anyway.

The insiders that are trustworthy have shut up. The rest are shitting up twitter and random sites on N4G.

I think you might be confusing what people said about MS this year.

Lots of insiders told us to keep our expectations in check regarding the Sony conference.

EVERYONE else said that MS had all of these megaton announcements and that we should pay attention.
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