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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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I suck at determining what stats are good on things. Damage, rate, impacts? Some of the legendary or exotic items don't get me excited, but others are losing their minds.

What is wrong with me?

For me impact is huge cause the enemies actually get knocked back, I prefer a high damage of course and high impact fire rate is secondary. The AR I have slows down like half when I scope but the damage increases which is awesome. and I scope shoot like 98.5% of the time.


I got a few bounties that say I have to finish a Story mission with the Heroic modifier, does this mean I have to do it in a daily mission or does this just mean I have to crank the difficulty in the settings to Hard?

Crank that difficulty up.

When you change the difficulty a skull will pop up at the bottom of the screen. when you move the cursor over it, it should say what the skull is, and what the modifier does.


Damn, I can't remember which Live account I used to sign up with my new account, and thus can't unlink it and log in with my good one. Must have used some throwaway email for some reason. :( It really sucks that Bungie has no actual support


Arr ships shared between characters? What do i get if i scrap a ship?

You can stick them in your vault to share with other characters if you wish, so technically yes. And you get nothing for scrapping them, no glimmer or mats or anything. But if you snag them from chests you'll likely wind up with duplicates at some point and there isn't much else to do with them.


I got a few bounties that say I have to finish a Story mission with the Heroic modifier, does this mean I have to do it in a daily mission or does this just mean I have to crank the difficulty in the settings to Hard?

I was wondering the same thing but I swear all I did was go through the mission on the normal story mode without even thinking about it and it worked. consider myself confused.

E92 M3

Man it's so disheartening at times lol. I used to be great at this shit in my younger years. Every time I think ive turned a corner I have a 3 kill 15 death game to send me back to reality :{

Yeah I have one but its not very good (low damage and fire rate) but I do go for dat ammo and land a kill or two a game with it.

I feel you - PVP is very up and down for me.


When doing weekly heroic strikes, for example lvl 22 says no rewards, lvl 26 says 3 strange coins. When I do lvl 26 will it say you have zero lefts left?
I need to get to 26 quick. Sitting on 24 for 2 days now.

Tried the weekly and got my butt handed to me.

Time to farm for helium.

Thanks for taking me along harrier and chord
Was this posted/known regarding the Farmville Cave of Destiny™?

When I got to the cave there were 5 people already farming it. A fireteam of 3, fireteam of 2 and me playing solo. For the first 10-15 mins I was blasting the mouth of the cave just like everyone else and I wasn't getting a lot of kills but loot was still falling (mostly greens and a couple blues). Then I decided to just watch the cave with my sniper scope. My theory was that maybe I don't have to be the shooter, just "witness" the kill. And that worked. I still got loot.

The other test I did right before I left was to see if just being in proximity to the 5 other people, but not watching the cave would drop loot. I crouched behind the slanted rock in the back and was looking 90 degrees away from the cave, I did not witness any kills. And when we all ran in to collect loot / ammo I picked up 2 engrams, they were legendary but I don't think this gives you a higher chance for purple. They were simply the first legendary ones to EVER drop for me.

TL;DR - as long as people are around getting kills you will have the same chance to get a drop, even if you aren't shooting or a witness to the kills.

Also my grimoire kills for area and enemies still increased even though I wasn't shooting.

Of course, shooting them yourself levels your weapons and gear.


Aww yiss! I got my first exotic last night:


Patience and Time sniper, allows for radar during ads and active camo during ads.

I'm level 21 and this was a random drop from crucible
Is Bad Juju a good Pulse rifle?

I sure hope so, I have the bounty for it. I did the weekly heroic but now I need 25 strikes plus a ton of crucible kills. I also need to get something from Xur who only shows up on weekends so between trying to get the bounty stuff done and finishing the Raid my group is working through, I'll have my work cut out for me if I want to see it this weekend.
Need help with the Weekly Heroic Strike. I'm currently stuck at this Phogoth boss (final?) and I just can't do it solo. Don't know if it's possible to join midway through this strike but if anyone is up for it: PSN = demian__


Yeah, everyone got at least one exotic and couple of legendaries that have Raid perks to it like being able to kill oracles quicker. I just got a shit load of mats and a shader called Chatterwhite. We had a REALLY good team.

Alright well I know you're on my friends list, so Ill definitely be hitting you up once I hit 26 (currently 23 and Ill probably hit 24 tonight).


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just a few random gameplay tips from harmless fun to clutch fireteam maneuvers.

Go Fast or Go Home
With so much encouragement to replay the various content in Destiny, I've already started challenging myself to run through the missions I'm comfortable with as fast as humanly possible. And I mean literally run- you'll find that few fights in Destiny are required. Beyond Defend waves, minibosses and bosses the game is pretty content to let you run and jump through its levels if you so choose.

One of my favorite discoveries is that while many locations prevent you from summoning your sparrow, they don't give a damn about you driving it in. Boosting through Hive temples and narrow corridors in the Cosmodrome is a blast for me, and it's also occasionally viable tactically- if there's a tough group blockading an entrance but it isn't a required fight, you can often jet right past them.

Arc, Void, and Fire

Of Destiny's advanced elements, this is the most basic one- but mastering it is key to succeeding in high-level context and slicing through easier stuff with haste.

Elemental damage is only a feature of Secondary and Heavy weapons. No primaries, excepting a few exotics feature any elemental damage.

Enemies in Destiny frequently use shields, and these shields are always powered by an element: blue/white (arc), void (purple), and fire (red/orange). Shields are simply weak to their own color. Using an Arc fusion rifle on a blue shield (as worn by Fallen) will take it down in mere moments, whereas I can't even face a Minotaur confidently without a Void weapon.

If you are colorblind, or would just prefer to memorize the enemy types rather than rely on shield color... generally speaking, it goes like this:
Fallen < Arc
Hive < Fire
Vex < Void

However, there are some exceptions, so always try to call out what kind of shield a tough new enemy spawn is rocking as soon as you spot it.

It's generally a good idea to keep multiple weapons in your inventory so that you have at least one of each elemental type to rely on. However, swapping weapons in your inventory halves your ammo for that weapon type. As a result, in tougher content it's actually a better idea to designate members of the fireteam to each have a different elemental secondary weapon- three players, three elements- to be called upon when needed for quickly disabling shields.

Be a Synthesizer
There's a cap of 25000 glimmer in Destiny and it starts to pile up quite quickly at the higher levels. The best investment for your blue shiny stuff that I've seen so far is, without question, special/heavy ammo synthesis consumables from the Gunsmith.

Simple enough, you pop these from your inventory and they replenish your ammo. So far as I'm concerned, these are Destiny's health/mana potions, and any fireteam should always have them at the ready. Buy a handful of each, especially heavy, and replenish whenever you get back to the tower after using them.

In addition to tough content often leaving you ammo-starved for mere survival, being able to near-continuously pump out special/heavy weapon damage to a boss can sharply reduce the length of a fight.

Subclass Mastery: Be Water
Once you hit level 20, you're still earning XP- and you'll likely have at least a few more ability upgrades to unlock on your chosen subclass. But once you've maxed it out, all that nutritious XP is going to waste!

When doing content where you're comfortable, turning in bounties, farming, or otherwise acquiring XP but don't need to be playing at your absolute most efficient- swap to your other subclass to get it maxed out too. Leveling up with your second subclass not only allows you to bring the full suite of abilities your class to the table for any encounter, it also enhances your overall capability because of the game's extremely generous approach to swapping subclasses. You can literally switch mid-combat. While reloading, if you like.

For example, during a boss fight a Gunsliger hunter might ready her super and then unload Golden Gun into the boss- only to notice a downed ally, quickly swap to bladedancer and cloak to run in for the revive.

By mastering both subclasses, you can ensure that your Guardian not only brings both skillsets to the table, but is a fluid and adaptable warrior for any situation.

Note: swapping subclasses empties your Super meter- so if you have it full, pop your super and take advantage before any class-swapping trickery.

One final note on subclasses: most if not all have a selectable passive skill that affects the distribution of your stats. For scenarios in which your death could mean absolute final defeat for your party, consider swapping to the one with the highest armor- sacrificing a little bit for the chance to take an extra hit or two might save your Nightfall Strike.

All that Glimmers
I'm hoping that anyone 20 or over already understands how easy it is to stock up on Glimmer. Chests, dismantling greens and unneeded blues, PvP match completion, Strike completion, just killing stuff... all of this loads you up on Glimmer. Again, there's a 25000 glimmer cap, and approaching this without even realizing it is totally possible.
Ammo Synthesis!

But even so, it's nice to know how to earn more when you need it. If you hadn't noticed, any time you kill a "Major" enemy (yellow health bar), they'll drop 25 glimmer. Enemies from each race also frequently drop a consumable that makes killing them more profitable. I am glad that human beings do not follow their example.

Here you can see the glimmer gain from killing a Hive major without a Black Wax Idol on, and with it on. The effect lasts for 10 minutes.

That's all for now. Good hunting, Guardians!


Yeah same, I sorta regret taking the bounty cause I'm absolute ass at PvP

Void fusion rifle will make you love PvP. :)

Also, I did rumble when I did my quest because you won't have teams working together. Small maps designed around CQC with everyone against each other is perfect for getting your kills.


Aww yiss! I got my first exotic last night:


Patience and Time sniper, allows for radar during ads and active camo during ads.

I'm level 21 and this was a random drop from crucible

Helllll yeah, that's one of the ones I'm hoping to eventually net. Grats on your first exotic, definitely a good first.
Just got an offer for an exotic bounty. Does anyone know what each one gives?

1) Shattered Memory Fragment
2) A Voice In The Wilderness
3) Toland's Legacy
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