Assassin's Creed "Parity": Unity is 900p/30fps on both PS4 & Xbox One

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This is fucking low.

Fund your own games instead of taking quality of competitors' userbase to hide the flaws your console was designed with.

And publishers, please don't sign anticonsumer deals like this.
Which is perfectly fine, but it shouldn't be so surprising that some consumers are going to recoil at the thought of paying money for the intentionally gimped version.

Yup, which is fine by me but if a game interested people in the past and now that it is 900p for whatever the reason may be, I don't see why anyone should be that much pissed about and suddenly cancel their orders. But hey, people can do what they want with their money. We'll be getting alot of this shit during the gen, I guarantee it. Happened in many gaming generations. If it ain't between the consoles then the PC in every case, reigns supreme.

EDIT: I wonder how people would react if they didn't say it's 900p across the two platforms because of "parity" reasons.


On another note, the relatively weak CPUs already bottlenecking the new consoles only a year in? Anyone else think this might be a problem going forward?

Developers still need to learn the compute section of the GPU. That's where the biggest leaps will be made (alongside more memory optimizations).


Neo Member
Can't decide

Assassin's Creed Unity |OT| Parity in the Ass
Assassin's Creed Unity |OT| Parity out the Ass


Ubisoft said:
We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff

Revealing that you deliberately hampered one version over the other is definitely the way to avoid debates and stuff.



So now the Xbox One is going to hold the PS4 back for bullshit like this?

I own a PS4, X1 and Wii U, if I want the best version I will take the best version thanks. Ubisoft has now made an even BIGGER shitstorm with a move like this versus it being 1080p on PS4 versus 900p on X1. Everyone is now accustomed to X1 versions running at lower resolutions, what Ubisoft has done now is completely ridiculous.

Mega thread incoming?


I jumped ship to the PS4 this gen, but I still can't believe Microsoft would do something like that. There has to be more to the story than that.
You know what I'm still buying the game on PS4 personally. I'm a huge fan of the franchise and Unity really does look awesome.

But that doesn't change at all that this is complete and utter bull shit. 900p in and of itself is no big deal at all but the fact Ubi is capable of more and are purposefuly holding back is frankly anti consumer in my opinion.


Marketing deals.

Well im and XB1 own and even i think this the hell did 900p even become a thing, that said we are only taking 180 lines of resolution here guys.

I refuse to lets numbers cloud my mind anymore it just ruins gaming, i just enjoy the games now, lifes too short.


Ubisoft isn't catching a break with AC: Unity are they? First the Female FUD and now the Go-For-Parity!

I can maybe understand the limitations of the CPU stuff on Unity as he explained. We know that the PS4 and Xbox One do not have the greatest CPUs out there. I'm not a game developer, I don't know code, and I have no idea what the restrictions of CPU to GPU implications of coding AI are, so I'll take his word at face value on that. Perhaps the game is taking more RAM from the 5GB pool both systems have to work with for the AI to function correctly and just not leaving enough for pushing both systems graphically as far as they can go? I don't know.

Starting the interview off with "We're going for parity!" probably wasn't the best way to go about trying to avoid "getting into debates".


Normally I have no issue with parity since there can be good reasons for it, like limited resources. But in this case they are saying they did it just to avoid discussions? Really?

That doesn't seem right at all. Who cares if people will discuss it if you can make a better product?

Really strange and off putting decision.


If true, this would be one of MS's most pathetic stuns yet. Intetionally gimping another console's version because you fucked up yours.

Well, they`ll never admit it. Game appearently was also heading for WatchDogs downgradaethon; the delay was used to put in a lot of various (worldwide) Ubi-hours to get things right.


Ugh why? Really? Considering not buying now... or maybe buy used.

On nother note, the relatively weak CPUs already bottlenecking the new consoles only a year in? Anyone else think this might be a problem going forward?

Yeah but U-Play tho.
Don't explain 900p on xone. Should have the same res
of watch dog then. If 900p it's possible on xone, 1080p on ps4 are mandatory. It's simple math. Gpu has enough resources.


Gold Member
It's not the fact it's crippled, it's the fact he's so brazen about it. It's like giving you a slap in the face and thinking you can't retaliate. Pfft, I dove back in with Black Flag and my excuse was lack of games following ACIII but can't be arsed with that now, plenty of other things to play so I won't be left hanging this time.


The whole resolution debacle is ruining this generation

This :(. Can't believe there's some people who actually avoid buying some games now just because it doesn't run at certain resolution or it has a few frame drops. I remember there was some people cancelling their MK8 pre-orders just because of the frame stuttering thing in the game...
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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Oh well I guess I'll be playing it on my PC with 4K at 120 fps with....Uplay... . Fuck!


Vincent Pontbriand said:
"We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff"
Yeah, that's clearly going to avoid debates and stuff, there's nothing quite like this for stopping people online talking.

In all honesty, it doesn't make any difference to me whether Microsoft are involved in this or not, it's just not relevant to me, What is relevant to me is that they've just told me that I'm not getting what I could and should be getting. That's the one reason that I'm not willing to entertain this game with my money.
Back when it was ps2 and Xbox 1 games would come out on the og Xbox pretty much identical to their ps2 counterparts. Seems like similar things are going to happen this gen.
I honestly do not care in the slightest about the difference between 900p and 1080p but I guess a few people will be kind of upset about this huh.

(topic grows by two pages as I type this post)


So how many other instances of the Xbox One holding back the PS4 are we going to have to deal with? Seriously, Ubisoft better change course on this. Intentionally gimping a version of a game at the behest of the entire fan base of the said console is a ridiculous and anti-consumer move.


dont really have a problem with this. Shadow of Mordor is around this res and fps on xbox one and it looks perfectly fine. Was going to buy this on ps4, but glad it doesnt matter what console at all now

I think this is the actual reason why, not anything to do with moneyhats or a clause from MS. Better versions of games are being lopsided with sales. Companies want to sell through to the install base for each platform, not the platform that has the best version. There are people on the other side of the fence that won't buy it because it is not the best version and they only have one console, it's possible they want to avoid that, as above.
LOL, wth!!, sorry but this is very stupid because a lot of games are releasing in the next 6 months and the games already released due take advantage of one console´s extra power, so many games to choose from, not picking this up, so much BS!!

At least Destiny is 1080p, have not picked it up, as a consumer and customer I can decide what the fuck I want, and it ain´t parity.

Jack cw

Well done Ubi...
I'll keep my money and spend it on a game that executes your AC formula way better than you do. Shadow of Mordor.
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