Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!


My lightning monk pretty much runs straight through t1 and t2. Haven't tried harder difficulty yet. Plus I just added that wreath of lightning gem which will make him even stronger.

I have an extra sunwuku amulet. Got a flying dragon last night, but haven't used it yet. Saving daibos for the monk sets that give bonuses for them.
Dude, if that sunwuko amulet is going spare..? I have the shoulders and that's it, the amulet would give me the 20% damage bonus with my Flying Dragon - I've been building up that build for a while and I just need the amulet and legs I think? Plus one or two other bits to really make it shine.

And it does tear through stuff. T4 is like butter.


I just got a RoRG from an Act 4 cache.
360 version here. I think they must have tweaked the drop rates.

Sorry if there's been another update since this, but Act 4 could always drop any of the cache only legendaries, and they also patched in a greatly increased chance of a legendary from a cache a few months ago.

Also, pretty much any decent build of any class will effortlessly plow through T1 and T2. Ever since the Grift update they've basically become Expert and Master difficulty.


I want to give it a shot, but I don't think I'm going to like the mantra spamming. But I guess it beats being one-shotted by GR26+ guardians on my wiz, or hiding from them on my DH...

Yeah I put it on the trigger to not get tired myself, I keep pressed the primary and I shoot the mantra, is fun tho.

I feel the RNG is not nice with me while using a Monk since it keeps giving me DH and Crusader gear lols.

IF someone has the Aughild's Rule plan can you craft me one chect piece please?


Yeah I put it on the trigger to not get tired myself, I keep pressed the primary and I shoot the mantra, is fun tho.

I feel the RNG is not nice with me while using a Monk since it keeps giving me DH and Crusader gear lols.

IF someone has the Aughild's Rule plan can you craft me one chect piece please?
I think I have that plan, I'll check when I get home from work.
Trying to decide between three weapons.



As a channeler, AP management is pretty important, obviously, but I only have 5%+7% RCR on my other gear right now. I was originally using the first BoW, then swapped to the Scourge. Now I've got a new BoW with more damage than either, but no RCR.

Also, I've been trying to decide if I should stick with my Reaper Wraps, or switch to Aughild's to get the 3-pc bonus.

Any advice?


If I were to pick up the PS4 version (I already own PC), is there a fast(er) way to power to 70, with or without GAF's help? Thanks!

Yeah. I chain runned hell rift for a friend. Takes about 2hours 30mins to go from 1 to 70. Pretty painless. It's a bit slower than on PC because your level is scaled to the highest level in the game, but the scaling is badly done on Torment difficulties you can't do anything so you just stand back ;) Let me know if you need some help leveling.
Wiz is INT and barbie is STR sadly that doesn't help me :( I need a DEX one.

Or maybe I don't even know how this works, that is how it is right?
Yeah, that's right. I wasn't sure what primary stat you needed. Best you could hope for from me is one that rolls vit or something, instead of int/str.


Hates quality gaming
Yeah Raptor, you have it right.

Monk is the last class I'm working on to make something "good", as it helps to give something to shoot for on the times that my wife plays the game with me. It helps her stay motivated to play in knowing that there's a higher potential for something interesting to drop. I have the Sunkwo amulet and two pieces of the new set (chest shoulders) and that's about it. I also have held onto the Tailwind rune Staff (General Whateverthehell) because I had a hunch I might want to try a TR build of some kind with Hexing pants. I also recently obtained a Jawbreaker, and between that and a few other items, I have a Ramalandi gift waiting to be used on something, but I don't know what.

Regardless, my making something "good" doesn't seem to be really good enough at this point. Once at mid 30s in grifts, most of my characters basically feel useless. It's nice to have a new challenge to work towards surmounting and all, but with the way grifts work, I feel like you need to have all participants at the same gear level or else the weaker people are instantly dead weight to the better players. Maybe I wouldn't feel the same way if I'm in a group where I'm the damage leader, but playing as someone more oriented for CC/group support while other people did the heavy lifting seemed pretty pointless so far.

The Ramalandi Gift was one of the items I received from the first kill I had of the Treasure Realm boss.
Other items included a 5CC Socket Quetz and a Socket Tall Man's. I love you forever, legacy Puzzle Ring.
Just make a level 1 of any class and craft lvl 70 items with it.
Oh, I didn't even realize that was an option.

Then yeah, Raptor, I can make whatever you like. The GF already has a monk, actually, but it's only like 20. lol

Edit: About to run an errand, so add me and weetziestarr if you haven't already.


Oh, I didn't even realize that was an option.

Then yeah, Raptor, I can make whatever you like. The GF already has a monk, actually, but it's only like 20. lol

Edit: About to run an errand, so add me and weetziestarr if you haven't already.

Ok man, then I will add you if I haven't and weetziestarr too in about 4 hours because Im at work :)

Thanks man, a Aughild's Rule DEX one should be suficient, if you need the Legendary Souls let me know.


Maybe I wouldn't feel the same way if I'm in a group where I'm the damage leader, but playing as someone more oriented for CC/group support while other people did the heavy lifting seemed pretty pointless so far.

Are we talking in general or in your specific case? Cause honestly it's pretty rough to break higher 30s+ without support/cc. But really group GRs aren't balanced and blizz has been pretty open about the fact GRs were made to track individual class power levels, so I get the feeling they just don't give a fuck. The PC leader boards for 4 player GRs is basically zdps monk, zdps witch doctor, and 2 demon hunters in nearly every slot for the first few hundred ranks.

I want to give it a shot, but I don't think I'm going to like the mantra spamming. But I guess it beats being one-shotted by GR26+ guardians on my wiz, or hiding from them on my DH...

If you don't like mantra spamming I wouldn't pursue that build lol. Because in the optimal setup you are spamming 2-3 buttons multiple times per second while also never letting go of your primary attack. The general idea behind the build is that you can use breath of heaven and flying dragon to generate hundreds of spirit per second while at the same exact time dumping it with mantra and sweeping wind because neither of them have an animation (so they don't disrupt your spirit generation). It is pretty rough on the fingers.


Still no luck with the mask of Jeram for my WD, but I did get a grin reaper mask the other day. Switched up my skills a bit so I have the giant spider queen thing and acid cloud on my bars and I'm tearing stuff up. I love having a screen full of knee stabbing sychophants, giant spiders and bile spewing skulls doing work for me.

I'm switching to using my blood shards for t&t gloves now. Might take me a while!

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
"This game would have been more enjoyable if had known/did THIS from the beginning"

Fill me in guys, as some of you may already know I'm a first timer and I'd love to capitalize on your time with the game/s to have a better experience with it.

So yeah, what can you share to answer that question?


Full werewolf off the buckle
"This game would have been more enjoyable if had known/did THIS from the beginning"

Fill me in guys, as some of you may already know I'm a first timer and I'd love to capitalize on your time with the game/s to have a better experience with it.

So yeah, what can you share to answer that question?
My brother, Pons here on GAF, tells me there a bad bug on your followers if you take them online. Remove the equipment they have or you'll lose it from what I hear. Hopefully they fix that if it's an ongoing issue.


"This game would have been more enjoyable if had known/did THIS from the beginning"

Fill me in guys, as some of you may already know I'm a first timer and I'd love to capitalize on your time with the game/s to have a better experience with it.

So yeah, what can you share to answer that question?

If you don't want to lose any recently mailed item such as legendaries or gifts always go to the main menu or wait for the game to autosave, if you do and quit from teh dash you will lose such items forever, I learned that the hard way.

Also I didnt' sent you anything since you hadnt booted the game last night so you didn't appeared on my list of friends to send a gift.

Will do today :)


Hates quality gaming
Are we talking in general or in your specific case?
In my specific case. I've only had time this week to do 1 GR each with three different characters. I grant that I'm not running standard builds with any of them (at least the two more purposed for CC) and the fault is probably/likely my own insistence on trying something that's nonstandard (and which is nonstandard because it has proven out to actually in fact suck).

"This game would have been more enjoyable if had known/did THIS from the beginning"

Fill me in guys, as some of you may already know I'm a first timer and I'd love to capitalize on your time with the game/s to have a better experience with it.

So yeah, what can you share to answer that question?
For most people I imagine the answer is still Turn Elective Mode On.

Otherwise and to expand on the previous post, another general rule is that there's no such thing as saving too often. Whenever I'm ready to shut the game down I always start and quit a session at minimum three times and let the system always finish the auto save process in each step (which means you should see the Save icon appear six times), and from there quit to the title screen, and from there close the application, before I prepare to turn the system off.


^^^ As soon as I exit once to the main menu I shut off my PS4. My save is there whenever I come back without fail.

"This game would have been more enjoyable if had known/did THIS from the beginning"

Fill me in guys, as some of you may already know I'm a first timer and I'd love to capitalize on your time with the game/s to have a better experience with it.

So yeah, what can you share to answer that question?
Until you get to the max Level 70, none of the non-70 gear is worth anything long term. So with that in mind, experiment with builds, enchantments, etc. until you start getting L70. By then you hopefully know what you're doing.

The main thing that I had to wrap my head around is how to evaluate L70 gear based on the stats an item has compared to the stats it should have. There is no straight forward answer to this, which made it difficult for a bit. It comes down to a balance of key stats (usually a class' main stat like strength, critical chance and damage, elemental damage, max sockets and cool down reductionare most important) that vary from piece to piece in an effort to sync with the build focus you are trying to achieve.

The biggest blind spot for newer players -even if they've reached L70 already- is how important elemental damage is for every possible item except the weapon itself. Apparently, elemental damage isn't added to the damage stats for some reason, but they have a HUGE effect on how much damage you can output.

Not only that, but your chosen skills and/or runes have to be the same (for the most part) as your primary elemental focus for it to work right, but in-game it doesn't always tell you which skills dish out which elemental damages. I have to go online to verify this in some cases, which is stupid IMHO. And with all that said, the elemental stat on your weapon plays virtually no role.None of this is explained in-game at all as far as I can tell.

My Crusader dishes out 55% extra Holy damage as my elemental focus. Most of my skills/runes dish out Holy damage. I would have appreciated this knowledge earlier, but It isn't something to really worry too much about pre-L70 since you get rid of everything less than that eventually.
Not only that, but your chosen skills and/or runes have to be the same (for the most part) as your primary elemental focus for it to work right, but in-game it doesn't always tell you which skills dish out which elemental damages. I have to go online to verify this in some cases, which is stupid IMHO. And with all that said, the elemental stat on your weapon plays virtually no role.None of this is explained in-game at all as far as I can tell.

Do you have the extra description text on? It's off by default for some stupid reason. I don't even know why that's in there as an option. Why wouldn't you want to see more specific details for everything? It's the details that matter in this game!

EDIT: "Show Advanced Tooltips" is what it's called.
Are we talking in general or in your specific case? Cause honestly it's pretty rough to break higher 30s+ without support/cc.
Group synergy is my favorite kind of syngery. After swapping out her Lut Socks for Immortal King's Stride, my GF tried running Killing Spree for a while and it was nice, but we missed the stun effect from Death from Above. She'd been wearing a pair of Strongarm Bracers for a while, so I gave her Wrenching Smash. Now I dust crowds with Intensify while she wrenches, not only stunning all the mobs within 24 yards of her, but also pulling them in closer to her unending Wind Shear and grouping them nicely for my Event Horizon. Thanks to her bracers, we both do an extra 25% damage to them for 5s, plus my Intensify bonus, etc. It's a pretty brutal 1-2 punch.

But really group GRs aren't balanced and blizz has been pretty open about the fact GRs were made to track individual class power levels, so I get the feeling they just don't give a fuck. The PC leader boards for 4 player GRs is basically zdps monk, zdps witch doctor, and 2 demon hunters in nearly every slot for the first few hundred ranks.
What's ZDPS?

Also, what's the actual issue with the balancing? In what way is it broken? It's too reliant on groups functioning as groups, rather than a random collection of individuals?

The biggest blind spot for newer players -even if they've reached L70 already- is how important elemental damage is for every possible item except the weapon itself. Apparently, elemental damage isn't added to the damage stats for some reason, but they have a HUGE effect on how much damage you can output.
Hit Square to bring up your Details, then scroll down to Holy Damage Increase. It'll show your adjusted Holy Damage, which will be used for anything labeled as "x% weapon damage as Holy." Non-Holy attacks will still use the Damage shown under your character pic (unless you have a boost for that element too, obviously).

After swapping gear, I always check my Arcane Damage Increase, just to be sure.


Group synergy is my favorite kind of syngery. After swapping out her Lut Socks for Immortal King's Stride, my GF tried running Killing Spree for a while and it was nice, but we missed the stun effect from Death from Above. She'd been wearing a pair of Strongarm Bracers for a while, so I gave her Wrenching Smash. Now I dust crowds with Intensify while she wrenches, not only stunning all the mobs within 24 yards of her, but also pulling them in closer to her unending Wind Shear and grouping them nicely for my Event Horizon. Thanks to her bracers, we both do an extra 25% damage to them for 5s, plus my Intensify bonus, etc. It's a pretty brutal 1-2 punch.

What's ZDPS?

Also, what's the actual issue with the balancing? In what way is it broken? It's too reliant on groups functioning as groups, rather than a random collection of individuals?

Hit Square to bring up your Details, then scroll down to Holy Damage Increase. It'll show your adjusted Holy Damage, which will be used for anything labeled as "x% weapon damage as Holy." Non-Holy attacks will still use the Damage shown under your character pic (unless you have a boost for that element too, obviously).

After swapping gear, I always check my Arcane Damage Increase, just to be sure.

ZDPS are support buildto buff sentry DH. That build is insane and there's nothing that comes close to it.


The Z stands for Zero? So they literally take nothing but support skills, and deal little or no damage directly? That's kinda cool.

They still do damage, but nothing remotely on the same plane as the DH sentry, that build is too strong and too safe imo but then again Diablo isn't about balance. But greater rift force players to adopt the same similar build, force jewelry usage the only 3 rings that can be used is Stone of Jordan, Ring of Royal Grandeur and Unity (to run double unity with un killable follower if you solo). On top of those very narrow choice of rings, they need to roll a socket for legendary gems.


Damn you treasure goblins, open up a friggin' portal already, I needs me some gold

Killed so many, not a single vault. Though after 2.1 patch, I've seen 4 Whimsydale goblins, before the patch I hadn't come across a single one, first time I killed one I was so happy, thinking it was the vault :(
Had an awesome experience with the game (PS4) last night. I had a couple of friends over and turned on the PS4 to show them Pix the Cat. I asked them if they wanted to play anything and they seemed interested in Diablo despite knowing nothing about it. Did not expect it to be such a rewarding and seamless expperience. We played for near 4 hours, both of my friends starting up characters and getting near level 20 before we called it quits around 1am. Needless to say they are hooked, and it completely reignited my interest in the game. Got our other friend to take the plunge with us tonight and hope to get through the next act. Really incredible to see my friends who would largely be considered "casual gamers" get into something like Diablo with me.
Paying it forward have spare RoRG(str) and Akkhan shoulders for any crusader that needs.

Got Darklight from Kadala and am loving it total build changer.Question what skills/runes do good fire damage to go with my Maximum?


I'll take either, as said previously I have skorn or sunder to trade or pay forward if wanted.
On the subject of the Vault, is there a way to return to the portal you entered through? We ended up portaling back to town, waypointing back to the beginning of the dungeon, and then walking all the way back to where we'd left the Vault portal. ><


Great job Blizzard, got this on the PS4 and played it on release for the PC and all I can say is the evolution of this game has been astounding.


Otherwise and to expand on the previous post, another general rule is that there's no such thing as saving too often. Whenever I'm ready to shut the game down I always start and quit a session at minimum three times and let the system always finish the auto save process in each step (which means you should see the Save icon appear six times), and from there quit to the title screen, and from there close the application, before I prepare to turn the system off.

Three times?!


Ok, I'm playing a paragon 35 Crusader and just now found out that the resource reduction implies skill resource and not crafting resource.
That could have been explained better in game...


formerly "chigiri"
Killed so many, not a single vault. Though after 2.1 patch, I've seen 4 Whimsydale goblins, before the patch I hadn't come across a single one, first time I killed one I was so happy, thinking it was the vault :(

Because they didn't exist before the patch. :)


Why doesn't my character or companion speak during battle anymore? I can understand maybe if people were tired of the repetitive speech, but at least make it an option to turn on or off and not just remove it entirely.


Caved in and got the PS4 edition! Feel free to add on PS4:

As I've already finished the story on PC (familiar with classes at max level), should my focus be to grind through the story again, to gain access to adventure/torment?


Caved in and got the PS4 edition! Feel free to add on PS4:

As I've already finished the story on PC (familiar with classes at max level), should my focus be to grind through the story again, to gain access to adventure/torment?

I can kill Malthael for you to unlock adventure mode. I can also give you a boost by chain running Hell Rift, I have about an hour left to play right now. My psn is Nakhar
Finally got to play with the 2.1 patch tonight and I'm loving it. Something on my FoH Crusader got a nice boost because Torment 4 is a breeze now. After leveling alt characters, it's fun to come back to Crusader and just tear through mobs for a bit. Kudos to Blizzard for the stealth release of the patch, it's a really nice surprise.


They still do damage, but nothing remotely on the same plane as the DH sentry, that build is too strong and too safe imo but then again Diablo isn't about balance. But greater rift force players to adopt the same similar build, force jewelry usage the only 3 rings that can be used is Stone of Jordan, Ring of Royal Grandeur and Unity (to run double unity with un killable follower if you solo). On top of those very narrow choice of rings, they need to roll a socket for legendary gems.

Pretty much. One of the key things to keep in mind is that zdps rolls all offensive stats away. No crit, no chd, no emerald in the weapon, etc. It makes gearing significantly easier (I think I mentioned it in the past, but, pre 2.1 a monk could hit 70 and then go to the black smith and literally be t6 capable for groups in a matter of seconds) but yeah it's not really balanced.

When I say balanced I mean that in group balance in this case. High level GRs in general limit what build you can use as a class, but, it is incredibly hardcore in group play. Like my favorite class is barbarian, but, they offer nothing to groups so they don't get used ever, so if I wanted to do GRs above 35 or so (in a group!) I had to roll a completely different class. Similar situation as monk and witch doctor, if you desire to play high level GRs as damage dealers, then you picked the wrong class. I don't really have a problem with support characters (in fact I love playing my zdps witch doctor, it is very engrossing), but, not having the option to be a damage dealer at all seems broken to me.
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