Dash Kappei
Not actually that important
Just bought it myself yesterday. You're in for a real treat, Dash!
Then why are you not on my friends list already?!
checked your GAF profile and it only has your NIN id
Just bought it myself yesterday. You're in for a real treat, Dash!
Then why are you not on my friends list already?!
checked your GAF profile and it only has your NIN id
I would LOVE the boots!!!!
Psn: Bright-Light
Legendaries on your mail tonight![]()
Ahh, so hard to remember to change that!
PSN- Splitdog79
Currently level 17 Witch Doctor. Still trying to figure all this nonsense out. Very complex game to just walk into, as I'm sure you're finding out!
I am looking forward to trying out the changes for 2.1, but not liking what I am hearing about how much gold you get in the vault.
I am hoping things become insanely expensive later on, as the amounts of gold I am hearing coming out of the vault are enough to what I would believe would keep you set for the rest of the game. Don't really like that.
Simple. Then don't enter the portal. I'm sick of paying through the nose to upgrade gems so I jumped in the portal last night with glee.
On an unrelated note, I found another RRoG last night, but can't, for the life of me, find any set pieces for any of my characters...
Is hard enough to first find the damn gems to on top of that put half a million to upgrade lol.
I am looking forward to trying out the changes for 2.1, but not liking what I am hearing about how much gold you get in the vault.
I am hoping things become insanely expensive later on, as the amounts of gold I am hearing coming out of the vault are enough to what I would believe would keep you set for the rest of the game. Don't really like that.
Simple. Then don't enter the portal. I'm sick of paying through the nose to upgrade gems so I jumped in the portal last night with glee.
You can easily go through 30-40 mill from just crafting gems.
I was told that the recent patch was supposed to decrease the cost of crafting gems.
Evidently that was not the case, so the vault is prob Blizzard ways of compensating.
Grimløck;133815416 said:finally dropped a gift. probably should have rolled cdr but damage is too sexy.
This has never been acceptable resolution for me. Gimp what is available to give it that veiled challenge. It's the same idea of making the three heart run in Zelda. Kudos to those who enjoy doing so, but it is not my preferred play style. I want to experience the vault, I just don't want it to break the bank for my character.
Ok, this is encouraging to hear. Thanks.
Does he have a PSN account? My GF has one and she can coattail on my PS+, but we do get that error if she manages to jump in to the game before she's fully signed in.I have a PS+ account and my son is a sub on my account. PS4 is, as far as I can tell, my "active" system. When he tries to join my game on the same PS4 he gets a "You must be signed in to a SEN account with online play privileges to play online games. Do you wish to continue and play in LAN mode?"
This seems new. What the hell is wrong with my setup?
Does he have a PSN account? My GF has one and she can coattail on my PS+, but we do get that error if she manages to jump in to the game before she's fully signed in.
Sorry man.
Already given away but i'll def pass ya the next one I find.
Paying it forward have spare RoRG(str) and Akkhan shoulders for any crusader that needs.
Got Darklight from Kadala and am loving it total build changer.Question what skills/runes do good fire damage to go with my Maximum?
What's the consensus on the best legendary gem so far?
I have:
Bane of the powerful
Bane of the trapped
Invigorating gemstone
Mirinae teardrop of the star Weaver
Simplicity's strength
I'm only up to GR10 so far. I just got gogok of swiftness which Seems to suit my play style more (increased attack speed for 4 seconds stackin 15x then up to 15% cooldown reduction after level 25)Depend on your class and spec. They are all super easy to find, just run 13 greater rift, and make sure to kill the goblin vault boss for the 14th gem. For crusaders (that's what you play I assume from your earlier post) Mirinae and Bane of the trapped and Bane of the Powerful until gem lvl 30. From gem level 30 to 50 Pain enhancer becomes better. (Those are for build I know, Holy Shotgun, Stampede)
I'm only up to GR10 so far. I just got gogok of swiftness which Seems to suit my play style more (increased attack speed for 4 seconds stackin 15x then up to 15% cooldown reduction after level 25)
Also, do you keep going higher in rifts or upgrading your gems every time you clear a grift?
Anyone with both PC and PS4 versions recommend the double dip? Seems like there's a healthy community here for the PS4.
Use this chart: http://aaforgex.com/d3gemcalc/ to check your upgrade chance.
My crusader can clear up to grift lvl 30 I get destroyed on 31, I completed one but like 8 mins too late. I normally run at grift 27-29 (I clear the trial up to wave 30 and depending on how I did it puts me in that bracket). I then clear the rift and upgrade my gem, upgrade drop to 60% but it's pretty painless for me to level my gem to level 25 while hunting for gear to go Stampede (since apparently for high grift nothing come close to it).
When you can clear grift at level 25 (witch is roughly the same as torment 6) if you want xp/hour you run normal rift, if you want more legendary run greater rift.
Bottom line is there's not one perfect answer, if you can run up to level 10 if you can get both ring and amulet socketed with legendary gems it'll help tremendously. (I only use one at the moment, I'm really looking for a good ring and amulet so I can roll a socket into them)
I have a rorg to equip soon but its not particularly good. Plus no slot in my amulet until I can roll one.
Is the jekanbord a good shield? I just gone one but with no slot and no crit hit chance.. My defender of west march seems better but I guess I don't use blessed shield..
Yep know of these.I have one akkhans shoulders only and no fate of fell! Just got the pain enhancer gem you talked about and looks pretty good. Might start upgrading this one as it looks like it'll be good for future builds.If you run a Blessed Shield build it's pretty darn good. My RoRG also had bad rolls, so does my Stone of Jordan.
Keep and eye out on the Holy Shotgun build and Stampede build, very effective, but very gear dependant. The 2 crusader build as far as I know that are ''viable'' for high greater rift. You need Fate of the Fell (2 hand Flail) and 5 pieces Akkhan for it to work (Holy Shotgun) and Unrelenting Phalanx (Crusader Shield) for stampede.
Yep know of these.I have one akkhans shoulders only and no fate of fell! Just got the pain enhancer gem you talked about and looks pretty good. Might start upgrading this one as it looks like it'll be good for future builds.
Ah man if you played on PS4 I could hook you up, got some Akkhans stashed upGood hunting !
I triple dipped (PC, Ps3 and Ps4). Once I played with a controller there was no going back for me. I went in skeptic with playing D3 with a controller but it works really really well in my opinion. Cheaters sucks but I stay clear fromm public game, only play with RL friend and gaffer.
Anyone with both PC and PS4 versions recommend the double dip? Seems like there's a healthy community here for the PS4.
If you're buying physical, everything should work as you'd expect.
When you get your PS4, you'll just need to transfer your saves over, either via thumb drive or PS+ Cloud.
The Apprentice mode is pretty effective, and gaffers seem pretty generous with gifts, so I think you'll be okay.If I were to pick up the PS4 version (I already own PC), is there a fast(er) way to power to 70, with or without GAF's help? Thanks!
This Monk Build is fucking insane man seriously, even though I don't have nor the weapons or the recomended gear T1 and T2 are a joke even Elites, makes the monk such a tank that the life bar pretty much stays full even with all enemies throwing shit at me lol love it.
Problem is I need the Flying Dragon and some Sunwuku gear, I dont have anything, Sillysil do you have any Monk gear like this? lol.
God damn I love, also teleporting all over the damn place.