Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!

Forgive me for not reading all 158 pages but has anyone had an issue where you can't leave rooms?

For example on Reaper of Souls (Act V) minor spoiler I guess

Fighting one of his lieutenants upstairs in a wooden building, when the battle was done I couldn't exit the building. There was no way out at all, no stairs - they were destroyed, no room to press A on etc and I had to quit the game and go back in, it saved my progress and left me in the survivors enclave

It happened again on another boss and just now whilst in adventure mode it happened to me in adventure mode just now. on Act 1 I killed The Butcher and then there was no way to exist, I went into the cells in the back and there was no escape so I had to quit out and go back in. Am I missing something here or is it a known issue? Playing on Xbox One btw
Forgive me for not reading all 158 pages but has anyone had an issue where you can't leave rooms?

For example on Reaper of Souls (Act V) minor spoiler I guess

Fighting one of his lieutenants upstairs in a wooden building, when the battle was done I couldn't exit the building. There was no way out at all, no stairs - they were destroyed, no room to press A on etc and I had to quit the game and go back in, it saved my progress and left me in the survivors enclave

It happened again on another boss and just now whilst in adventure mode it happened to me in adventure mode just now. on Act 1 I killed The Butcher and then there was no way to exist, I went into the cells in the back and there was no escape so I had to quit out and go back in. Am I missing something here or is it a known issue? Playing on Xbox One btw

Mmmm. Teleport out?


I'm finally almost 70 on my WD. Haven't had a max character since before the expansion on PC. Is it normal to be playing on Torment I by the end of your first playthrough? I'm finding it to still be a bit easy. I have a 3-4 legendaries but nothing special or anything that I won't replace soon.


Whats the best way to level up after I beat the game @ lvl 66. My gear is all lvl 61 and under takes too long to kill things right now and exp is coming along too slow.


Whats the best way to level up after I beat the game @ lvl 66. My gear is all lvl 61 and under takes too long to kill things right now and exp is coming along too slow.

Killing faster for lower exp is better than struggle to kill for high exp. Just do Adventure mode at any difficulty that you feel comformablely killing stuff. Also, get a socket head gear and put the Ruby inside.
My GF's lightning WW build is becoming pretty badass, so I may as well share.

She's got the IK gloves, shirt, boots, and belt, so we swapped Wrath: Insanity out for Ancients: Together as One. That gives them lightning damage, and gives her 50% damage reduction. The extra bodies help a lot with crowd management as well. She's also sporting Strongarm Bracers, Thuderfury, and Odyn Son.

Obviously, her main skill is WW: Wind Shear. That does lightning damage, and it generates 1 fury per hit. Thanks to her IK set, that becomes 3/hit, and Animosity then boosts that to 3.3/hit. Since WW only costs 3.33333/tick, that means as long as she's able to hit a single mob with her WW, she only loses 0.03333/tick, or 0.18 fury per second at her base attack speed of 1.71. A single Threatening Shout gives her (15+2)*1.1=18.7 fury, which is enough to grind a guardian for almost 103 seconds non-stop. That's assuming he doesn't hit her and give her even more fury to work with, of course. With two targets, she actually generates 18 fury/sec. Suffice it to say, she's got plenty of fury.

For keeping herself alive while in the furball, she's got the life/fury from the IK, plus still more from Bloodthirst. Figuring in her health globe bonus from Bloodthirst, she now gains 2237 life per fury spent, which works out to 40673 life per second while whirlwinding, on top of any LoH, "real" LpS, etc. She's now built up a supply of 527 potions strictly from drops. lol Juggernaut also keeps her healthy and on the move.

The cool thing is, because her fury generation is primarily per-hit, while cranking up her attack speed increases her expenditure as you'd expect, it also increases her fury generation by a proportional amount, so she doesn't need to worry about running out of gas at crazy-high attack speeds. On the contrary, since she's now burning through fury that much faster, it does an even better job of keeping her alive, not to mention more opportunities to crit and proc stuff. With that in mind, I'd really like to get her a Gogok of Switfness, since not only will that crank up her AS, it'll also give her CDR when it hits rank 25. She's got a Pain Enhancer and Wreath of Lightning already, but currently has no sockets to put them in.

As far as stats go, obviously we prioritize IAS, CHC, and CDR. We avoid RCR like the plague, because she's got plenty of fury, and anything we do to reduce costs has the knock-on effect of gimping her healing. Similarly, Str/CHD is generally more useful than vit/resist, etc.

Since WW is basically the only thing she ever "needs" to do, the rest of her build is filled out with buffs and debuffs. Battle Rage: Into the Fray gives her a nice CHC bonus, and my Ignite/Conflagration boosts her chances still higher. Threatening Shout does a good job of reducing mob damage output, and Grim Harvest helps her keep me fed with life and AP.
Reaper Wraps.
WC: Invigorate also helps keep us alive; well, mostly me. lol

Her other "active" skill is Ground Stomp: Wrenching Smash. This thing is awesome. The 24-yd AoE is huge, the 4s stun is a life-saver, and it conveniently pulls everyone in to her Wind Shear. Plus, the movement activates her bracers, meaning every mob unfortunate enough to be in that 450 square-yard area takes an extra 25% damage for the next 5s.
If they're immune to knockback, do they still get the damage debuff, or just the stun?
Lastly, it bunches those mobs nicely for the comparatively small AoE on my Black Hole, makes for easy Disintegration, and maximizes the number of mobs my Arcane Hydra can blast.

So, I think that's the gist of it. Comments, questions, or suggestions?

Oh, I actually had a question for Zenax; you were saying barbs are no good in groups, but they kinda seem like the RDM of the game to me, with all of the buffs and debuffs. Am I using barb wrong? Is everyone else? Are the (de)buffs from other classes just so much better as to make Barbie's comparatively useless?
I'm finally almost 70 on my WD. Haven't had a max character since before the expansion on PC. Is it normal to be playing on Torment I by the end of your first playthrough? I'm finding it to still be a bit easy. I have a 3-4 legendaries but nothing special or anything that I won't replace soon.

i've got some WD gear for you if you want, psn: blacksalad_

Because of NFL, I won't be on until later tonight tho


formerly "chigiri"
Forgive me for not reading all 158 pages but has anyone had an issue where you can't leave rooms?

For example on Reaper of Souls (Act V) minor spoiler I guess

Fighting one of his lieutenants upstairs in a wooden building, when the battle was done I couldn't exit the building. There was no way out at all, no stairs - they were destroyed, no room to press A on etc and I had to quit the game and go back in, it saved my progress and left me in the survivors enclave

It happened again on another boss and just now whilst in adventure mode it happened to me in adventure mode just now. on Act 1 I killed The Butcher and then there was no way to exist, I went into the cells in the back and there was no escape so I had to quit out and go back in. Am I missing something here or is it a known issue? Playing on Xbox One btw

You're supposed to use the town portal in cases like that to get back to town. The game teaches you that in Act 1 while you're fetching Leoric's broken crown. :D
My GF's lightning WW build is becoming pretty badass, so I may as well share.

She's got the IK gloves, shirt, boots, and belt, so we swapped Wrath: Insanity out for Ancients: Together as One. That gives them lightning damage, and gives her 50% damage reduction. The extra bodies help a lot with crowd management as well. She's also sporting Strongarm Bracers, Thuderfury, and Odyn Son.

Obviously, her main skill is WW: Wind Shear. That does lightning damage, and it generates 1 fury per hit. Thanks to her IK set, that becomes 3/hit, and Animosity then boosts that to 3.3/hit. Since WW only costs 3.33333/tick, that means as long as she's able to hit a single mob with her WW, she only loses 0.03333/tick, or 0.18 fury per second at her base attack speed of 1.71. A single Threatening Shout gives her (15+2)*1.1=18.7 fury, which is enough to grind a guardian for almost 103 seconds non-stop. That's assuming he doesn't hit her and give her even more fury to work with, of course. With two targets, she actually generates 18 fury/sec. Suffice it to say, she's got plenty of fury.

For keeping herself alive while in the furball, she's got the life/fury from the IK, plus still more from Bloodthirst. Figuring in her health globe bonus from Bloodthirst, she now gains 2237 life per fury spent, which works out to 40673 life per second while whirlwinding, on top of any LoH, "real" LpS, etc. She's now built up a supply of 527 potions strictly from drops. lol Juggernaut also keeps her healthy and on the move.

The cool thing is, because her fury generation is primarily per-hit, while cranking up her attack speed increases her expenditure as you'd expect, it also increases her fury generation by a proportional amount, so she doesn't need to worry about running out of gas at crazy-high attack speeds. On the contrary, since she's now burning through fury that much faster, it does an even better job of keeping her alive, not to mention more opportunities to crit and proc stuff. With that in mind, I'd really like to get her a Gogok of Switfness, since not only will that crank up her AS, it'll also give her CDR when it hits rank 25. She's got a Pain Enhancer and Wreath of Lightning already, but currently has no sockets to put them in.

As far as stats go, obviously we prioritize IAS, CHC, and CDR. We avoid RCR like the plague, because she's got plenty of fury, and anything we do to reduce costs has the knock-on effect of gimping her healing. Similarly, Str/CHD is generally more useful than vit/resist, etc.

Since WW is basically the only thing she ever "needs" to do, the rest of her build is filled out with buffs and debuffs. Battle Rage: Into the Fray gives her a nice CHC bonus, and my Ignite/Conflagration boosts her chances still higher. Threatening Shout does a good job of reducing mob damage output, and Grim Harvest helps her keep me fed with life and AP.
Reaper Wraps.
WC: Invigorate also helps keep us alive; well, mostly me. lol

Her other "active" skill is Ground Stomp: Wrenching Smash. This thing is awesome. The 24-yd AoE is huge, the 4s stun is a life-saver, and it conveniently pulls everyone in to her Wind Shear. Plus, the movement activates her bracers, meaning every mob unfortunate enough to be in that 450 square-yard area takes an extra 25% damage for the next 5s.
If they're immune to knockback, do they still get the damage debuff, or just the stun?
Lastly, it bunches those mobs nicely for the comparatively small AoE on my Black Hole, makes for easy Disintegration, and maximizes the number of mobs my Arcane Hydra can blast.

So, I think that's the gist of it. Comments, questions, or suggestions?

Oh, I actually had a question for Zenax; you were saying barbs are no good in groups, but they kinda seem like the RDM of the game to me, with all of the buffs and debuffs. Am I using barb wrong? Is everyone else? Are the (de)buffs from other classes just so much better as to make Barbie's comparatively useless?
Sounds like an interesting build. My wife is playing a barb now instead of her crusader. She likes WW and ground stomp too.

Also, I sent a swiftness gem since I have several already.


Oh, I actually had a question for Zenax; you were saying barbs are no good in groups, but they kinda seem like the RDM of the game to me, with all of the buffs and debuffs. Am I using barb wrong? Is everyone else? Are the (de)buffs from other classes just so much better as to make Barbie's comparatively useless?

Compared to other classes yeah, barbs offer almost nothing in comparison.

Witch Doctor for example offers: 20% attack speed, 20% move speed, 30% extra damage from big bad voodoo. Mass Confusion with the damage rune for another 20% increased damage to targets and confuses for 12 seconds. Pirahnado, another15% extra damage (lasts 5 minutes through the use of a passive talent), groups enemies together, and procs strongarm bracers for another 30% damage increase over 5 seconds. Horrify combined with Tiklandian's Visage (voodoo mask). Grants you an aura that roots and fears every target you run by. This is incredibly strong, even if they didn't offer other buffs this allows you to make it so enemies can not move and most of the time can not attack. It has a 100% uptime even without cooldown reduction (as long as you are using grave injustice) and for whatever reason the root effect has no diminishing returns or anything. Enemies literally can not move and it works on everything but rift guardians and the occasional enemy that uses teleport.

And the thing to keep in mind is that basically all of those skills have 100% uptime when you are going for support. zdps stacks CDR (you can pretty easily get close to 70% cdr) and witch doctors have 2 passives that effect CDR further, one that reduces the cooldown of most of the skills listed above by an additional 25% and another that causes nearby enemies to reduce all cooldowns by 1 second when they die. Everything is just always up.

Monk is in a similar situation, 10% party damage from one of their generators, another 20% from their mantra, another 35% from inner sanctuary, cyclone strike which gives 100% uptime on strongarms and allows enemies to be grouped up 100% of the time. Plus the generator that gives 10% party damage is also an AOE with a high proc coefficient so they can make use of many items that offer CC. For example there is a fist weapon that can roll up to 50% chance to stun on hit.

Barbarian just can't compete with that. Most of their buffs are defensive in nature which is useless for high GRs (which is what I was talking about in the post you mentioned). Enemies one shot you in high GRs, even with defensive buffs (which is why people typically drop them as they move up GR ranks). For example my witch doctor has close to 20 million toughness and despite that in a GR 37 I did the other day an enemy hit her for 1.5 million with one single attack. No amount of defensive buffs or debuffs could have saved me from that.


Good post but isn't Taeguk basically made for build like that? You need to spend resource to activate it and since it's only for three seconds you need to almost constantly spend resource and you can do that with that build. With a high lvl one you'll get plenty of extra damage and armor.
Vault portals only open in adventure mode.
Bounties only or rifts?

Got loads of shitty legendaries today.. No akkhans, rolands set or fate of fell..

My attempts to roll a socket into my ring wasted 3 x diamonds which set me back at least 1.8million gold for absolutely nothing.

Blizzard here's a hint: if someone is enchanting a particular category, they probably don't want it to come up again. So stop rolling multiple variations of it.


That feeling when you're gambling your last forgotten soul, costs are over 300k per try and then...



Bounties only or rifts?

Got loads of shitty legendaries today.. No akkhans, rolands set or fate of fell..

My attempts to roll a socket into my ring wasted 3 x diamonds which set me back at least 1.8million gold for absolutely nothing.

Blizzard here's a hint: if someone is enchanting a particular category, they probably don't want it to come up again. So stop rolling multiple variations of it.

Not in rifts but in adventure mode yes even when doing bounty's and when you see them there. I had also bad luck with loot like everyone else and it happens. Well that happens when those leg gems because even i had lost a lot of gold for rolling a socket but it's worth it.
Bounties only or rifts?

Got loads of shitty legendaries today.. No akkhans, rolands set or fate of fell..

My attempts to roll a socket into my ring wasted 3 x diamonds which set me back at least 1.8million gold for absolutely nothing.

Blizzard here's a hint: if someone is enchanting a particular category, they probably don't want it to come up again. So stop rolling multiple variations of it.

Yeah that needs to be patched.


So I have my monk and witch doctor both at 70. My witch doctor is doing great gear wise the only key piece I am missing is the helm with +pet damage. Love my pet build, but that helm will take it to the next level.

My monk on the other hand I can't get gear I need to save my life. Since hitting 70 it's like the rng gods said no more loot above rare for you.

And in about 5k worth of spending have not seen a RoRg for my witch doctor. I have his SoJ at least but have not been able to get a socket rolled for it damn you enchanter.

Love this game though just wish I had some better luck.


Going to start hardcore on the easiest difficulty possible. What's a recommended class? I'd prefer to use barbarian since I play D3 with a very basic level of understanding.


That feeling when you're gambling your last forgotten soul, costs are over 300k per try and then...


Yeah this is total bullshit. The game should at least not give you the same damn stat you are trying to replace (or twice in your case which is even more infuriating). Fucking Myriam, and screw Kadala too!


Ehm no your in the wrong there. When you find a goblin in adventure mode no matter where you are or what you are doing like bounty's or just killing stuff in general through all acts it can spawn a portal.

OK so for sure it can happen in rifts?

Oh and I had a nemesis pop in a greater rift, I died to it sadly but would it have dropped loot during a GR?

Oh does any one have a spare helm for the pet damage for the wd?

Oh and my buddy here wants to know if anyone has spare barb friendly thunderfury


Nice, just got the new Vile Ward. Unfortunately I still need either a RoRG or Raekor boots to wear 'em with the full Raekor 4pc. So close.


Finally got some RNG luck with DH. Managed to get 2 more Marauders pieces (at 4 now), a rucksack, and an ouroboros last night. Running T6 with relative ease now. Need to upgrade my gems and rings though. My RRoG and Natys ring have fucking terrible rolls.
OK so for sure it can happen in rifts?

Oh and I had a nemesis pop in a greater rift, I died to it sadly but would it have dropped loot during a GR?

No. It can't happen in rifts.

As for a nemesis inside a greater rift, I have no idea. Great question, and until now, I didn't even know it could happen.
Sounds like an interesting build. My wife is playing a barb now instead of her crusader. She likes WW and ground stomp too.

Also, I sent a swiftness gem since I have several already.
You rock! <3

Barbarian just can't compete with that. Most of their buffs are defensive in nature which is useless for high GRs (which is what I was talking about in the post you mentioned). Enemies one shot you in high GRs, even with defensive buffs (which is why people typically drop them as they move up GR ranks). For example my witch doctor has close to 20 million toughness and despite that in a GR 37 I did the other day an enemy hit her for 1.5 million with one single attack. No amount of defensive buffs or debuffs could have saved me from that.
Gotcha. I don't think WD would make much of a tank for my wiz, but she's got a ~20 monk that we'd been thinking about PLing with my wiz, so maybe we'll see how that goes.

So basically, there's no tanking at all in hi-lvl, multiplayer grifts, because even the "tanks" get incinerated? Two DD, two buffers, and everyone just runs around like a crazy person, hoping they don't all die at once? Yeah, that does sound kinda lame. Since it sounds like a scaling issue, is it maybe not as bad with duos? We duo pretty much exclusively. We've only run a couple of grifts thus far, and those were ~grift20. I suspect my fragility is mostly what's holding us back though. I easily die 10x as much as she does, and when I do, she has no trouble at all riding out the 20s respawn timer, but that makes the battles drag out more.

Good post but isn't Taeguk basically made for build like that? You need to spend resource to activate it and since it's only for three seconds you need to almost constantly spend resource and you can do that with that build. With a high lvl one you'll get plenty of extra damage and armor.
For her barb? Taeguk would certainly work with the build — she can build stacks quickly and easily refresh while on the move between battles — but I'm not sure it would be as nice for her as the other three. The damage stack is obviously nice, but as I said, she doesn't have much need for the armor boost, thanks to her crazy LpF.

Pain Enhancer does a lot of additional damage via bleeding, and with her Into the Fray and my Ignite/Conflagration, she should get a lot of procs from her WW. Plus, the IAS from the secondary boosts not only her damage output, but also boosts her healing by an equal amount.

Gogok of Swiftness directly boosts her AS — again, a double-win for her — and the CDR from the secondary will let her shout and wrench that much more often.

I figured she should get good uptime on Wreath of Lightning thanks to her high-tick WW. I thought the secondary gave her more IAS, but I see now that it's "just" movement speed. So maybe a Taeguk would be better for her than the Wreath? Neither secondary is particularly useful to her, so I guess it's mostly a matter of whether she does more damage with the lightning aura ticking simultaneously with her WW, or from the straight damage increase on the WW itself.

It's too bad procs can't proc procs anymore. If they did and she had a Wyrdward, that'd make the Wreath an easy choice. I don't really follow the logic on that one either; it's considered OP for my Moonlight Ward to benefit from Flux, but it's not OP for it to benefit from Unwavering Will, Force Weapon, Sparkflint, Glass Cannon, and ADI? Why fo? =/


Saint Nic
Apparently you can do that, I've played this game for 100's of hours and never knew this or bothered testing it lol.

Yeah, back on PC, I always pulled my gems out...But I thought I remember reading you could do this.

Turns out, you can!

Thanks guys!
Ha! I just read that not only will her Ancients proc the Pain Enhancer, so will the Wreath!! I guess that settles the Wreath/Taeguk debate for now. So will other gear-generated effects proc the Enhancer, such as TF, Odyn, and Firewalkers, or are leg gems special/broken?

I assume the ancients inherit her CHC just like my hydra. Does that vary as hers does — e.g. Into the Fray — or is it snapshotted at summon? Fingers crossed for the former. lol
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