Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!

awesome games tonight everyone, fun stuff

PSA: get the PSN app for your phone if you can, it turns annoying PS4 messaging into basically a txt msg without having to use the controller to type! I love it, I just installed it and I wish I would of downloaded the app months ago

and grimlock u crazy, I love it when people do unique builds, I look forward to more adventures!
Okay guys, I'm really happy that I've now got a level 70 Monk with a paragon level over 30 (not sure, exactly, what level).

I would love some advice. What is the absolute best build for a monk, post game?

Also, I can't, for the life of me, seem to find any good dual-wield weapons for this character. I keep finding legendary diabos/staffs/etc., but I understand the best way to get her DPS up to insane levels is to dual-wield some fine-ass legendaries.

Any solid, widely known builds, advice, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Or...maybe...does anyone have some incredible dual-wield weapons they're not using that they might want to part with? All I have is gold, really. I can't even begin to compete with the hardcore players.

Here's my current build:


Way of the Hundred Fists - Windforce Fury Rune

Mantra of Conviction - Submission Rune

Blinding Flash - Faith in the Light Rune

Epiphany - Inner Fire Rune

Seven-Sided Strike - Fulminating Onslaught Rune

Lashing Tail Kick - Hand of Ytar Rune


1. Near Death Experience

2. Momentum

3. Determination

4. Mythic Rhythm
Okay guys, I'm really happy that I've now got a level 70 Monk with a paragon level over 30 (not sure, exactly, what level).

I would love some advice. What is the absolute best build for a monk, post game?

Also, I can't, for the life of me, seem to find any good dual-wield weapons for this character. I keep finding legendary diabos/staffs/etc., but I understand the best way to get her DPS up to insane levels is to dual-wield some fine-ass legendaries.

Any solid, widely known builds, advice, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Or...maybe...does anyone have some incredible dual-wield weapons they're not using that they might want to part with? All I have is gold, really. I can't even begin to compete with the hardcore players.

Here's my current build:


Way of the Hundred Fists - Windforce Fury Rune

Mantra of Conviction - Submission Rune

Blinding Flash - Faith in the Light Rune

Epiphany - Inner Fire Rune

Seven-Sided Strike - Fulminating Onslaught Rune

Lashing Tail Kick - Hand of Ytar Rune


1. Near Death Experience

2. Momentum

3. Determination

4. Mythic Rhythm

I cannot offer much advice on monk builds, but for your drops, don't let it get you down... the game really starts in adventure mode, so keep at it and you'll get what you need. Best advice for drops: Never gamble on weapons, build a set piece if you can through kalada

Reddit's guides have been the most useful to me for what its worth, I'd start by checking out what they have:


for the most part that community is for PC, but almost all of it will carry over to a console 2.1 version


Also, you should always experiment with the gear you currently have. Use a build to gain some knowledge of the strengths of the class, then go from there. You'd be surpsied how diverse builds can become while still being able to do rifts above 26. I also find it is a lot more fun to change things up every once in a while, even if it doesn't necessarily mean a character that can clear a rift in 5 minutes instead of 10...

One of my absolute favorite builds is the WD grin reaper builds simply because of the amount of chaos going on at any given time. Also, try some new classes that could lead to corresponding items to your main character. e.g. wiz and WD, barb and crusader, etc etc. While you won't obtain many set pieces this way, they are (usually) easy enough to get via kalada


GG blacksalad. sorry i had to leave after a game. dinner calls.

Okay guys, I'm really happy that I've now got a level 70 Monk with a paragon level over 30 (not sure, exactly, what level).

2 handers> dual wield mainly because of the sunwuko set. the SWK set should be your #1 priority when gearing your monk. from there you can branch out into different builds, depending on your available weapons. the flying dragon is currently considered the end-game weapon for monks. i find it too hand-cramping so i use a tempest rush build with inna's set + SWK set with a furnace. it's not as strong as going the flying dragon route, but it's good enough to clear low to mid grift 30s.

generally all end-game builds revolve around a particular set, although you can squeeze out the occasional niche build piecemeal.


I cannot offer much advice on monk builds, but for your drops, don't let it get you down... the game really starts in adventure mode, so keep at it and you'll get what you need. Best advice for drops: Never gamble on weapons, build a set piece if you can through kalada

I dunno I got my furnace for my wizard by gambling, I know I got lucky but shards are so easy to get. Now if I could just get her to cough up a witching hour for my demon hunter and witch doctor.
Grimløck;134714641 said:
generally all end-game builds revolve around a particular set, although you can squeeze out the occasional niche build piecemeal.

This part is most defiantly true, if you are looking to compete with grift level, you should defiantly shoot for a proven build and play style (and perfect rolls).

But, considering generic console play with friends, almost anything goes if you can handle solo. Diablo is amazing not only because of the loot, but also because one item can pretty much change the entire game depending on your accustomed play style. There is so much T6 capable variation, it is nothing short of awesome
I dunno I got my furnace for my wizard by gambling, I know I got lucky but shards are so easy to get. Now if I could just get her to cough up a witching hour for my demon hunter and witch doctor.

Haha! You could of won the power ball and retired a wealthy person, but instead you got a furnace from kalada! Damn karma and its RNG

Seriously, the known odds on getting a furnace from kalada must be astronomical. How many 2 handers are there in the game total? 1000's I would imagine?


what paragon level do you have to be to fully max out everything?

I am at paragon 70. And I barely made a dent. I find equipping gems on 3 slotted items for experience tremendously helps.. but its so much grinding... and the bad side to that is when I grind for experience my character is pretty weak. but levels up very fast.


So I take it the Sunwuko set is really hard to come by?
there's only 4 pieces to the set. you'll need at least 3 + the rorg. the hard part is getting a really good ammy so you may want to settle for arms, shoulders, and helm instead. they should drop/gamble at the same frequency as any other set.


what paragon level do you have to be to fully max out everything?

I am at paragon 70. And I barely made a dent. I find equipping gems on 3 slotted items for experience tremendously helps.. but its so much grinding... and the bad side to that is when I grind for experience my character is pretty weak. but levels up very fast.

Technically you can't max out everything because your primary stat and vit does not have a cap, but, you max out all the other stats at paragon level 800. Every level after that you have to put the points into one of those 2 stats.

It's not really a goal you should strive for, paragon levels are more of just something that you keep gaining as you gear up your characters and such. It will probably take most people over a thousand hours to reach paragon 800, the XP gets pretty ridiculous.


Finally managed to roll a socket into my Maia's Kaleiodoscope last night, so at least I can socket my hoarder gem and give some grift action a go this weekend.


anyone on xbo who has too much yellow gems? i need them to enchant my rorg. i have all the other colors

gt is faer0n

Finally managed to roll a socket into my Maia's Kaleiodoscope last night, so at least I can socket my hoarder gem and give some grift action a go this weekend.

there are no gold drops in grifts from mobs. use the gem in rifts and for bounties


guys am paragon 300+ and finally starting to farm for hellfire amulet. am on EU psn, so if u wanna with me add me and pm me. mgcemir85 is the id


there are no gold drops in grifts from mobs. use the gem in rifts and for bounties
I didn't know this, but I wasn't sure if I could upgrade my gem without it being socketed.

I always wondered how did people run out of gems.

Until I started to enchant for a ring.
It's almost as if ruby drops were nerfed just for this purpose. :'(

Wait, does the class being played affect gem drops?


Saint Nic
OK, finally finished Act IV last night, started Act V for the first time. I'm level 56, so I shouldn't have TOO hard of a time hitting 70. I know, I'm way behind you guys, but it feels good. Found a rainbow goblin last night that ported me to Whimsydale. I thought it was called Whimsyshire back in OG D3. Did they change it for console? Or is Whimsydale the portal version of Whimsyshire?

Whatever the case, I'm trying to decide if I should hit 70 on my Wiz and paragon him a bit, or if I should just try and power level the rest of the classes. If I decide I want to just get the rest of the classes to 70, is it possible to have someone rush you through so you can start doing Adventure Mode or whatever it is for quick leveling? Or do you have to power through the story on every character?


If I decide I want to just get the rest of the classes to 70, is it possible to have someone rush you through so you can start doing Adventure Mode or whatever it is for quick leveling? Or do you have to power through the story on every character?
Once you've completed story mode once in each mode (SC/HC) you don't need to touch it again, you can go straight to adventure mode. And yes you can have someone power level you as well.

whats the max level to upgrade gems?
25 I think?


is it possible to have someone rush you through so you can start doing Adventure Mode or whatever it is for quick leveling? Or do you have to power through the story on every character?

you don't have to beat the main story to do adventure mode.. just join a buddy in their game... But if you want to play adventure mode Solo you have to beat the game.

Diablo was pretty easy for me.. but the the final boss whopped my ass... several times...

I would recommend getting gear that has extra XP attached to it. socket gems that add XP if you want to level up fast.. and join your friends rifts... you could even do torment 6.. just hangout in town if it gets too hard.. and join the battle before the boss dies..


OK, finally finished Act IV last night, started Act V for the first time. I'm level 56, so I shouldn't have TOO hard of a time hitting 70. I know, I'm way behind you guys, but it feels good. Found a rainbow goblin last night that ported me to Whimsydale. I thought it was called Whimsyshire back in OG D3. Did they change it for console? Or is Whimsydale the portal version of Whimsyshire?

Whatever the case, I'm trying to decide if I should hit 70 on my Wiz and paragon him a bit, or if I should just try and power level the rest of the classes. If I decide I want to just get the rest of the classes to 70, is it possible to have someone rush you through so you can start doing Adventure Mode or whatever it is for quick leveling? Or do you have to power through the story on every character?

You unlock Adventure mode for all (normal mode) characters present and future, when completing it with your first.

You should be at or close to 70 by the end of Act V, I think I was 68 when I got to Malthael.


Whatever the case, I'm trying to decide if I should hit 70 on my Wiz and paragon him a bit, or if I should just try and power level the rest of the classes.

Depends on what you want.
But I was in the same boat a few days ago, I decided to focus on the Paragon a bit, since I was leveling super quickly. I'm now Paragon 30 and I can already notice the difference when I'm playing with a new character.

So if you want a head start with your other characters I would say go Paragon level a bit and then start adventure mode or rush through story mode.


Saint Nic
Oh awesome - thanks guys. I will finish Act V soon and just start leveling characters that way! Glad I don't have to go through the story again. After this 6th time through, I don't think I ever want to do it again (even though I'll have to on HC).

Depends on what you want.
But I was in the same boat a few days ago, I decided to focus on the Paragon a bit, since I was leveling super quickly. I'm now Paragon 30 and I can already notice the difference when I'm playing with a new character.

So if you want a head start with your other characters I would say go Paragon level a bit and then start adventure mode or rush through story mode.

Oh right, plvl stuff is across all characters in that mode, right?


awesome games tonight everyone, fun stuff

PSA: get the PSN app for your phone if you can, it turns annoying PS4 messaging into basically a txt msg without having to use the controller to type! I love it, I just installed it and I wish I would of downloaded the app months ago

and grimlock u crazy, I love it when people do unique builds, I look forward to more adventures!

Yeah I just started using the app and it's great.

Lag got to be too bad for me last night and I was already starting to doze. I accidentally upgraded my rift stone to lvl 30 when I meant to upgrade the gem (was spamming X picking up the loot that dropped from the grift guardian). Gonna hang onto that stone until I can run with you or some other gaffer who can handle that. My poison gem is at level 20 atm, but will be a lot more useful once I can get it to lvl 25 (10% extra damage).

Anywho, going through the thread now and adding a few people to the ol' friends list on the app now :)


I really should go through and clean out my friendslist. Doing Hardcore, I got 3 gifts so far, and as far as I could tell it was for people I haven't seen playing in forever. Rather get the HC gifts to active players.


Saint Nic
i only have 1 person on my friend list... so hes getting a shit ton of legendarys from me...

i believe my PSN name is junglist25


I want to make sure my goodies are going to be people who actually play as well.

Is there any good way to filter players who haven't touched D3 in a while? Also, Blizzard should add a feature where legendaries are only sent to people who have played in the past 5 days or something like that.
Don't know if there's a separate thread, so, figured I'd throw it here.

But I've built my crusader up to about 35, I have the game on PC and went to Paragon 200 on my WD, so, plan on playing for quite a while.

Add me on PS4: bigwinnerx so we can do leg swaps.

EDIT: Ha, see the post right above mine, I'll add you, sir.


I really should go through and clean out my friendslist. Doing Hardcore, I got 3 gifts so far, and as far as I could tell it was for people I haven't seen playing in forever. Rather get the HC gifts to active players.
I'm actually going to spend some time later going through recent activity for my FL. Will give HC another go over the weekend I think, going to give crusader a bash this time.


Good fun Grimlock and Blacksalad :)

Not a single legendary dropped for me last night it was incredible, not one.

I need the god damn Akkhan pants for my full Shotgun Build, really good stuff all around.

Thansk Blacksalad for the stuff man.


Good fun Grimlock and Blacksalad :)

Not a single legendary dropped for me last night it was incredible, not one.

I need the god damn Akkhan pants for my full Shotgun Build, really good stuff all around.

Thansk Blacksalad for the stuff man.

I have you on my list, right?

I'll give you my best pair of extra Akkan pants.


I have you on my list, right?

I'll give you my best pair of extra Akkan pants.

Yeah we are friends already, hey thanks man, last night I was suposedly playing shotgun but I was wondering why I was having lots of downtime with my AC lol turns out I didnt had the last bonus of the set lol.
Has anyone gotten a Cesspools rift (regular or greater) on either the Xbox or PS4? I've played a lot and haven't seen it yet, so just wondering.


Good fun Grimlock and Blacksalad :)

Not a single legendary dropped for me last night it was incredible, not one.

I need the god damn Akkhan pants for my full Shotgun Build, really good stuff all around.

Thansk Blacksalad for the stuff man.


The pants are the one Akkhan piece that is still eluding me. If I could just get a ramaldani gift to drop (seriously! How can some get 3-4 in a day and I haven't gotten a single one lol) I'll be trying out the shotgun build too. I'm not sure if I'll want to wear the reaper wraps or not; I'll just have to see how it goes. The bracers I currently wear have like 20% holy damage, 5 or 6% CC, strength + maybe vitality or resist.

Luckily the fate of the fell I have in my stash increases my wrath generation, reduces cooldown, and also adds 10 to my maximum wrath. Once I get a socket on there I'll probably roll off the maximum wrath affix for either damage % or something else.

Question about weapon Damage (using simple #s to illustrate question)
Let's say I have a weapon with average damage of 1000 but one could probably enchant it to have at least an average damage of 1,100 (10% increase)

Would doing that give the same results as if, instead of rolling for increased average damage, I rolled off a different affix to get 10% damage?

My FotF has a decent average damage (as fire damage)
I'm trying to decide if I want to roll on that to get it even higher or if I'd be better off shooting for 10% damage separately.


General question, weapons drop with any class right, like if I want to gor rifting for an Odyn's Son and a Fulminator and a Thunderfury all dex based I can do it with a Monk and will drop right?

Same as if I go with a Crusader?

I like playing with both classes but I want to know if those weapons willdrop with whatever class Im using.


General question, weapons drop with any class right, like if I want to gor rifting for an Odyn's Son and a Fulminator and a Thunderfury all dex based I can do it with a Monk and will drop right?

Same as if I go with a Crusader?

I like playing with both classes but I want to know if those weapons willdrop with whatever class Im using.

There's some slight chance an item won't roll your stats (ex: monk and you get STR) but it's really really rare. If it drop on your monk it'll most likely roll dex. Crusader will be STR etc.


General question, weapons drop with any class right, like if I want to gor rifting for an Odyn's Son and a Fulminator and a Thunderfury all dex based I can do it with a Monk and will drop right?

Same as if I go with a Crusader?

I like playing with both classes but I want to know if those weapons willdrop with whatever class Im using.
Yes, but there is a small chance an item will drop for another class. I've found INT gear while playing my barbarian and monk plenty of times, and I don't have a WD or mage.


There's some slight chance an item won't roll your stats (ex: monk and you get STR) but it's really really rare. If it drop on your monk it'll most likely roll dex. Crusader will be STR etc.

Yes, but there is a small chance an item will drop for another class. I've found INT gear while playing my barbarian and monk plenty of times, and I don't have a WD or mage.

Yeah this is what Im afraid of, the other day I got a weapon with a "Crusader Only" skill boost and was using a my Monk lols.

Oh well.

It doesn't matter in the end if it drops I can reroll.

I love doing bounties lol, I set myself some goals like "Finishing this act in 15 minutes" etc.


Killed all the ubers on T6, not a key of evil for the fourth portal dropped and not a single organ. -_-

Ughh...sounds terrible.

I haven't even really bothered with hellfire farming. It's different enough from the way it used to be for me to be slightly confused and with the reduced chances (no guarantees even on the highest torment) it's hard to think of the benefits outweighing the costs unless you're lucky.

But man, if I could get a socketed HF amulet and HF ring; Particularly an amulet with finery...it'd be worth it.

Otherwise it seems like too much work for the reward.
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