I would be so pissed if I made a Hardcore character level 70 and couldn't beat diablo or the final boss...
all that grindin for nothing.
But I am a trophy hunter,.... so i hope theres no torment 6 on hardcore trophy...
I would be so pissed if I made a Hardcore character level 70 and couldn't beat diablo or the final boss...
all that grindin for nothing.
But I am a trophy hunter,.... so i hope theres no torment 6 on hardcore trophy...
I haven't even really bothered with hellfire farming. It's different enough from the way it used to be for me to be slightly confused and with the reduced chances (no guarantees even on the highest torment) it's hard to think of the benefits outweighing the costs unless you're lucky.
They did a hotfix on PC a bit ago that made the organs 100% on T6. Should get rolled into the next console patch whenever that is.
That said it does still suck, I crafted 2 yesterday for my wizard. First one had usable stats but the passive was useless (was Temporal Flux). Second one had Elemental Exposure which would have been decent, but, it rolled like 3 defensive stats so there was no saving it. I hate the amount of RNG you have to go through to get one, but, honestly I could deal with that if farming keys (specifically act 1 and 2 keys) weren't so damn boring.
I hadn't realized how close I was to getting a platinum trophy in this. Looks like I'm going to shelve The Evil Within and Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition until I do.
With that said, all I need to do now is LVL up a Monk, Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter to 70.
Any suggestions on the fastest way to level? Is it going to be Adventure Mode / Rifts? I have about 110 Rift keys, so I think I'm set.![]()
Been grinding Kadala (huehuehue) for four days straight and no Flying Dragon in sight. I'm beginning to think it doesn't exist. :'(
I have a TF that was originally int but with a dex roll on it.If you want I can trade it to you, do you have a Fulminator or a Thunderfury Dex based?
I have a TF that was originally int but with a dex roll on it.
The pants are the one Akkhan piece that is still eluding me. If I could just get a ramaldani gift to drop (seriously! How can some get 3-4 in a day and I haven't gotten a single one lol) I'll be trying out the shotgun build too. I'm not sure if I'll want to wear the reaper wraps or not; I'll just have to see how it goes. The bracers I currently wear have like 20% holy damage, 5 or 6% CC, strength + maybe vitality or resist.
Luckily the fate of the fell I have in my stash increases my wrath generation, reduces cooldown, and also adds 10 to my maximum wrath. Once I get a socket on there I'll probably roll off the maximum wrath affix for either damage % or something else.
Question about weapon Damage (using simple #s to illustrate question)
Let's say I have a weapon with average damage of 1000 but one could probably enchant it to have at least an average damage of 1,100 (10% increase)
Would doing that give the same results as if, instead of rolling for increased average damage, I rolled off a different affix to get 10% damage?
My FotF has a decent average damage (as fire damage)
I'm trying to decide if I want to roll on that to get it even higher or if I'd be better off shooting for 10% damage separately.
My PSN is Tunesmith-You want to trade?
I sent you the Flying Dragon anyway, whats your PSN?
Fuck Shard of hate?
What do you want for it?
My PSN is Tunesmith-
Can trade you the SoH for it if you prefer.
Yep with the - at the end. Sent a request to xRaptor_1.Thats a "-" at the end?
No man I really want the Thunderfury, so I can only hunt for the Fulminator
Will add you tonight and send it to you.
Yep with the - at the end. Sent a request to xRaptor_1.
I'd take it off your hands, we've been trying to get one for ages! PSN isFound a better Fate of the Fell, any taker for my old one ? (PS4)
Hardcore?crap... shit.. crap... fuck...
I died.
Yeah, a few posts up, I was right in being scared... god damn italso had a bunch of forgotten souls on me when I died. Stupid stupid stupid...
sorry to hear about the loss, but this pic just made me laugh
I'd take it off your hands, we've been trying to get one for ages! PSN is.LordMJRAlu
Thanks so much man. My monk got it's Flying Dragon almost immediately but we've not seen a Fate of the Fell in 220 levels so farSent. Hope it bring as much use as it did for me. That was my first level 70 legendary(So lucky lol)
Thanks so much man. My monk got it's Flying Dragon almost immediately but we've not seen a Fate of the Fell in 220 levels so far![]()
I have yet to see a Ralamandi's gift lol.
I have not yet reach a point where I absolutly need one though.
What is this thing that can add a socket?The socket is from a socket thingy.
Yeah, the stats on it are really nice actually, thanks. The DPS improvement is insane. Now all I need to drop is an Akkhan's helm so we can use the Captain's Crimson for cooldown reduction and we're pretty much there!The socket is from a socket thingy.
Ughh...sounds terrible.
I haven't even really bothered with hellfire farming. It's different enough from the way it used to be for me to be slightly confused and with the reduced chances (no guarantees even on the highest torment) it's hard to think of the benefits outweighing the costs unless you're lucky.
But man, if I could get a socketed HF amulet and HF ring; Particularly an amulet with finery...it'd be worth it.
Otherwise it seems like too much work for the reward.
There's some slight chance an item won't roll your stats (ex: monk and you get STR) but it's really really rare. If it drop on your monk it'll most likely roll dex. Crusader will be STR etc.
Grimløck;134795986 said:any tips on how to level up gems past 40 if you can't even beat gr39?
You can't really, that's just how it is designed. Most of the gems don't even have a known rank cap so they're designed to be around the same level as the highest GR you've done.
Aside from doing hacked stuff my advice would be to level up your gems in group play if you care that much. It's just way easier to clear GRs in the cookie cutter groups than it is solo. Like for example on the PC leaderboard the lowest ranked 4 player group (rank 1000) is higher than almost every rank 1 person on the solo class leaderboards.
Grimløck;134810299 said:oh man. the thing with group play is i need to rethink most of my builds b/c of the lack of unity save for pony sader of course. i guess i can roll tiki WD if anyone wants to supply the dps in high grifts. or maybe a zdps monk. i don't know which would be better.
as for gogok, there's no point in going higher than level 25 right?
Yeah we are friends already, hey thanks man, last night I was suposedly playing shotgun but I was wondering why I was having lots of downtime with my AC lol turns out I didnt had the last bonus of the set lol.
Alright, only bad thing is that I have to wait to get out of work to send it, till tonight![]()
It's cool cool.
I'm EU based FYI so I'll be heading off to sleep shortly, if you mail me overnight I'll send you the TF first thing tomorrow morning here.
Hey Laconic how come you always get the cool stuff lol, you lucky you!!