Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!


I would be so pissed if I made a Hardcore character level 70 and couldn't beat diablo or the final boss...

all that grindin for nothing.

But I am a trophy hunter,.... so i hope theres no torment 6 on hardcore trophy...


Oh my God, imagine my Monk with a TF and a Fulminator with my Thndergods, Vigor and the Raiment of a Thousand Storms Set bonuses?

Jesus Christ lightning will be filling the damn screen and I will like Raiden or Thor O_O

Thats it, thats my goal from now on.


I would be so pissed if I made a Hardcore character level 70 and couldn't beat diablo or the final boss...

all that grindin for nothing.

But I am a trophy hunter,.... so i hope theres no torment 6 on hardcore trophy...

iirc hardcore specific trophies are kill Diablo, kill Malathael, reach level 70.


I would be so pissed if I made a Hardcore character level 70 and couldn't beat diablo or the final boss...

all that grindin for nothing.

But I am a trophy hunter,.... so i hope theres no torment 6 on hardcore trophy...

The hardcore trophy is a joke. Reach lvl 70, kil Malthael. Not even remotely difficult. Play on the lowest setting if your scared, I played mostly on expert.


I haven't even really bothered with hellfire farming. It's different enough from the way it used to be for me to be slightly confused and with the reduced chances (no guarantees even on the highest torment) it's hard to think of the benefits outweighing the costs unless you're lucky.

They did a hotfix on PC a bit ago that made the organs 100% on T6. Should get rolled into the next console patch whenever that is.

That said it does still suck, I crafted 2 yesterday for my wizard. First one had usable stats but the passive was useless (was Temporal Flux). Second one had Elemental Exposure which would have been decent, but, it rolled like 3 defensive stats so there was no saving it. I hate the amount of RNG you have to go through to get one, but, honestly I could deal with that if farming keys (specifically act 1 and 2 keys) weren't so damn boring.


They did a hotfix on PC a bit ago that made the organs 100% on T6. Should get rolled into the next console patch whenever that is.

That said it does still suck, I crafted 2 yesterday for my wizard. First one had usable stats but the passive was useless (was Temporal Flux). Second one had Elemental Exposure which would have been decent, but, it rolled like 3 defensive stats so there was no saving it. I hate the amount of RNG you have to go through to get one, but, honestly I could deal with that if farming keys (specifically act 1 and 2 keys) weren't so damn boring.

Yeah; the best way of doing it really is having 4 players farm and everyone supply machines. But even then it still takes forever when you factor in the RNG. I'll probably wait until the 100% on T6 patch before I get serious about it unless a group of gaffers end up farming and I join in. Trying to do it solo...zzzzz


The passive you roll on a Hellfire Amulet can't be stacked right? I've seen some people with Hellfire's using the same passive, and it's kind of confusing me lol.
I hadn't realized how close I was to getting a platinum trophy in this. Looks like I'm going to shelve The Evil Within and Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition until I do.

With that said, all I need to do now is LVL up a Monk, Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter to 70.

Any suggestions on the fastest way to level? Is it going to be Adventure Mode / Rifts? I have about 110 Rift keys, so I think I'm set. :D


I hadn't realized how close I was to getting a platinum trophy in this. Looks like I'm going to shelve The Evil Within and Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition until I do.

With that said, all I need to do now is LVL up a Monk, Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter to 70.

Any suggestions on the fastest way to level? Is it going to be Adventure Mode / Rifts? I have about 110 Rift keys, so I think I'm set. :D

Rifts, at T1-4 depending on the twinking you do on the characters and how many Paragon levels you have. Also learned from Tunesmith that you can increase the difficulty just before you turn in quests for an extra boost of XP:)


formerly "chigiri"
Been grinding Kadala (huehuehue) for four days straight and no Flying Dragon in sight. I'm beginning to think it doesn't exist. :'(
Spent at least 10 forgotten souls and gems trying to roll a socket into my rorg...all I get is the same shit I'm trying to roll away from. Such a waste of time with this shit.


Not Banned from OT

The pants are the one Akkhan piece that is still eluding me. If I could just get a ramaldani gift to drop (seriously! How can some get 3-4 in a day and I haven't gotten a single one lol) I'll be trying out the shotgun build too. I'm not sure if I'll want to wear the reaper wraps or not; I'll just have to see how it goes. The bracers I currently wear have like 20% holy damage, 5 or 6% CC, strength + maybe vitality or resist.

Luckily the fate of the fell I have in my stash increases my wrath generation, reduces cooldown, and also adds 10 to my maximum wrath. Once I get a socket on there I'll probably roll off the maximum wrath affix for either damage % or something else.

Question about weapon Damage (using simple #s to illustrate question)
Let's say I have a weapon with average damage of 1000 but one could probably enchant it to have at least an average damage of 1,100 (10% increase)

Would doing that give the same results as if, instead of rolling for increased average damage, I rolled off a different affix to get 10% damage?

My FotF has a decent average damage (as fire damage)
I'm trying to decide if I want to roll on that to get it even higher or if I'd be better off shooting for 10% damage separately.

Max Wrath is a secondary so can't roll it into % damage. If you plan on doing greater rifts reaper wraps are a necessity. Monsters especially elites have so many HPs you need a lot of blasts to kill them. Regular rifts assuming you got good damage you should not need them because of your wrath reg on weapon. Good damage as in with out a globe crit trash for around 50 mil and elites for 60-70 million per beam. Wraps still make life easier in general to smooth out wrath pool. The only other bracers I would consider are strongmans with condemn vacuum. That would be in regular rifts only.

For your weapon since you got 2 really good random primaries it might be best to gift the socket and reroll the element damage to something higher if it is on the lower end. To get plus damage you will need to give up either wrath regeneration or cool down.
Got the 4 PC Roland set bonus. The shield bash and sweep bonus really helps. All I need now is a socket into my rings and amulets for my legendary gems and I should be on to t4.


Thanks for the add turnbuckle!!

Got that legendary gift that adds a socket to any weapon! Rolled the socket off one of my maximus' for 9% dmg and popped a socket right back on. What a feeling...


The socket is from a socket thingy.
Yeah, the stats on it are really nice actually, thanks. The DPS improvement is insane. Now all I need to drop is an Akkhan's helm so we can use the Captain's Crimson for cooldown reduction and we're pretty much there!


Ughh...sounds terrible.

I haven't even really bothered with hellfire farming. It's different enough from the way it used to be for me to be slightly confused and with the reduced chances (no guarantees even on the highest torment) it's hard to think of the benefits outweighing the costs unless you're lucky.

But man, if I could get a socketed HF amulet and HF ring; Particularly an amulet with finery...it'd be worth it.

Otherwise it seems like too much work for the reward.

There's some slight chance an item won't roll your stats (ex: monk and you get STR) but it's really really rare. If it drop on your monk it'll most likely roll dex. Crusader will be STR etc.

Both you guys PM me your PSN id (if you're on PS4). I'll hook you all up.


Grimløck;134795986 said:
any tips on how to level up gems past 40 if you can't even beat gr39?

You can't really, that's just how it is designed. Most of the gems don't even have a known rank cap so they're designed to be around the same level as the highest GR you've done.

Aside from doing hacked stuff my advice would be to level up your gems in group play if you care that much. It's just way easier to clear GRs in the cookie cutter groups than it is solo. Like for example on the PC leaderboard the lowest ranked 4 player group (rank 1000) is higher than almost every rank 1 person on the solo class leaderboards.


Ok so thanks to some awesome help with great for my demon hunter I have made her playable again.

That being said I trying to figure out some gear things. Right now I am wearing 6 marauder pieces. Two reasons, one I seem to get Tasker and Theo gloves to drop. Secondly the rng gods have found a new way to amuse me. I did a bunch of torment V act 1 bounty runs on my DH and yeah the ring dropped but it rolled strength.

It gets more fun then that even. Right now I am also using two nat pieces the hand xbow and the ring. What I am wondering is it going to be worth dropping that ring for a proper RoRg (I do have a very good SoJ on right now)

So confused on which way to go with this. 3 piece nat bonus is nice but man I dunno.


You can't really, that's just how it is designed. Most of the gems don't even have a known rank cap so they're designed to be around the same level as the highest GR you've done.

Aside from doing hacked stuff my advice would be to level up your gems in group play if you care that much. It's just way easier to clear GRs in the cookie cutter groups than it is solo. Like for example on the PC leaderboard the lowest ranked 4 player group (rank 1000) is higher than almost every rank 1 person on the solo class leaderboards.

oh man. the thing with group play is i need to rethink most of my builds b/c of the lack of unity save for pony sader of course. i guess i can roll tiki WD if anyone wants to supply the dps in high grifts. or maybe a zdps monk. i don't know which would be better.

as for gogok, there's no point in going higher than level 25 right?


Grimløck;134810299 said:
oh man. the thing with group play is i need to rethink most of my builds b/c of the lack of unity save for pony sader of course. i guess i can roll tiki WD if anyone wants to supply the dps in high grifts. or maybe a zdps monk. i don't know which would be better.

as for gogok, there's no point in going higher than level 25 right?

Only reason to level a Gogok past 25 is if you want it to stack faster, doesn't provide any other benefit.

As for group play, there isn't much to think about to be honest, zdps witch doctor + M6 demon hunter is the most popular base and if you want to do more than 2 player add in another demon hunter and eventually a zdps monk for cyclone strikes. It's pretty straight forward. The key thing for the monk is making sure you have enough CDR (with Gogok stacked) for 100% uptime on serenity and for witch doctor make sure you have a tiklandian visage (and a SMK if you can).


Yeah we are friends already, hey thanks man, last night I was suposedly playing shotgun but I was wondering why I was having lots of downtime with my AC lol turns out I didnt had the last bonus of the set lol.


The Truth. (tm)

I'll send those pants in a sec.

BTW: this ammy...



formerly "chigiri"
Alright, only bad thing is that I have to wait to get out of work to send it, till tonight :(

It's cool cool. :)

I'm EU based FYI so I'll be heading off to sleep shortly, if you mail me overnight I'll send you the TF first thing tomorrow morning here.
Hey just want to say to NARF76, Number45, nicoga300, and Szlayne thanks for the friend requests. Hope I can get you some legs some day.

Bigwinnerx on PS4 if anyone wants to add me, too. I'm only level 35 now, but, built myself past paragon 200 on PC, so, plan on playing for a while yet.
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