Anyone without or with little Raid experience want to join up and learn? I'm throwing a party together now on normal mode on PSN to walk people through it. It's okay if you have experience, just understand this is for newer players to learn so the progress won't be as efficient as regular teams.
Edit: 27 and up preferred with some leveled weapons.[/
What's your PSN
I'd love to join! a_javierp on PS4. I have a 27 Warlock with no Raid gear![]()
Ready now. PSN Megabroon
I'll join you. PSN: quik_killa
Level 28 Titan / No raid experience.
Sent requestPSN is acting finicky, send a request to Madgame on PSN, ready now![]()
Sent!PSN is acting finicky, send a request to Madgame on PSN, ready now![]()
And the original MLG gametypes were coded to let you jump. It still happened. Wrong byte gets written into the field that selects the parameters of the attack, and it fails in a way that you can't really tell it's broken (people are still being teleported).
This has been disproven. You are wasting xp if you do this.
Unfortunately, you have to do story mode to unlock stuff.
Basically, only do the story missions with the big icons, always aim for the heroic levels through crucible, do bounties, vanguard and crucible even the ones where you suck, you'll level up slogging through trying to accomplish them.
Got my alt warlock and Hunter to level 20 in a couple of days only did about 6 or 7 story missions, haven't unlocked Mars patrol on either lol.
I perfer PSN party chat just because i can hear better using my headset which is the Tritton 360 headset.
with the latter i can't hear shit
except when the game audio cuts out
I've got the Sony Pulse Elite headset, and I can adjust the volume of game audio and voice chat. Is this not possible with your headsets? Or rather, shouldn't there be a setting on the PS4 somewhere?
Started an alt for extra raiding (damn boots) and this shit is mind numbingly boring. I might just say forget it.
Started an alt for extra raiding (damn boots) and this shit is mind numbingly boring. I might just say forget it.
destiny doesn't have any audio options, so on basic headsets you're out of luck
I think it's just 8 hours but man, I couldn't do it on the same class.
Bounties, and a crap load of PvP. It took me two days to reach level 20 for my alt.
Anyone without or with little Raid experience want to join up and learn? I'm throwing a party together now on normal mode on PSN to walk people through it. It's okay if you have experience, just understand this is for newer players to learn so the progress won't be as efficient as regular teams.
Edit: 27 and up preferred with some leveled weapons.
That only allows chat audio to be heard through the headset. There is no game sound that comes through the headset. I also turn the chat audio all the way up, but it's still hard to hear anyone unless I am using a party chat or turn off the game sound.Yeah, but what about the firmware setting?
That only allows chat audio to be heard through the headset. There is no game sound that comes through the headset. I also turn the chat audio all the way up, but it's still hard to hear anyone unless I am using a party chat or turn off the game sound.
Did they nerf grenades? I had several during a match that I stuck and didn't kill the guy.
Wait is this true? I can just ignore the story and still be able to do the weekly and raid if I hit 20? What's the best way to hit 20 if you aren't doing the story?
Cant find you on psn.I'm up for it. PSN Megabroon. I can bring 1.
Getting bored of destiny. Maybe I should try hard raid for the challenge...
Do public events not happen when you're a low-level? I'm trying to level my warlock only to find out the Devil Walker public event doesn't happen on every 00:15 and 00:45 like it does when I'm on my lvl 29 hunter.
Shit is dumb.
They happen for everyone, regardless of their level.Do public events not happen when you're a low-level? I'm trying to level my warlock only to find out the Devil Walker public event doesn't happen on every 00:15 and 00:45 like it does when I'm on my lvl 29 hunter.
Shit is dumb.
Don't think it's level based, event timers are just +-5 minutes sometimes.
If you really did not leave the divide this long and had nothing happen, something must be fishy with your instance.I've been at The Divide for two hours and no public events. I was there with other low-levels waiting for it to happen.
It's dumb.
If you really did not leave the divide this long and had nothing happen, something must be fishy with your instance.
I would go to orbit and try joining a new one.
How many alts do you have? Either the same class or different classes? What is making Destiny fun for me is having 3 characters of the same class being able to get loot to share to my main. Then I'm going to horde strange coins until I want to delete both alts and make real alts of different classes. Meh. Bungie probably doesn't like this but I need level 30.
Do public events not happen when you're a low-level? I'm trying to level my warlock only to find out the Devil Walker public event doesn't happen on every 00:15 and 00:45 like it does when I'm on my lvl 29 hunter.
Shit is dumb.
I see. Well, this sucks.
If I am doing a raid, I normally just turn off the ingame sound anyways so I can see who talking in game.
Anyone doing a hard mode full run? 29 titan
Also, does Bungie know that Titans and Warlocks can jump over the entire jumping puzzle? Clearly they intended people to use the platforms.
It's unfortunate Bungie won't admit that the Atheon "fix" was just a reaction to the volume of players beating the raid, not a bug. In fact, what is the current hard percentage for the trophy on PSN. I am very curious.
You need to hear the oracles mate![]()
I have o interest in an alt. just sounds too much like making the game a job to me.
I'm a 29 hunter.
Just happened to get an invective bounty but it wants me to do 5 strikes without death. I think il just try to do 24 strikes when vanguard resets with good teams so that I can be more efficient. Grinding the lol. 12 strike solo sounds extremely boring.