Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)


These screenshots aren't really selling me on the game. Crazy Vaseline filter on everything and hair that looks like a muddy mop on top of every character head.


I'd just like to explain one thing.

The reason the same NPC is repeated several times over isn't because Ubisoft didn't feel the need to render thousands of different NPCs it's because of the limitations of the Animus. You see, these are memories and history of your ancestors and it wouldn't make sense for you to have thousands of different NPCs because there is no way the human mind could actively remember thousands of different faces. So what the animus does in this case is replicate the other people in your memories as the notable people - the ones you did have an interaction with at some point in the memory. It's also an animus issue why the game is so blurry. It's weaker memory you're going through. It's foggy in itself and the animus can only replicate the memory in the detail it's given. So when you see an NPC with a darkened face or a blurriness to their face it's not the actual game's fault it is intended by design to give you an authentic Animus experience as you play the game.




Well, it's a valid point since it's obvious many multi-platform games are being gimped to accomodate the lower spec Xbone. Gimping ensures the game sells more units (otherwise people would tend to stay away from the inferior version).

It's sad, really. PS4 versions of games should be coded to take advantage of the PS4 hardware, even if that means making other version (e.g. Xbone) look bad.

At least we know first party games will use the hardware to the fullest!

This is the only game we know for sure has been gimped. For example, the new Call of Duty and Far Cry 4 are both 1080P on PS4, as they should be.
The AA they are using in this game HRAA is blurry, and it kills high frequency detail. They even admit this in their slides that they published a while ago. It's like a blur filter applied then a sharpen filter applied on top of it, this is ofcourse a simplistic description of it but this is a bad way to get rid of jaggies ie. by effectively destroying most of the high frequency details. Farcry 4 will be using the same technique, but that will be 1080P (atleast in terms of pixel ratio, as I won't be surprised if it cuts a few pixels up the top and bottom)

Yeah, there are very few jaggies, but if the result is as in that video posted (youtube I know), definitely not a trade off they should be making.
I personally think the art direction and the world looks pretty good. I am sure it will be pretty awesome running around with hundreds of people, or seeing these huge battles with hundreds of people.

However, the image quality leaves a lot to be desired. They have these nice draw distances, but they lose detail, quite a bit. And I can agree, it does appear somewhat blurry.

I have only played 2 other games at 900p this gen (I guess that would be both of the ones on PS4 released so far) and I feel the image quality of Battlefield 4appeared to be much better, but AC Unity seems more similar to that of Watch Dogs.
Yeesh, looks like I'm getting the game for PC.

I'm interested in the story and I generally like the gameplay of AC games, but those screens are pretty bad.


I'd rather turn off AA and get a bunch of jaggies with an increase to detail. Seriously, that blurriness reminds me of PS3 CoD.
Laptop CPUs flexing their muscles. These consoles fared better when they were simply taking last gen engines and adding effects.

They don't need hot, massive, power hungry and expensive CPUs this time round because a lot of the stuff that the CPU used to process is now offloaded to the GPU. Hell even the audio is processed by the GPU, AMDs TrueAudio.

Don't blame the system when you have a subpar developer like Ubisoft putting out horribly optimised games.


This is the only game we know for sure has been gimped. For example, the new Call of Duty and Far Cry 4 are both 1080P on PS4, as they should be.

Resolution is one piece. What else could the PS4 do that the Xbox 1 can't? We don't know.

I would err on the side of caution and assume publishers won't allow one version of a multi-platform release to completely outshine another.


And people wonder why people complain about sub-1080p resolutions? This looks like garbage.

well, on a 65" screen it will, the human eye can't even tell the difference between 720p and 1080 below that screen size. I'm Geniunely Not sure what the big deal is!
The game looks like a mess. I can see why the game was running at 9fps roughly 9 months ago now. Get it together, Ubi, and don't fuck up The Division or Rainbow Six Siege.


I know it’s common for publishers to showcase the PC version of their game as representative of all platform releases (or give the impression that it will be representative of all platforms). Unity has to be one of the biggest noticeable differences I’ve witnessed between press content and gold master. It’s so drastic that I would describe it as nothing more than false advertising.

As an aside, these pictures provide a better understanding as to why the PC version of Unity has such hefty PC requirements.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Blurry timeeeee


Oh lord...

Wow WTF happened ?

that looks worse than what I remember AC3 looking like .. I see the trend of gameplay-bullshot trailers from Ubisoft continues. Can't imagine any different of Far Cry or The Division now.


Lord, please let the ps4 be better. Please let the ps4 be better. Please let the ps4 be better.


Seriously NO ONE should release a game that is sub 30 fps, it's a real pain to play with this framerate. I remember AC3, that was so terrible, ruined my experience.


I'm not sure if it's just the resolution, or the textures themselves (probably both), but the textures overall look much worse than ACIV. Their new physically based materials system might be technically more impressive on paper, but it doesn't matter if they then over reached and cut back on basic things like IQ, LOD and texture resolution and end up with a less impressive looking game because of it.


Wow, this game looks pretty disgusting. I thought we were all going to be shocked at it based on some developer comments.........then again, I guess we are shocked.
This is the only game we know for sure has been gimped. For example, the new Call of Duty and Far Cry 4 are both 1080P on PS4, as they should be.

Bungie stated parity for Destiny as well.

Wow WTF happened ?

that looks worse than what I remember AC3 looking like .. I see the trend of gameplay-bullshot trailers from Ubisoft continues. Can't imagine any different of Far Cry or The Division now.

No this flat is worse looking then Black Flag. I would not be shocked to hear surprise this is the PS3 version ha ha gotcha!
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