Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)

I see a lot of anti-900p comments in here. I own AC IV on X1 and it does not look this bad. I don't think resolution is the only problem here.


Resolution is one piece. What else could the PS4 do that the Xbox 1 can't? We don't know.

I would err on the side of caution and assume publishers won't allow one version of a multi-platform release to completely outshine another.

I can't speak to unknown variables, but I will vote with my wallet on what I can see.
They don't need hot, massive, power hungry and expensive CPUs this time round because a lot of the stuff that the CPU used to process is now offloaded to the GPU. Hell even the audio is processed by the GPU, AMDs TrueAudio.

Don't blame the system when you have a subpar developer like Ubisoft putting out horribly optimised games.

eh, not all things can be easily offloaded to the gpu, and, even then, the gpus are mid-range gpus from 4 years ago. they dont exactly have enough oomph to truly offload that much unless you want to sacrifice resolution or IQ.
Man, this looks like they only have 10 different npcs.

You can find the women right of the character 4 times in this picture.
I see clones of every single one of those NPC's. Easy fix considering the fact that they could have just modeled more outfits to add into the pool.


The IQ reminds me of Resistance 3. Obvious AC looks better but the IQ itself has that horrible soft-jaggy appearance. Really shameful considering how they have advertised the game up to now...
Seriously NO ONE should release a game that is sub 30 fps, it's a real pain to play with this framerate. I remember AC3, that was so terrible, ruined my experience.

AC3 was pretty great for me. 60fps and 1080p really helped it. But yeah for console games I definitely hold the belief that you shouldn't release a game that runs sub 30 fps ever.
Im finding it hard to believe we got a downgrade from BF wc is one of the prettiest ganes ive ever played. Im gonna wait for the retail launch, rent that shit and judge the games grapchics thru my tv.
Edit the screenshots on page 3 looked teal nice
Bungie stated parity for Destiny as well.

Wasn't Destiny 1080p on both platforms though? Where else are they going to go? At that point it would come down to maybe better AA techniques or shadow resolution or something along those lines which wouldn't have the easy to point to numbers that a resolution bump would have.

eh, not all things can be easily offloaded to the gpu, and, even then, the gpus are mid-range gpus from 4 years ago. they dont exactly have enough oomph to truly offload that much unless you want to sacrifice resolution or IQ.

Yeah the GPUs aren't monsters either. This game would not look better if they offloaded even more to the GPUs.
eh, not all things can be easily offloaded to the gpu, and, even then, the gpus are mid-range gpus from 4 years ago. they dont exactly have enough oomph to truly offload that much unless you want to sacrifice resolution or IQ.

I know, it's just boring seeing people go "lol laptop cpu" as a punchline when they clearly don't have a clue.


Have you played Watch_Dogs or Battlefield 4? They both look fantastic in 900p.

I played Watch Dogs on PC, but I wasn't impressed at all with Battlefield on PS4. The effects and stuff were nice, but the aliasing was pretty bad and the poor framerate in the main mode was horrid. Then again, I suppose that didn't matter too much as that mode didn't actually work.


Gold Member
They really nailed the generic Assassins Creed look for this. Disappointing after what we got with the last game. It also looks unsurprisingly like garbage in those screens. Makes it easy to pass on this though, so money saved.


Unconfirmed Member
Wasn't Destiny 1080p on both platforms though? Where else are they going to go? At that point it would come down to maybe better AA techniques or shadow resolution or something along those lines which wouldn't have the easy to point to numbers that a resolution bump would have.

Yeah the GPUs aren't monsters either. This game would not look better if they offloaded even more to the GPUs.
I actually thought Destiny was sitting at 900p until MS sent their technicians round to Bungie, I didn't think they [Bungie] were going for parity at all, maybe I was wrong. Sorry OT.


Unconfirmed Member
I've got an idea, DESIGIN and work towards 1080p and then you'll not have to mask the 900p upscaled image with rubbish AA.


The problem I'm having is it looks like the people are floating.... like not walking on the ground. Don't know what is causing that, but my brain is telling em something is not quite right here.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I assume it looks better in motion right?

Yeah probably ... but that doesn't mean it has to look like absolute SHIT in stills -_-


Black Flag on PS3 looks more sharper and better defined than this ..

(couldn't find any screens with more NPC's on DF).
Looks good to me. It sucks for people who actually fell for another Ubisoft E3 reveal, thinking any of that was going to look that good as a finished product.

Ploid 3.0

Looks like Watchdogs in another time and setting. The graphics, lighting, and console blurry.

It doesn't look 900p worthy on graphics. What happened?
The problem I'm having is it looks like the people are floating.... like not walking on the ground. Don't know what is causing that, but my brain is telling em something is not quite right here.

Lack of reflections, shadows and SSAO on surfaces that look like they need it to be convincing.


benevolent sexism
Honestly I didn't think I'd ever touch another AC game after 3, but I have some interest in this. I'm kind of disappointed in how much worse this looks than the initial tech demo environment footage, but I never really believed the game would match that level of quality. I still think that holistically this is a great looking setting with lots of nice artwork, but I won't argue with those who find the muddy image quality to be off-putting.


eh, not all things can be easily offloaded to the gpu, and, even then, the gpus are mid-range gpus from 4 years ago. they dont exactly have enough oomph to truly offload that much unless you want to sacrifice resolution or IQ.


And by the way, Ubi has already stated they didn't even use GPGPU on this one and that using GPGPU would makes nextgen "exciting again".

Then, Infamous looks so much better and don't really use PS4's GPGPU capabilities too. GPU compute is the best thing to happen in the near future, you'll see when that comes to life.


What if Rockstar pulls 1080p/rock solid 30fps in Gta V? What then, Ubi?
Fuck, all this talk about Mordor not having good graphics, at least it had a solid framerate and no vaseline. And 1080p. And fights with dozens of enemies.


The resolution makes the fact that the game looks like shit more glaring, it isn't the cause.

The shots are (for some reason) upscaled to 1080p. So 44% of the detail in the image has been pulled out of some piece of softwares ass. At least they're being honest about how it'll look on the vast majority of peoples TV's I guess.
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