IOnEI Falcon
Anyone else on Xbox One having issues bringing a friend into the Exo Co-op? I have a buddy in the lobby with me and start to search for a game and it boots him.
K/D is .88
W/L is .22
God damn I suck at this compared to BF
Spawns are great but sometimes you either spawn really close or far away.
Just day it will be 17.540002%
I started with the 2nd most difficult level but I accidentally lowered the level 2 times when reloading checkpoints so I finished the game in easy mode (which is really easy but fun). It took me exactly 6 hours.
I will certainly do it a 2nd time to collect the intel and try veteran since no level is upsetting or bad-designed imho.
All you gotta do is repurchase your ps3 copy for $0 and it unlocks the PS4 copy.Couple of guys on IRC playing the PS3 version are saying there's not really an issue with player counts, so dunno. They also said the PS3 version looks great and runs smooth.
Both of them are waiting for the PS4 upgrade version to unlock tho, lol.
I'm pretty tempted to snag the PS3 version digitally for the free PS4 upgrade. Have 3 PS3s in the house and only 1 PS4, so it would be cool to have both versions.
How is it compared to past games?
Is there a logical "Flow" to the gameplay/spawns? Or do you still get killed in the back?
I got Astro A40s on my PS4 and I can't hear any enemy footsteps is this normal?
I picked it up while I was out in case I want it. Do I open it or return it GAF?
Waiting for the mail/ups truck to get here.
Should be any minute :/
Holy moly is anyone else playing with the Sony Gold Headset? The noise when you open a supply drop is ear-explosion levels of ridiculous. Been playing the game for hours fine, open a supply drop and the sound is just stupidly loud! They need to sort that.
From TB's twitter page:
Anybody got a spare Destiny shader code for the PS4? It's supposed to be an bonus with CoD but isn't available on (where I ordered it from)
Heard the reviews are mainly positive, possibly the best story since MW1.
Do we know how long is the campaign? or have an estimate, compared to last ones?
Gotta say, Kevin Spacey in this game is one of the first "hey we got an ACTOR in this game" ploys that has actually worked. I mean, he's playing the same kind of dude he always plays, but he's great.
Do we know how long is the campaign? or have an estimate, compared to last ones?
Do we know how long is the campaign? or have an estimate, compared to last ones?
Dont lie, we all bought Onimusha 3 because of Takeshi Kaneshiro and Jean Reno.![]()
I have one. I can give it to you later if you want. Pm me.
This sums up my online experience so far:
Got killed three times before I can kill anybody. Kill someone then immediately get killed by his teammate. Rise and repeat.
I cannot finish positive in this game. I am negative between 5-10 kills every game. I have not played an fps in a while but I am just getting my ass handed to me every game. I am always losing one on one battles or I am just simply getting shot in the back all game. It's so frigging frustrating.
Can you choose what exo abilities you start the level with after you've completed the level/game? I've read the boost jump barely gets used in single player.
Yeah. Looks like you didn't need to preorder for the day zero edition. I'm seeing them everywhere.
This sums up my online experience so far:
Got killed three times before I can kill anybody. Kill someone then immediately get killed by his teammate. Rise and repeat.
I cannot finish positive in this game. I am negative between 5-10 kills every game. I have not played an fps in a while but I am just getting my ass handed to me every game. I am always losing one on one battles or I am just simply getting shot in the back all game. It's so frigging frustrating.
Is there a GAF clan that we can all join?