I knew she was going to become a bounty machine.
I'd be surprised if we even got cutscenes for the cut content.
I knew she was going to become a bounty machine.
That's unfortunate. Our chat parties are the best part.
That's unfortunate. Our chat parties are the best part.
Guardian down. The light was not enough to keep him going after this brutal news. I surely hope this won't happen
Assuming its gonna be atleast 30 more mins before the servers are back up.
Fucked up or back up?
Maybe an hour cuz I think they started late.
Hopefully this maintenance means all the patches that they've been promising for WEEKS now will be implemented.
Gonna be a while longer...‏@Bungie
It's (slightly after) High Noon Pacific time. We're still paving the way for future updates behind the scenes. Stand by. More updates soon.
It still comes off as a really shitty tweet. It isn't an event if you have to buy it. If she gives bounties without them, than that is good. That is why I asked.
What wait did I do?I'd be honored, but Hawk won't give me the pleasure![]()
Those watching my stream last night got to see it get its moment in the spotlight. It's an all-around great scout rifle, good in all categories. The vendor version is unexciting but very solid, and it serves me well.Bought the A1.HASTAG09813AMPERSAND802030923 from the Vanguard vendor last night.
The stats seem somewhat similar to the VoC (less the elemental burn). It has Firefly which I hear is pretty awesome.
Why aren't more people talking about the gun? I took it out for a quick spin right after I bought it and, even completely un-upgraded, it feels like a pretty awesome weapon.
Curious to get opinions from others. Anyone out there use it extensively? Thoughts?
Lets take this time of maintenance to share our tinfoil hat theories!
The races following in the wake of the Darkness were once all homes to the Traveler, which then abandoned them in their time of need to save itself.
The Fallen were living in clans and fighting over resources, separate from one another and occasionally warring at the time the Traveler arrived. He united them to a greater purpose, allowing the Fallen to ascend to the stars where their needs could be fulfilled. They lived in peace for a long time until the Darkness came. The Traveler abandoned them, and the Fallen fell back into a system that while old-fashioned, was not forgotten. They banded together, forming their Houses, and though their world was destroyed by the Darkness, they followed in its wake to pursue the Traveler who had abandoned them and to claim a new home.
The Hive were a great people once with a caste-driven culture of nobility. Something dire happened and their whole world died, left ruined by a star's rage, or a plague, or worse. When the Traveler arrived it was a graveyard, but its energy brought the dead back to life, the Light reviving the dead culture and letting it rise again, more powerful than before. When the Darkness came, the Traveler abandoned these people it had rescued from death, and decay began to set in again. Fading fast, the Hive found a way to harden themselves against death with the power of the Darkness itself, draining the Light and sustaining their lives. They follow the Traveler now like carrion birds waiting for a bull elephant to die, hungry for the Light they can strip from its corpse.
The Cabal lived on a planet where there had once been an incredible, world-spanning war with an absolute and tyrannical leader. Entire generations had grown up in the military regime, and when there were finally no people left to fight, they grew stagnant. They stopped advancing as a culture, explaining why among the races they still rely on chemical reactions with gunpowder and rockets to attack instead of the laser weapons and energy wielded by the other races. The Traveler brought them purpose, inspiring them to reach beyond their globe and explore the stars around them, shrugging off their militaristic ways for a time. When it fled the Darkness, the Cabal was reintroduced to bloody conflict and once more took up the mantle of warlords. They used their new technology to reach out to the stars, and follow the Darkness in order to attain glory with new conquest.
The Vex are perhaps the strangest race, but kind of make sense in a way. Here's where my speculation gets (even more) stretched. Vader is Luke's father. The humans of the golden age created Warminds, great thinking machines that would, without doubt, be able to outlast the lifespan of something like the human race. Eventually the Traveler fled Earth as well, abandoning humans and leaving them to die. The Warmind survived, having been around for so long and absorbing so much data from the Traveler that it was able to enhance and imbue itself with the ability to project itself in a quantum state forward and back in time. Building a more and more advanced quantum array, it consumed the material left behind from mankind's fall and expanded to absorb the resources of the planet itself until in the immensely distant future, the Warminds merged to become the Minds of the Vex at the Black Garden, and in their understanding of time travel and the theory of the multiverse, they began to expand. Each time they found a version of themselves more powerful than the prior in another universe, they became supplicants. They merged their hive mind with its own, and in doing so expanded the network exponentially. With this endless loop established, the Vex finally establish enough computational energy to consume the Traveler in one of these multiverses, breaking down the space magic and energetic potential of it to form the Heart of the black garden. The humans are fighting a Warmind collective from an alternate universe where the Traveler chose to abandon the Earth.
There's no telling how long the previous falls of races took, or when the Traveler chose to abandon them. It may have been wounded grievously as it is now before it abandoned each of the races left in its wake. In time the Traveler may abandon Earth as well, and we'll just become another bitter race hunting it for revenge at bringing us back from restful death to fight a war for it.
What's the Bungie version of Soony?
It's (slightly after) High Noon Pacific time. We're still paving the way for future updates behind the scenes. Stand by. More updates soon.
Gjallarhorn isn't getting nerfed.
What wait did I do?
Those watching my stream last night got to see it get its moment in the spotlight. It's an all-around great scout rifle, good in all categories. The vendor version is unexciting but very solid, and it serves me well.
Sadly the_log_ride can't make tonight's nubnub raid, so there is one spot open.
Please quote and post PSN ID if you want in for an 8:15PM EST Newbie-Friendly Normal Raid tonight.
Maybe an hour cuz I think they started late.
What's the Bungie version of Soony?
Overungie?What's the Bungie version of Soony?
Compleating mini bosses and public events should reward mats.
Honestly. I prefer Corrective Measure. Unless it's pve arc burn, CM just feels much better to fire to me.
Especially in pvp.
The perk to find more heavy ammo for it and 300 reserve ammo make me vastly prefer CM over TL.
Note to self: All you PSN Guardians, PSN Maintenance next Monday for a scheduled 6 hour block.
It used to. VIP Kills used to give 10-12 mats or 20+ after 50 completions.
I don't talk too much in PVP anyway unless it's in 3v3.
Note to self: All you PSN Guardians, PSN Maintenance next Monday for a scheduled 6 hour block.
I know nothing. My dog could probably raid better than me. But I'm in.
psn Mr_Pickman
edit: I'm 27 now, too. Just got my welfare helmet last night. Running a 300 Shadow Price and a nearly maxxed Steel Oracle, with rare secondaries.
Those watching my stream last night got to see it get its moment in the spotlight. It's an all-around great scout rifle, good in all categories. The vendor version is unexciting but very solid, and it serves me well.
Knock 'em dead, and report back with all the glorious spoils of the raid. I'm gonna go cry in a corner beside Eva Levante.
90% of the time we aren't talking about what's going on in the game. We're shooting the shit and having a good time. Oh, and also making fun of your's truly when I do something completely asinine in PvP (or PvE)... it happens rather frequently.
Servers up!!!
*smacks forehead* I forgot I didn't buy mine. That's incredible.The vendor version has field scout/armor-piercing rounds AND firefly... Vendor version unexciting pssshhh.
Cool, you are in. Your dog can take over if neededI know nothing. My dog could probably raid better than me. But I'm in.
psn Mr_Pickman
edit: I'm 27 now, too. Just got my welfare helmet last night. Running a 300 Shadow Price and a nearly maxxed Steel Oracle, with rare secondaries.
Note to self: All you PSN Guardians, PSN Maintenance next Monday for a scheduled 6 hour block.
o.o okay then?Log in prior to retain online play/app access.
Anyone up for a hard raid when we get back on? Need 4 more
The vendor version has field scout/armor-piercing rounds AND firefly... Vendor version unexciting pssshhh.
they are? still can't access the legend tab on bungie.net
*smacks forehead* I forgot I didn't buy mine. That's incredible.
MY version is boring, lol
Actually I think I have a second dropped one in the vault, I should check its perks...