Hey. Thanks for jumping in crucible with us last night. Sorry for the performance. We had some ridiculous lag on our end which is why we backed out a few times. Not sure if you saw the same thing.
We finally got a good connection later in the evening and got back to our winning ways.
Join us anytime you want
I could always change the name. I just need a bit more suggestions.Not Horny Devils? Missed opportunity![]()
First of all, four Ballerhorns killing Atheon in 17 seconds is not a thing that happened. We're getting that from the time the group starts shooting at him, until his death animation. This annoys the shit out of me because every time I see this mentioned it's in conjunction with OMG Bungie is gonna nerf Gjallarhorn OMG broken OMG cheese. Let's take a look at the video, eh? It is plainly, incontrovertibly obvious that they have Time's Vengeance going on while killing him in that video. Unless I am meant to believe that the fight started, they were teleported, grabbed the relic and killed all the Oracles in the 3 seconds before Time's Vengeance kicks in that we are shown, they didn't kill Atheon in 17 seconds. Maybe you see this as a minor point but it does get on my nerves a little bit, because the video is titled "World Record Speed Kill (17seconds)" -_- We just ignore the time since the fight began that came before that 17 seconds?
Second, they're 5 level 30s and one 29, and the 2 people without Gjallarhorns are also shooting at the boss. They just fucking wreck him. They aren't even using Weapons of Light; crazily faster kill times are possible than this. There's nothing wrong with that. They're all max or near max level. They have maxed weapons. They get Time's Vengeance successfully. They are playing the game. The idea that this is somehow comparable to the things Bungie has shown a desire to fix, such as a single player being able to throw grenades at the final boss and cause him to fall off a ledge, going from full health to 0 health instantly and awarding people who didn't even participate in the fucking fight with some of the rarest loot in the game, is absolutely baffling to me.
I wish I could. I wish I could. Sadly, it's not possible. Not yet anyway.Well, I guess all that's left to say is go fuck yourself.
Is Voidfang Vestments always the Strength boost or does it come in variations with Intellect/Discipline?
Next update is with the weekly reset. Cool. Hope they fix the raid now.
bought the last word, still think fatebringer is the best hand cannon, well its certainly my favorite out of the ones i have
Next update is with the weekly reset. Cool. Hope they fix the raid now.
bought the last word, still think fatebringer is the best hand cannon, well its certainly my favorite out of the ones i have
Totally agree. Bought it anyways cuz why not...but FB is better, and not consuming an exotic slot![]()
For PvE the Last Word is outshined by a few others... plus it's nice to keep that exotic slot open for special/heavy weapon.
For PvP Last Word is amazing and shits all over Fatebringer.
bought the last word, still think fatebringer is the best hand cannon, well its certainly my favorite out of the ones i have
Better in pve for sure and the larger maps maybe, but on smaller maps there's no question: TLW tops it.
I will level it up and see. What makes it better in PvP?
I wish I could. I wish I could. Sadly, it's not possible. Not yet anyway.
*awaits for cloning technology*
Better in pve for sure and the larger maps maybe, but on smaller maps there's no question: TLW tops it.
bought the last word, still think fatebringer is the best hand cannon, well its certainly my favorite out of the ones i have
How does it measure up against the Suros in PVP? Now may be a good time to get some good crucible results. Everybody got try out their brand new unleveled toy. They may fall easy prey to the time tested reliable PVP weapons such as the regime.There's a lot of TLWs in the crucible now, lol.
Is it better than Hawkmoon or Thorn in PvP on the smaller maps? I'd rather not buy it if one of the guns I have can be swapped in.
Watch someone find an OP use for TLW on Sunday, after I passed on it.
How does it measure up against the Suros in PVP? Now may be a good time to get some good crucible results. Everybody got try out their brand new unleveled toy. They may fall easy prey to the time tested reliable PVP weapons such as the regime.
I want the cloning process to be perfect. I don't want to have an evil me running around wrecking shit. There can only be one evil me annoying you and that's me!:lol you fucking narcissist.
77 Wizard. Here was my session, did it all in one go: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132828056&postcount=13260What gun did you use in pvp for the thorn bounty? I tried AE and it was not pretty.
I hope Bungie never turns Destiny into the game you want it to beXur is fuckin dumb.
It's like welfare exotics. They are pretty cheap and so everyone will have them. I don't even have TLW but now it loses some of its appeal.
Hope bungie nerfs or removes Xur next expansion and fixes the way you get exotic loot. It should be a reward for doing something amazing. And some exotics should be purely RNG to simulate the rareness.
Xur is fuckin dumb.
It's like welfare exotics. They are pretty cheap and so everyone will have them. I don't even have TLW but now it loses some of its appeal.
Hope bungie nerfs or removes Xur next expansion and fixes the way you get exotic loot. It should be a reward for doing something amazing. And some exotics should be purely RNG to simulate the rareness.
And this is why you'll never get this:
Also, I made the group. It's call Sir Gjallahorn.
nailed itI never get anything from the RNG in this game. So I say bless good Xur because getting something in some non-dramatic way >> never getting anything.
They're all completely different weapons, and all are viable. Only pass on TLW if you specifically aren't interested in it, otherwise it's something you can't get anywhere else.Is it better than Hawkmoon or Thorn in PvP on the smaller maps? I'd rather not buy it if one of the guns I have can be swapped in.
Watch someone find an OP use for TLW on Sunday, after I passed on it.
Fixed.You missed an R, it's GjallaRhorn.
Is it better than Hawkmoon or Thorn in PvP on the smaller maps? I'd rather not buy it if one of the guns I have can be swapped in.
Watch someone find an OP use for TLW on Sunday, after I passed on it.
Xur is fuckin dumb.
It's like welfare exotics. They are pretty cheap and so everyone will have them. I don't even have TLW but now it loses some of its appeal.
Hope bungie nerfs or removes Xur next expansion and fixes the way you get exotic loot. It should be a reward for doing something amazing. And some exotics should be purely RNG to simulate the rareness.
Well, I guess all that's left to say is go fuck yourself.
I'm not level 30. :'(Hey you want to join our 6 Level 30 maxed Gjallarhorn Atheon Hard Beat Down attempt? figure we can beat him with only 10-12 seconds of times vengeance ~22 Gjallar rockets with 35% damage boost on top of TV.
How many hitpoints does Atheon have anyways and how much damage does 1 Gjallarhorn rocket do with TV?
Nah- no DoTs of any kind stack in Destiny. I was disappointed by this for about 15 secs before doing some theorycrafting and realizing how OP it would becomeDoes the Thorn DoT stack if other teammates are using it too?
Oracle checkpoint right here. Add me psn, Router_Go_Vroom
Cool. I'll turn on the PS4.
What difficulty? (so I can pick the char)
It's better than every Handcannon in rumble. It's the best primary in the game for rumble.
Smaller maps it beats them because that's exactly what it's built for. Hawkmoon and the others top it in the larger maps or equal it in maps with lots of good sight lines.
It kills so quickly at close to mid range, especially if you can headshot, and all from hip fire so you don't need to lose split seconds and speed going in to ADS.
I consistently kill shotgun and AR users at close range with it much more than I do with any other HC, and I'm a decent shot.
If you love HCs don't pass on it, it's a unique experience.
At close to mid it tears Regime users down. At long range you get beat.
It also takes a bit more skill to handle, Regime is much easier to kill with. Nowhere near as satisfying, though.
If you're a good shot you won't find Regime a problem in general.
nailed it
They're all completely different weapons, and all are viable. Only pass on TLW if you specifically aren't interested in it, otherwise it's something you can't get anywhere else.
I can see it now, in a couple of weeks people will be doing the Gjallahorn thing on TLW
"why oh why didn't I buy it? Please Xur, bring back TLW next week!!"
If you're on for clinic hours tonight I'd be happy to get you through the NightfallCrap. Alright, I'll buy it on one condition...Someone needs to carry my 26ish Warlock through the Nightfall and a normal raid before he leaves, just to make sure I'm not destined to get it for free.
As a TLW user i believe that pvp wise TLW will win out but, thorn requers a lot of skill to use. I tip my hat every time to thouse that best me in Thorn Vs TLW fight.1. holy shit at the posting rate since last night aahahaha.
2. there's going to be so much Thorn vs. Last Word in the Crucible this week and I will LOVE IT