The Nightfalls were not kind to me this week. 3x runs and I got about 15 strange coins, and a legendary sniper which I have no use for. At least my heads are on fire now, I suppose that is all that really matters.
My HM Raids I'm conflicted on, 2x runs for the week so far, and mostly a bunch of shards and energies, no Fatebringer still

But .... after more runs than I can count... my hunter who has ran the raid more than my other 2 characters (who are both lvl 30) ... my hunter finally got his first piece of raid gear.
I think with the recent flood of games I may start pulling back from Destiny just a tad, still going to run the nightfalls / weekly / HM raids. But I think I'm done with crucible / mat farming until they release the alternate mat method. Unless I get Fatebringer, that will be getting maxed asap after getting.
Still have CoD: AW sitting on my virtual shelf, along with GTA V, FarCry 4, and if I ever decide to turn on my Xbox One ... Sunset Overdrive and Halo MCC.