Want in for about 45 mins from now?
Yeah that's good for me.
Want in for about 45 mins from now?
Looking for weekly party.. Or a Crota Raid.. 31lvl
What's your PSN? Send Hawkian a FR.Yeah that's good for me.
What's your PSN? Send Hawkian a FR.
There's a chance I can get my Titan there for tonight as well, depending on how this hard VoG goes XDSee ya @9!
Trying to get titan to 31 too.
What time is good for you?
9pm GMT Corta Raid.
I have a Corta check point BUT don't mind starting fresh either.
if you're interested please put your name down and preference for new start or Corta CP.
lvl 30 + and would love it if we could get 1 person that is 31.
1) Me - Milkypooz lvl 30 Titan - start fresh or Corta CP
2) Mindlog 31 titan/lock - either
3) Nuzska 31 titan - Either
4) Greyblade 31 titan/Warlock - either
5) TheCommonDan - 31 Hunter - Crota
One more Please
Can somebody please explain how to get to 31?
Is it enough to buy the vanguard gear or do I need something extra like raid gear?
Can somebody please explain how to get to 31?
Is it enough to buy the vanguard gear or do I need something extra like raid gear?
Can somebody please explain how to get to 31?
Is it enough to buy the vanguard gear or do I need something extra like raid gear?
What's your PSN? Send Hawkian a FR.
Looking for a Raid Group on CE final Boss.
lv30 Sunsinger here.
still got room? lvl 31 Titan, first Crota
Okay, are you guys cool with starting at 5EST (50 minutes from now?)
5:00PM EST Vault of Glass Hard Mode
1. captscience
2. drassil
3. Hawkian
4. open
5. open
6. open
Min level 29 if you have some experience with Hard, 30s are welcome even if you don't.
Oh man. Maybe. I dunno, depends on how long my group spends on finishing CE, might be interested in trying afterward.
Want in for about 45 mins from now?
Yep. Wanna join?
Need to specify it's a fresh run.
Should be no problem, do you know the raid fairly well?If you're okay with my lvl 29 hunter, I'd like to join too. psnid: ms1582 (already in your friend's list)
What's the best vanguard primary they sell now? The Ar's have little impact. I'm thinking that's second to last scout rifle?
5:00PM EST Vault of Glass Hard Mode
1. captscience
2. drassil
3. Hawkian
4. blazeuk
5. ms1582
6. open
Should be no problem, do you know the raid fairly well?
One spot left, departing the station in a half hour!
5:00PM EST Vault of Glass Hard Mode
1. captscience
2. drassil
3. Hawkian
4. blazeuk
5. ms1582
6. open
Should be no problem, do you know the raid fairly well?
One spot left, departing the station in a half hour!
fresh is good psn is TKRunningRiot
5:00PM EST Vault of Glass Hard Mode
1. captscience
2. drassil
3. Hawkian
4. blazeuk
5. ms1582
6. open
Should be no problem, do you know the raid fairly well?
One spot left, departing the station in a half hour!
HEY! Any of the new crucible/vanguard/faction autorifles a step up from Shadow Price (pr suros) variety?
Not till much later. IDK usual time. If you get a group together go ahead. Who do you have right now?
Okay, are you guys cool with starting at 5EST (50 minutes from now?)
5:00PM EST Vault of Glass Hard Mode
1. captscience
2. drassil
3. Hawkian
4. open
5. open
6. open
Min level 29 if you have some experience with Hard, 30s are welcome even if you don't.
Sweet! full up.I'm in. Lvl 30 Hunter
PSN: Temidien
oh, no worries!I'm sorry Hawkian I'm going to have to drop out. Something just came up. Next time!
Awesome just need 1 more.
1. Gdt
2. Dynedom
3. ComputerMKII
4. Soulclap
5. TKRunningRiot
Ps4 gdt5016 Fresh Crota End raid. Fresh.
Crota's End beat! Hoozah! How good is the Raid rocket launcher?
uhhh yup!Anyone need an extra for a vault of glass hard run? I'm level 30 warlock on PS4. Need shards!
Can't believe they made the final urn quest turn in to Xur. Now I have to wait a week to turn it in and take up a bounty spot, ugh. Come on Bungie, pls.
btkadamsuhhh yup!In 25 minutes ok?
What's your PSN?
Crota's End beat! Hoozah! How good is the Raid rocket launcher?
Everything about the game design is to entice you to come back next week. Everything else is compromised to see that you return and for some reason we do even if it's annoying and disrespects our time invested.
Sweet! full up.
oh, no worries!
A slot seems to have opened!One more for Hard VoG in a half hour
I just unlocked the cluster bombs. Going to try it out once something drops heavy ammo.