Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

I hate that you need two handhelds to transfer from Gen IV to V and VI. I never finished HeartGold because of it. :lol

I'll get back to it sometime, but I had been playing so much X and White before that I just burned out on Pokémon for a while.


Going to start my "for fun" game soon, and then get team building with the new metagame in mind. So excited to test out this team I have in my head. May take a little to set up, so "easily" broken, but if I manage to get it working, then it's the totally other kind of broken :D


I love the sound the Regis make in the movie about Lucario


I love the one scene where the camera is focused on Ash and co., and all of a sudden Regice zooms past the screen with the Star Wars hover-bike noise. It's like a split-second, but pretty neat.

They were basically slasher villains in that film. Just popped up and started fucking shit up for no reason.

OMG this. I adore the Lucario movie for the Regis alone. Regice especially.

Regice, Regice, Regiiiiiiii-iceeeeeee. <3


So the Pokédex in ORAS has this new feature in which you can see all your pokémon march so you can observe their size in relation to the main character, and maaaan there are some weird things there.

Squirtle is soooo small and so is Seviper and Kyogre to an extent. Wailord is even bigger than I expected, but the worst offender has to be Roselia, it's really really small!

I hadn't used that feature yet, but your comment inspired me to open it up. God damn there was some mindblowing stuff in there. I'd say that for ever pokemon that was the size I'd expect, there was at least another that had me going 'Seriously?!?'

A good example was just after Wailord (whom I knew was huge). I had always imagined Camerupt and Torkoal to be the same size. Similarly matched. In reality, Camerupt is huge and Torkoal is tiny, and Camerupt could squash Torkoal with a single stomp if it really wanted.

I also had absolutely no idea that Ho-oh was as big as Lugia, though I was delighted that they made Lugia appropriately large. I did think that they went way too small on a bunch of pokemon. I mean, Caterpie barely exists! We're really supposed to believe that it can battle using physical attacks? Squirtle was ridiculously small, as you said, and a bunch of the first line of evos were the same.

I imagine some of this stuff might be less surprising to people who have watched the anime, but for me a lot of it was way out of left field. Even stranger, it totally altered my perception of many pokemon. Golurk seems cooler when you realise that he's pretty damn massive, for example. It also amazes me how the games themselves have hidden the actual sizes of the monsters so well over the years because they never actually touch each other when using a move so you can never compare them.

Still, interesting stuff, thanks for pointing it out.
Dogs > Regi's > Birds > Lake Guardians >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Swords of Justice

IMO, obviously. Had to put dogs first because Suicune is just the best to me.


Am I the only person who likes the Swords of Justice? I would certainly rate them higher than the Regis and Lake Guardians :/


Golems>>>>>>>>>>Birds>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dogs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kami>>>>>>>Musketeers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lake Guardians

The Regi trio are perfection. The three have distinct design elements and shapes while all fitting together perfectly. Their stats reflect their designs; brutish and club-armed Regirock has high defense and attack, reflective and precise Regice has high special defense and special attack, and the well-armored but small-armed Registeel focuses on defenses. Then you have their bizarre robotic design; no other Pokemon has something as eerie as their blank stares. Finally there's the awesome way you have to find them, a puzzle unlike anything else in Pokemon.

The birds are wonderful and regal. Zapdos is one of my favorite Pokemon and Articuno is beautiful. Moltres is a lame rubber chicken in comparison to the other two, so it brings them down.

The dogs are okay. I find them over-detailed, but I do like the consistency of their cloud things and Entei was awesome in that one movie. Hate roaming legendaries, but that's no longer a problem.

The Kami are way too same-y, but the Therian formes are more different and I like how Tornadus is the first pure Flying type. They're bad, but not that bad.

The Musketeers are butt-ugly. I wish they weren't, because I like their concept (Fighting-type ungulates that use their horns as swords), but they're just so ugly.

The Lake trio are butt-ugly and all look the same and all have the same typing and Jesus Christ who thought up these boring Pokemon. Worst legendaries ever.


Dogs > Regi's > Birds > Lake Guardians >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Swords of Justice

IMO, obviously. Had to put dogs first because Suicune is just the best to me.
This is probably how I'd rate them (though I think Entei is the best of the beasts). I really, really hate the Musketeer trio. Only Terrakion is decent, the other two are utter garbage design-wise.
Am I the only person who likes the Swords of Justice? I would certainly rate them higher than the Regis and Lake Guardians :/

They remind me too much of ponies, Keldeo being the worst offender.

Although I want someday to watch the movies to see if they can change my opinion about some legendaries/mythical pokemon. The only pokemon movie that I ever watched was the first one where Ash
turns into stone.


With all the different Pokemon out there, i can't decide what the next Pokemon i want to train will be.

Currently i have breed competitive Tyranitar, Metagross, Mawile, Ludicolo, Rotom-w, Volcarona, Garchomp, Salamence, Amoongus, Gyarados, Togekiss, and Gliscor.

Any suggestions on what my next competitive Pokemon should be and why would be much appreciated.

Currently I'm leaning towards like a kangaskhan, talonflame, blissey, or sable eye. Just because they seem cool.


With all the different Pokemon out there, i can't decide what the next Pokemon i want to train will be.

Currently i have breed competitive Tyranitar, Metagross, Mawile, Ludicolo, Rotom-w, Volcarona, Garchomp, Salamence, Amoongus, Gyarados, Togekiss, and Gliscor.

Any suggestions on what my next competitive Pokemon should be and why would be much appreciated.

Currently I'm leaning towards like a kangaskhan, talonflame, blissey, or sable eye. Just because they seem cool.

Talonflame because everyone should have one on their team. Fighting types shiver at the mere mention of his name. I mean, look at it:


Breed a Pyroar while you're at it too. So majestic
With all the different Pokemon out there, i can't decide what the next Pokemon i want to train will be.

Currently i have breed competitive Tyranitar, Metagross, Mawile, Ludicolo, Rotom-w, Volcarona, Garchomp, Salamence, Amoongus, Gyarados, Togekiss, and Gliscor.

Any suggestions on what my next competitive Pokemon should be and why would be much appreciated.

Currently I'm leaning towards like a kangaskhan, talonflame, blissey, or sable eye. Just because they seem cool.

MegaKhan is a beast, I myself have a soft spot for Blissey, but I don't think that many people are still using her. Talonflame has its uses, but many people already have counters for it because it became too popular for some time, IIRC. Sabeleye I don't have any decent info, sorry.


Am I the only person who likes the Swords of Justice? I would certainly rate them higher than the Regis and Lake Guardians :/

No, I like them as well. I really only like the Birds and Regis better. I always thought the Dogs were a bit over-designed myself. The Muskedeers actually have simpler designs than the Dogs, they're sadly just kind of weak.

Birds > Regis > Muskedeers > Dogs >>> Lake Guardians

But they do have one of the best unique encounter music tracks among ALL legendaries.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I think the Kami Trio are pretty neat, love their design as it seems really old-school Shonen or something, like a DBZ character. The palette swap thing isn't that annoying to me, and imo, the Lake Trio are way worse (but they have a neat myth around them).

I imagine some of this stuff might be less surprising to people who have watched the anime, but for me a lot of it was way out of left field. Even stranger, it totally altered my perception of many pokemon. Golurk seems cooler when you realise that he's pretty damn massive, for example. It also amazes me how the games themselves have hidden the actual sizes of the monsters so well over the years because they never actually touch each other when using a move so you can never compare them.

Yes and no. The Anime plays around with the sizes probably to make things cooler...like Charizard, Excadrill is way larger, as is Roselia. But I just take the PokeDex as being the "average", with those Pokemon being larger due to being raised by Trainers.
Thing about Blissey is that she's outclassed by Eviolite Chansey at this point.

Also I actually like the Kami trio, especially after their therian forms. Landorus is one of my favourites, actually. Maybe it's my fascination with genies, though. (Speaking of, Hoopa's new design is fuck awesome holy shit)

Th musketeers tho, yeeesh. (Terrakion is OK I guess)


Chasing after all mega-stones right now.

Is there a way to get the starter mega stones for the ones you did not pick (in one version) ?
Chasing after all mega-stones right now.

Is there a way to get the starter mega stones for the ones you did not pick (in one version) ?
Yeah, there's a man that sells them. No idea on how to make him appear tho. (I found him in route 114 by complete accident)


The 2015 VGC ruleset has been released


Here's the bits most of us care about
  • Only Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Game Cards or downloadable versions are permitted for use.
  • Players may use Pokémon from the National Pokédex, from No. 001&#8211;719, that are caught in the game, transferred from a previous Pokémon title, or received at an official event or distribution
  • The following Pokémon may not be on a player&#8217;s team:
    • 150 &#8211; Mewtwo
    • 151 &#8211; Mew
    • 249 &#8211; Lugia
    • 250 &#8211; Ho-Oh
    • 251 &#8211; Celebi
    • 382 &#8211; Kyogre
    • 383 &#8211; Groudon
    • 384 &#8211; Rayquaza
    • 385 &#8211; Jirachi
    • 386 &#8211; Deoxys
    • 483 &#8211; Dialga
    • 484 &#8211; Palkia
    • 487 &#8211; Giratina
    • 489 &#8211; Phione
    • 490 &#8211; Manaphy
    • 491 &#8211; Darkrai
    • 492 &#8211; Shaymin
    • 493 &#8211; Arceus
    • 494 &#8211; Victini
    • 643 &#8211; Reshiram
    • 644 &#8211; Zekrom
    • 646 &#8211; Kyurem
    • 647 &#8211; Keldeo
    • 648 &#8211; Meloetta
    • 649 &#8211; Genesect
    • 716 &#8211; Xerneas
    • 717 &#8211; Yveltal
    • 718 &#8211; Zygarde
    • 719 &#8211; Diancie
  • Pokémon must be placed in the Battle Box.
  • Pokémon are allowed toMega Evolve.
  • Pokémon may not hold the item Soul Dew.
  • Pokémon above Level 50 are permitted, but they are auto-leveled down to 50 for the duration of battle.
  • Players may use Pokémon with Hidden Abilities.
  • Players may use items that have been officially released via Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, the Pokémon Global Link, or an official event or promotion.
  • In addition to the requirements outlined in section 10.1, Pokémon used in the Standard format must have a blue pentagon in the Pokémon summary screen. This indicates that the Pokémon was caught during regular gameplay, hatched from an Egg, obtained within the game, or was officially gifted in either Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.


is it worth it to attend a vgc, if your probably terrible at competitive play?

I'm relatively new to Pokemon, but do have an interest in the competitive aspect.

Would it be best to wait till i fully understand all the different pokemon and metagame?
So the Pokédex in ORAS has this new feature in which you can see all your pokémon march so you can observe their size in relation to the main character, and maaaan there are some weird things there.

Squirtle is soooo small and so is Seviper and Kyogre to an extent. Wailord is even bigger than I expected, but the worst offender has to be Roselia, it's really really small!

This is amazing. So many mons are smaller than I thought.

*Edit: Holy fuck, Lugia is HUGE! And Tyranitar isn't as tall as I thought he'd be.


is it worth it to attend a vgc, if your probably terrible at competitive play?

I'm relatively new to Pokemon, but do have an interest in the competitive aspect.

Would it be best to wait till i fully understand all the different pokemon and metagame?

Also now that the rules are finally officially released, I'll make a thread for the NeoGAF tournament in the next day or two! GET READY FOLKS. Do people think 3 weeks is enough time to get ready for the tournament?
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