sherbies? That name looks familiar...
sherbies? That name looks familiar...
Remember when everyone was trying to figure out the red lotus' deal, like what they wanted?
Remember when everyone was excited to figure out how Zaheer was so good at air bending, and where he learned it from?
Remember when that all sucked ass and it sucked? Why did I keep watching after that?
Remember when everyone was trying to figure out the red lotus' deal, like what they wanted?
Remember when everyone was excited to figure out how Zaheer was so good at air bending, and where he learned it from?
Remember when that all sucked ass and it sucked? Why did I keep watching after that?
Remember when everyone was trying to figure out the red lotus' deal, like what they wanted?
Remember when everyone was excited to figure out how Zaheer was so good at air bending, and where he learned it from?
Remember when that all sucked ass and it sucked? Why did I keep watching after that?
Goddamnit, why didn't the Red Lotus get a background episode? For a time waster named Kai...Shush.
Goddamnit, why didn't the Red Lotus get a background episode? For a time waster named Kai...
I will never understand the continued query with Zaheer's airbending talent
He was already an excellent fighter before getting airbending.
He was crazy about airbending culture and would probably pick it up easier than your average joe.
It's not like he was actually good at the traditional style of aibending. He just used it as an extension of acrobatic fighting style. (Remember, he was in a carnival)
I guess you could say people aren't used to fighting airbenders.
Also, when going up against a real airbender (Tenzin) it showed what a not amazing airbender he actually was
Why didn't any of the characters get a background episode?
That was made up. The most we ever got was they were going to kidnap Korra at a young age and they were going to be her bending teachers, and Zaheer clearly knew a lot about Airbending and Air Nomad culture, he knew how to fight with it just didn't have the ability.
It was just a huge waste.
Oh wait I forgot, the carnival part wasn't real but you can still see that he doesn't have a traditional airbending style and got wrecked when going against a real one.
And he is acrobatic.
Man, him being part of a carnival at one point in his life would make so much sense tbh.
Young Justice S01E14
Artemis - "I feel naked, and not in a fun way"
I'm leaving for a week cruise tomorrow.
SEA yea dudes later LOL
Nah I'm pretty sure I'll pop in here a few times to post during down time, I just wanted to make that bad pun.
I'm not exactly sure when the ship takes off, but we're leaving for the airport at noon.
Nah I'm pretty sure I'll pop in here a few times to post during down time, I just wanted to make that bad pun.
I'm not exactly sure when the ship takes off, but we're leaving for the airport at noon.
Ships don't take off lol.
WATER you waiting for? have a safe trip!
While we're all talking about which books are better, I think it would be interesting to try and rewrite the series to make each book live up to it's potential. Tell me if you guys think this is a good outline. There are problems with it, but I think it would be cool if the show had been similar. I don't really intend on expanding it or making any fan fiction. Share your own ideas as well!
Book 1 Air: Keep this book mostly the same, take out some of the love triangle stuff, add lesbian tension, wipe the last 5 minutes off of the face of the earth. Korra should have no spiritual awakening; she should go into Book 2 bending only Air. Amon and Tarrlok can still explode in hot fiery sibling love flame. Ends with Makorra I guess.
Main Villain: Amon Secondary Villains: Tarrlok and Hiroshi
Book 2 Balance: The book starts with Korra undergoing spiritual training with Tonraq's brother. Story is as follows. Tonraq is oldest and rightful leader of Northern Water Tribe. Unalaq is a nonbender and jealous of Tonraq, gets him banished. Unalaq is imprisoned after doing something unspeakable. Korra is currently training with the youngest brother, another Waterbender and current leader of the tribe. Totally twist the crap out of this book from here on out. Focus of the first part of this book is getting Korra to awaken spiritually, unlock her blocked charkras, anything to undo Amons work. Get a brief scene of this mentor calming a mad spirit. Mention that the spirits have been acting up for unknown reasons. After intense meditation Korra has visions of harmonic convergence. Not understanding this as a warning from Aang, she opens the spirit portals hoping to fix her problems. By touching the dormant portal she is forced into the non combat mode Avatar State for a hot second. Doesn't actually fix anything. Breaks up with Mako. Leaves the South in frustration after four episodes of this, travels to the Earth Kingdom to stabilize it. A dictator with mommy issues is snapping up states and edging closer to Ba Sing Se. Basically Kuvira vs. Korra but with more villain backstory, higher stakes (Korra can only bend Air), and 100% more actual realistic character motivations. Kuvira is being neglected by her parents, Earth Kingdom is being neglected by lazy queen. Su and Zhao Fu make appearances. Lesbian tension 1.5x
Main Villain: Kuvira Secondary Villains: Earth Queen and Dai LeeBook 3 Change: Basic story is the same, but the Red Lotus is changed slightly. Lineup is Ming Hua, Ghazan, Pli, and Unalaq! Unalaq isnt a waterbender, he fights like an equalist / nonbender. This dude is Ty Lee on steroids. Not sure how it would be done, but real emphasis is placed on how good of a fighter he is. He was imprisoned alongside the rest of the group for betraying his brother at the South Pole and attempting to take Korra. Group escapes prison when a Red Lotus member infiltrates the White Lotus and unlocks Unalaqs cell. Unalaq has multiple moments of intense psychosis. As the world edges closer to Harmonic Convergence a mysterious entity is whispering into Unalaqs ear Book ends with Korra severely damaged. Dying from poison, chained in Red Lotus headquarters Aang appears to her. When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change". Avatar state activates, cue intense fight against Ming Hua and Ghazan. Korra wins, but Unalaq escapes, rest of the major players are dead. Lesbian tension 3x
Main Villain: Red Lotus
Book 4 Spirits: Much like the original Book 4, a large amount of time has passed. Korra is better physically but plagued not only by nightmares of her near death experience, but of Unalaq coming to attack her, and of a looming black spirit. Vines are creeping into Republic City as the two worlds converge. Beginnings still happens. Finale is Big. Epic. Even the avatar state cant help her now. Have an intense battle that gets carried into republic city somehow. Dont ever go Kaiju battle, but intense energybending by both parties destroys the city and opens a new portal. Korrasami Endgame.
Main Villain: Vaatu Victim of Tentacle Seduction: Unalaq
Of course, I skipped a lot of stuff, Tenzin, Lin, Mako, Bolin, Jinora, most of the Beifongs, Varrick, and Asami are hardly mentioned. They'd be there though. Any thoughts?
Really good. Makes far more sense than how Bryke did it.
I just miss Zaheer. I really liked him and his airbender mumbo jumbo.
Random Question.
Aaron Ehasz was considered "Head Writer" of ATLA...
Um....shouldn't that be Bryke?
I mean, the term "Head Writer" kind of implies final creative control.
All things considered, the show did kind of suck outside of its fight scenes. It sucked as almost as a whole without even having to compare it to TLA IMO. This is even worsened when you actively hope it'll be as good as some parts of TLA.
Outside of Asuna/Kiritos cute moments, SAO is just....omg. If rather rewatch book 2
TLoK is a straight up action show. Plain and simple. Saying that the show sucks outside of its action scenes is like saying Seinfeld sucks outside of its jokes, or porn sucks (heh) outside of the sex scenes. No shit, you are taking the actual core component of the show and removing it. It's like telling someone to look at a mirror and removing the mirror. You take away the core focal point.
As for the rest, people need to start judging it as its own show. Because it IS its own show. The comparisons are always inevitable, obviously, but the shows are pretty different. I am not arrogant enough to claim to be the only one that sees that they are. It's just a plain old action show, with nothing more than some fucking sick style and a pretty cool looking world and a cool premise.
Just to clarify, would you qualify the last few minutes of any of the finales action sequences?
sherbies? That name looks familiar...
I just want some images that are not Korrasami or Kuvira for a change.
Hot!Sounds like someone is asking for MORE BOLESKA!
I'm probably super late on this, but it just occurred to me that the last line of spoken dialogue in both ATLA and The Legend of Korra ends with the word 'perfect'.
Sounds like someone is asking for MORE BOLESKA!
I really liked the opposite natures of the two characters and how their relationship did progress. I liked the juxtaposition her dark and gloomy attitude with Bolin's happy go lucky one, and how every time you saw them, she was doing something different to Bolin. I liked how controlling she was and how resistant he was to it, and yet in the end, he loved being with her. It just felt more genuine to me than with Opal. I have a hard time even liking Opal. She isn't a bad character, just going from one as fun as Eska to basically Katara 2 was such a downgrade in my eyes.
I'm beginning to think that dying shooting the spirit vines would have been a better ending for Mako.
I feel like Zaheer should have been in the season a lot more as a spiritual/psychological mentor/comrade to Korra. With far better writing. Not that they would be cracking many jokes, but she would secretly go to him for perspective and guidance. He would help her work through her issues, so much so in fact that by the end she sees his own flaws (ego-centrism, extremism, hubris, ultimately on some level trying to use her for himself) and humbles him in turn. She might even free him in the end, allowing him to spend the rest of his days 'letting the world be'. Part of this reversal could also come about because it is revealed that Vaatu somehow was responsible for his transformation into an Air Bender, and some of his incredible (what seemed as) natural skill from the outset.
Book 4: After his failure to kill her, he realizes that he was operating on instinct from prior to his true enlightenment (once he learned to fly) and that Korra herself was not the power structure to be removed, she was there to remove power structures that became corrupt and exploited the people. Her inability to fulfill her function is his new Earthly tether brought on by his own failure to understand, and his new responsibility.
His brand of absolute freedom was in fact destined to create anarchy, and then oppression. People can not be truly free unless they are given the means to achieve it within themselves, as he did mostly through his prolonged isolation. It was his spiritual maturity and alignment that gifted him with Air Bending when the words stayed joined.
He now sees Korra as an instrument leading the world to freedom and harmony.
She survived him, now he feels responsible for her, and to some degree he refuses to allow the woman that survived him to not recover from the state he put her in. She will be everything she must be to be worthy of her victory over him and he will attempt to use her to full fill his dream and in some way validate and absolve him from everything he has been.