I give up on SRing for a perfect Kyogre, it's just not worth it. It's a fucking waste of time so I will satisfy with a 31/10/31/31/12/31. Fuck these longass cutscenes and dialogues.
Does anyone use super training?
It's so boring, but NPC won't give me gift unless I put more energy into training.
What's the gift?
I never bother since EV training via hordes is superior.
Can't you kill it and come back to catch it after the Elite 4?
Just wanted to drop in and say, I've been playing this game off and on since Christmas, and I absolutely love it. I am overwhelmed with nostalgia as I go from area to area. It all seems so familiar, yet so refreshing. It's a real visual treat, especially for a 3DS game.
My new method of playing is to wonder trade for my initial team of 6. I ended up with Treecko, Misdreavus, Charmander, Froakie, Joltik and Rufflet.
No idea only onto level 3 haha
So super training is useless then? If EV training vis hordes is better? (how is that done btw?)
Thanks!First, give all your Pokemon Pokerus (doubles EVs; easy to get with online trading), equip your benched members with Power items (eg. Power Lens to boost Sp. Attack EVs), your front member with the Macho Brace (doubles EVs) and multi-target moves (eg. Surf, Earthquake).
Then use Sweet Scent to force a horde battle and rake in the EVs. It's easier in ORAS too because there are areas where there's only one type of horde. Plus Sweet Scent works no matter the weather condition (unlike in X/Y).
I use it for fiddly stuff. If I just want two EVs maxed (so there's no chance of getting too much) then regular EV training is clearly the more efficient option. If I want more messy setups like 40 atk / 52 spatk / 190 spd / 226 speed or that kind of thing then I'll use super training until the point where I can't screw up, though. It works well as a supplementary thing.Does anyone use super training?
It's so boring, but NPC won't give me gift unless I put more energy into training.
Okay so just got my 5th badge and went to get Latias. The first one (not a single reset) and I get this: Timid, IVs: 24, 25, 26 / 10 - 13 / 30, 31 / 30, 31 / 31 / 30, 31
Seems worth keeping to me, at least two of the 30/31's will be 31 and HP is decent at least. Damn it's been a lucky start to the year for me.
Is there any point in getting rainbow blocks +? I read that there is no limit of how many blocks a Pokémon can eat, so if I give only regular rainbow blocks it will still max everything?
First, give all your Pokemon Pokerus (doubles EVs; easy to get with online trading), equip your benched members with Power items (eg. Power Lens to boost Sp. Attack EVs), your front member with the Macho Brace (doubles EVs) and multi-target moves (eg. Surf, Earthquake).
Then use Sweet Scent to force a horde battle and rake in the EVs. It's easier in ORAS too because there are areas where there's only one type of horde. Plus Sweet Scent works no matter the weather condition (unlike in X/Y).
Quick shout out to Muku for being awesome and providing a free Thundurus. I still feel like crap that I didn't have anything good to trade for it, but I'll pay you back one day hopefully.
The second Landorus I ran into had an IV spread of: 27/31/31/X/31/31
What did I do? "Naw man, you need to keep looking for a 5IV perfect."
I felt like an idiot as SOON as I reset the 3DS. After 4+ hours of trying, I've not even gotten close to one as good as that. Sigh, live and learn.
Here are your steps:
Get 6 IV Ditto.
Get female pokemon with ability/pokeball of the species that you want to breed. Give 6 IV ditto Destiny Knot.
Once you have this:
1) Breed your female with a male of the same egg group that has the nature you want. Ditto also works. Give the pokemon with the desirable nature a Everstone.
2) Choose egg moves you want, get a male pokemon in the same egg group as your desired offspring with the eggmove and breed. Repeat until you have all the eggmoves you want. Remember to give your everstone to your female to continue to pass the nature.
3) breed female with nature + egg moves + ability + pokeball with your 6 IV ditto. Ditto has destiny knot, female has everstone.
4) hope.
Wait, can the Power items stack with the Macho brace?
Mirror Coat naturally has a -5 priority; no need to worry about speed.they don't as far as I'm aware, but if they do that would be a megaton
i'm struggling to figure out which nature I want on my Cradily. It's going to carry an Assault Vest, so i could obviously just raise the special defense, but I'm wondering if I should raise defense to compensate, or raise special attack to dish out more damage. There's also the question of getting a speed decreasing nature if I want to run mirror coat..
http://nuggetbridge.com/breeding/breeding-perfect-pokemon-omega-ruby-alpha-sapphire/I'm trying to get into the breeding scene. So can anyone easily explain to me what I have to do to get decent poke mins and what kind of IVs I should be going for? I'm starting from scratch here
http://nuggetbridge.com/articles/ev-training-horde-hotspots-pokemon-omega-ruby-alpha-sapphire/No idea only onto level 3 haha
So super training is useless then? If EV training vis hordes is better? (how is that done btw?)
Mirror Coat naturally has a -5 priority; no need to worry about speed.
Yes, so is Deoxys. Serebii got yo back.So am I correct in believing that Groudon/Kyogre and Rayquaza are shiny locked? So much different info when I search google.
Has there been any hint to any US Jirachi event? The space between Rayquaza and Deoxys is driving me insane.
Congrats, Yrael!
I have one you can just straight up own if you'd like it.
^ Congrats on the Vivillons!
Thank you for helping with the contest too!
Phew, after what feels like a billion eggs (the Eevee I was keeping in the Daycare along with Ditto went from level 1 to level 83 lol), I finally got the Eevee I was after - Shiny, Anticipation, 31/x/31/31/31/31 spread, Modest nature and in a Premier ball. I've EV trained it and turned it into a Sylveon.I also entered it in all the Master Rank contests, so now it has the Contest gleam on top of its Shiny sparkle. Yay! Only thing left now is to earn more ribbons for it, particularly for beating the E4.
I called it Oberon:
(Now, am I crazy enough to keep going for more shiny Eevees until I have enough for a full set...?)
http://youtu.be/MC6tAcH0Ffg?t=7m17sWhat is this? I haven't been able to find any videos of it.
Ooo didn't know there was a contest sparkle. Somewhat tempted to try contests since I do miss the pokestar studios sparkle.
(Double) Congrats!Phew, after what feels like a billion eggs (the Eevee I was keeping in the Daycare along with Ditto went from level 1 to level 83 lol), I finally got the Eevee I was after - Shiny, Anticipation, 31/x/31/31/31/31 spread, Modest nature and in a Premier ball. I've EV trained it and turned it into a Sylveon.I also entered it in all the Master Rank contests, so now it has the Contest gleam on top of its Shiny sparkle. Yay! Only thing left now is to earn more ribbons for it, particularly for beating the E4.
I called it Oberon:
(Now, am I crazy enough to keep going for more shiny Eevees until I have enough for a full set...?)
So my wife got me omega ruby for xmas. I'm new to pokemon and it's a little overwhelming. It seems so simple on the surface but then I read a thread with pokemon veterans and the complexity is crazy. Where's a good place for me to start learning?
All the confusing stuff you're reading about is post-game stuff at best, stop worrying about it, and just enjoy the 'story' it's quite simple and you'll pick-up some things along the way by yourself.
One word of advice, speak to every NPC you see, many of them make comments about the game's mechanics.
Sceptile - Unburden/Jolly/Persim Berry
252 Attack and Speed
-Drain Punch
-Leaf Blade
-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide
Jolteon - Volt Absorb/Timid/Wide Lens
252 Special Attack and Speed
-Helping Hand
-Shadow Ball
Snorlax - Thick Fat/Adamant/Assault Vest
252 Attack and Special Defense
-Fire Punch
Garchomp - Rough Skin/Jolly/Rocky Helmet
252 Attack and Speed
-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide
Delta episode?Just beat the pokemon leauge, what should I be up to now?
Delta episode?
Definitely keep itJust got a Calm Thundurus with 30,31/16,17/28,29/31/29/30,31 and HP Ice. Should I keep it? I've been SRing for a long time looking for a good one.