22 legendary engrams and still no shards/energy!
The Husk is strong in me!
Meanwhile my past three or four engrams have all been shards.
22 legendary engrams and still no shards/energy!
The Husk is strong in me!
A response to Datto's video on cheesing by the author of "In defense of cheesing."
Several weeks ago, I wrote the post "In defense of cheesing." ([1] ) I wrote this post mainly to try to give a voice to what some cheesers may be feeling. It is impossible to try and speak for an entire community, so I will reiterate what I meant to convey: Just because you have cheesed, does not mean you cannot do it legitimately; cheesing is a way to finish a fight quickly and get loot drops; cheesing feels like it "tips the scale of the RNG" in your favor just a little bit. I believe I clearly stated that I know this is not the intended way to play, and never stated anything to the contrary.
For what its worth, I thought I was contributing to "the greater destiny conversation." I got some amazing messages from people thanking me for giving them a voice. I also got a few from people who made it sound like I was single handedly destroying Destiny for them. The negative comments are what I have found a bit troubling.
In Datto's most recent YouTube video ( [2] ), he made reference to this post. He stated how he laughed for several minutes when he read it. I think an attitude like this does not support this community, nor his viewer base. I wanted to have a conversation with the community. Hearing a member of the Destiny community make derogatory comments about a Reddit poster and a fan of his content is not what I expected from someone like him. Datto also makes a snide comments what I most people refer to as "the casual player base." I would bet that more people than he thinks uses the anteroom for the Phogoth nightfall. If that is how we want to play, why is that so wrong?
In order for Destiny to stay relevant it needs to have a growing player base. A player base that can talk about issues like cheesing without "laughing" at those cheesers and casual strategies. The community will grow by garnering attention of casual players that may find the games depths alluring. It will not grow if we cant discuss these issues and effect changes in the game. We may not play the game as well as Datto, but we are having fun. If we feel like our ideas are going to get shot down, then we are not going to share them. Over time, the casuals will look for other games. If we lose interest in Destiny, we will also lose interest in the professionals' streams and videos.
TLW: To most of us, this is just a game we play for fun.
First Nightfall got me the Rapier but it doesn't have Firefly![]()
Anyone care to be a third with two newbies in a Nightfall? Add me or my friend
PSN: theepicoftyler or Micheal_Bluth
Doing 3x nightfalls psn v1br4t1ons
Any 2 people up for crota and possibly have the checkpoint? If not, we can maybe do Ir Yut?
4 of us are all ready do go.
Whew. Done there is all to do except for.......
Gorgon's checkpoint@
Any 2 people up for crota and possibly have the checkpoint? If not, we can maybe do Ir Yut?
4 of us are all ready do go.
Anyone who takes this game beyond what it actually is (a game) needs to put it aside. There is no point in discussing the merits of cheesing or not cheesing. Who cares? Stop making it your agenda.
I don't have a checkpoint beyond Deathsinger but would like to kill Crota. Will bring Level 32.
I like this guy.Saw this on Reddit:
I'll join you for one. I'll send you a FR.
Legendary engram turned into Gjallarhorn!![]()
anyone have this on hard?
My raid group had a person join us where all he's ever done is cheese the Crota raid and never learned it properly. Part of me want to leave right then and there. I was kinda disgusted.The concern some of us have is that too much cheating of any system sucks the fun out for everyone.
We don't know exactly where that line is, but we know it exists. Too much cheesing kills the lifespan of any game. Whether or not this specific raid is having an impact is yet to be seen.
Also, any crota checkpoints out there?
The Super fast reload will make you forget the size of the mag
My raid group had a person join us where all he's ever done is cheese the Crota raid and never learned it properly. Part of me want to leave right then and there. I was kinda disgusted.
Me too, anyone got one. Lets see if can score a ghornWhew. Done there is all to do except for.......
Gorgon's checkpoint@
Yep...Me too, as you may have noticed.
Message and FR sent!Looking for 3 to do fresh Crota raid at 8:30 cst. Ps4. Shoot me a message if interested
I would also be into a Gorgon checkpoint...if someone would be kind enough to lead me thru the maze lolMe too, anyone got one. Lets see if can score a ghorn
Anyone up for nightfall pn v1br4t1ons starting now.
Anybody got a Crota checkpoint?
No. We got the checkpoint for that but it's hard with two people.I don't need that. Just second chest. Did we mess up that part?
Awesome. You're number 4 so far.Message and FR sent!
No. We got the checkpoint for that but it's hard with two people.
What it be okay if I bailed before Crota? I will help with the deathsinger.Awesome. You're number 4 so far.
You dont need to go thtough the maze to get the chestI would also be into a Gorgon checkpoint...if someone would be kind enough to lead me thru the maze lol
This dude told his friends that if he ever got a Hawkmoon, he'd dismantle all his exotics, and he actually did it lmao
Anyone up for nightfall pn v1br4t1ons starting now.
Need 1 more for Crota?