Fang of Ir Yut will be so hot, though. Word of Crota does have nothing on FB; you're right.
I did Crota bounties when leveling up my alt.
Does Fang of Ir Yut have auto-fire though?
Fang of Ir Yut will be so hot, though. Word of Crota does have nothing on FB; you're right.
I did Crota bounties when leveling up my alt.
in PVP i use the hell out of PR though. so good getting double kill first blood on rusted lands.
How much difference is there between being level 31 and level 32 for IB? (Or, before, I guess, level 29 and level 30). I haven't bothered with IB before but I want to get the handcannon this time.
Hey Grave, are you up for a fresh run tomorrow after the reset?
Last time I played if you were in the 29's and 30's there was barely any noticable power difference. You really only start noticing it when there's a 3-level difference.
Man, I hope they figure a way out to speed up leveling a second character to 20. This shit is pretty boring. At least I had a spare time breaker so I can get around a little faster.
Does Fang of Ir Yut have auto-fire though?
Does Fang of Ir Yut have auto-fire though?
It doesn't. VoC has made me lazy. I'm not gonna pull the trigger for every single shot. Too much strain man, I can't handle it anymore.
I've been waking up two hours after reset lately, so feel free to fill my spot if I don't show up an hour after reset.
It doesn't. VoC has made me lazy. I'm not gonna pull the trigger for every single shot. Too much strain man, I can't handle it anymore.
Indeed. As much as I love playing with Fatebringer and popping headshots and see stuff explode, the VoC is without a doubt still the best primary in the game. Full-auto on a scout is godlike. It hits hard, huge mag size with field scout and so stable that even the PS4 stability patches could still learn from it.
You guys really think they will make us get new commendations for the DLC? That'd be crazy. And if they introduce another new raid currency, they better increase the vault space!
No, but it looks very cool and has some cool perks. I've gotten used to pressing the trigger every time anyway lol.
yup, because if they don't , we would have instant lvl33 characters on HoW day
I'd say anything The Fallen is a pain. They way they constantly play hide-and-go-seek drives me to the point of insanity some times. The Hive are also really nasty culprits of this. It's like Halo: Reach Bubble level of action-halting.
I believe you, but where? The Weekly Update? Random Reddit posts? This is the first I've heard of it.
How much difference is there between being level 31 and level 32 for IB? (Or, before, I guess, level 29 and level 30). I haven't bothered with IB before but I want to get the handcannon this time.
Haha, same. I'm enjoying auto way too much especially when I just wanna relax. I need another Scout with auto.
Don't discount the auto rifle, especially if the perks are selectable like the Murmur. Some people think it may drop with one or the other, but I bet they will be selectable. That focused fire will make it a good auto rifle.Fang of Ir Yut will be so hot, though. Word of Crota does have nothing on FB; you're right.
I did Crota bounties when leveling up my alt.
Me at least twice.Anyone trying to play to do Crota 3x tomorrow around 3pm est?
I played with lollipop and one other gaffer. I can't remember if it was lollipop's or the other gaffer's nova bomb that I miraculously dodged.You should have, because I don't believe you.
What if the vendor gear was actually light level 32 and only meant for players who couldn´t reach 32 before?
Don't discount the auto rifle, especially if the perks are selectable like the Murmur. Some people think it may drop with one or the other, but I bet they will be selectable. That focused fire will make it a good auto rifle.
Source. Urk also replied about either on here or on reddit, can't remember where I saw it, but I remember he posted about it. Kinda like the heavy ammo bug. They said they're aware that a lot of people want more vault space but that there's more hurdles to do it than people think. There hasn't been a straight up confirmation of more vault space coming, but I'd be willing to bet that it's being worked on right now.
Don't discount the auto rifle, especially if the perks are selectable like the Murmur. Some people think it may drop with one or the other, but I bet they will be selectable. That focused fire will make it a good auto rifle.
Me at least twice.
Don't discount the auto rifle, especially if the perks are selectable like the Murmur. Some people think it may drop with one or the other, but I bet they will be selectable. That focused fire will make it a good auto rifle.
Ah, thanks for that. So, it's essentially a non-answer answer.Source. Urk also replied about either on here or on reddit, can't remember where I saw it, but I remember he posted about it. Kinda like the heavy ammo bug. They said they're aware that a lot of people want more vault space but that there's more hurdles to do it than people think. There hasn't been a straight up confirmation of more vault space coming, but I'd be willing to bet that it's being worked on right now.
All very well put. It really does boggle the mind how much an established and highly praised studio could pull off so many amateur moves with their game.The worst part about the vault space issue is that, while the game was in development, they actually sat around, discussed how much vault space to give players, and determined that this paltry number was the best solution. Really? And why on earth would you make stupid shaders, a cosmetic item, take up vault space and inventory? There are so many aspects of this game that are just so poorly designed. Drives me nuts.
It doesn't. VoC has made me lazy. I'm not gonna pull the trigger for every single shot. Too much strain man, I can't handle it anymore.
Macello. 32 Hunter, 31 Titan, 31 Warlock.What's your psn, level and class bro? Let's start a list of players ready for Crota tomorrow around 3pm EST
- Darryl_M_R, Level 32 Hunter
- NoThru22
Anyone trying to play to do Crota 3x tomorrow around 3pm est?
Haha same. Often times I don't even let go of the trigger when switching targets lol. I think full-auto is VoC-exclusive though, unless someone else can confirm it isn't. Then I'm gonna go for that IB scout and spend motes 'till I get full auto.
And slow-down fire rate when ADS for the Auto Rifle.
Not much at all:
All very well put. It really does boggle the mind how much an established and highly praised studio could pull off so many amateur moves with their game.
Bungie thinks very highly of themselves and I feel like it affects their ability to make decisions. If you go back and watch that first vidoc they say shit like "how can anyone top Halo? well I guess we're about to find out." ok dude
The worst part about the vault space issue is that, while the game was in development, they actually sat around, discussed how much vault space to give players, and determined that this paltry number was the best solution. Really? And why on earth would you make stupid shaders, a cosmetic item, take up vault space and inventory? There are so many aspects of this game that are just so poorly designed. Drives me nuts.
Bungie thinks very highly of themselves and I feel like it affects their ability to make decisions. If you go back and watch that first vidoc they say shit like "how can anyone top Halo? well I guess we're about to find out." ok dude
That should be the damage dropoff between 1 and 2 levels apart rather than 5 and 10.
I decided that a maxed Atheon's Epilogue is my favorite weapon to shoot oracles with.
It takes like a full clip on Hard Mode, takes way too long. Found Verdict destroys Oracles, but then you get shafted during Times Vengeance for dps.
How's this work? =) I just got PR from VoG last week. I need to get better at sniping in PVP and PR looks like it is ideal for that.
Can't disagree. Face enemies in Crota's End and they're [??] when 4 levels above you... other Guardians in IB and it's something like a 10% damage decrease. It's a mysterious universe...
I recommend everyone listens to the pre-Destiny podcast. The person responsible for player investment is on there and talks about things we really didn't get. One prime example is he didn't people to do pointless grinding.
Macello. 32 Hunter, 31 Titan, 31 Warlock.
I'd be game assuming I don't find a group early in the morning lol. Have 3 characters to run with. All 31+
That's why VoC is the perfect balance.
I do know there is an memory issuse since the game is cross generations. If it's an memory issue that's cauing the limited vault space then PS3 and Xbox 360 is the technical bottleneck and preventing an increase.
Do you have a link to this?
Thanks man, and it's cool if you only need to do 2.
Ha yea sounds good. And no worries if you find a group earlier, I think I'm going to focus on knocking out NF early in the morning then I have a coffee chat with an previous supervisor.
Updated Crota End 3x Tuesday 3PM EST list.
- Darryl_M_R, Level 32 Hunter (3)
- NoThru22 (PSN: Macello) 32 Hunter, 31 Titan, 31 Warlock
- grimlock33, 31 Hunter, 31 Titan, 31 Warlock [maybe]
- Open
- Open
- Open
Looking for experience raiders so we can knock this out fast
I recommend everyone listens to the pre-Destiny podcast. The person responsible for player investment is on there and talks about things we really didn't get. One prime example is he didn't people to do pointless grinding.
It's really clear that Bungie has a small vault to save server space and save money. You save is on Bungies servers. From Day 1 Bungie is not designing the game only for the core GAF type players. They consider the small vault to be quite big for the average casual player I think. Hopefully they increase its size.
I do know there is an memory issuse since the game is cross generations. If it's an memory issue that's cauing the limited vault space then PS3 and Xbox 360 is the technical bottleneck and preventing an increase.