What class are you?
Crusader (PS4)
What class are you?
Allow me to quote myself from earlier in the thread:So is there anything to do with the blood shards besides the mystery merchant? I maxed out and went through using them all on her I hopes to get something cool but got nothing but crap I ended up selling/salvaging.
It probably took me another 20K at least to finally get the Tal's amulet I wanted for the previously mentioned Wizard build.3000 shards is a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things ... For a week I've been working on getting a better amulet for my DH.... 20000 shards got me nothing which I directly equipped, and it doesn't phase me at all. That's how this game is.
So, I'm a noob to this game. Which is funny because I have a lvl. 70 (17) Crusader, and am working on a hardcore Barbarian at the moment. Got some questions though:
1. I want to grab the Arkhan set for my Crusader that everyone is talking about. Where do I get it?
2. My Crusader is T1-capable. Which acts should I grind?
3. What stats should I focus on for a crusader? I have amazing defense but noticed that it takes me forever to kill enemies, I'm just able to out-last them all.
4. What does it mean to re-roll an item?
Like I said, total noob. I survived by holding "A" through-out the whole game, spamming powers randomly, and equipping what I think/thought was the best gear. Please provide as much detail as possible, don't assume I know what you're talking about.
I wish some of you played on 360.![]()
Enchanting is a Diablo III feature introduced in Reaper of Souls. Carried out by the Mystic, it allows players to re-roll one of the properties of a rare, set, or legendary class item for another, possibly better random property. Players are required to pay a gold and material cost to complete the Enchanting process.[1] Enchanting rares takes normal crafting materials like Veiled Crystal, and Death's Breath, but legendaries/set items will require a Fiery Brimstone or Forgotten Soul. Enchanting Legendary jewelry costs no Gold, but takes Gems instead (Imperial quality on level 70).
When enchanting, the player must first choose one property. Enchanting gives the option to choose one of two new stats, or keep the current stat. These new stats are not guaranteed to be better than the current stat, nor are they guaranteed to be different. Even if the player chooses to keep the current stat, the cost of enchanting is deducted from the player's inventory. The chances to roll each stat are not evenly distributed; some affixes are more rare than others.[2]
The process may be repeated ad infinitum, as long as player has the required materials. However, for all but Legendary/Set jewelry items, the gold cost of each enchanting on the same item increases multiplicatively, stacking infinitely. The materials required remain the same. For Legendary/Set jewelry, the costs are the exact same (even the one gem needed), as a compensation for that jewelry generally has more options to roll.
Only one property can be chosen to re-roll, and it cannot be the orange one (special legendary property). Once that property is selected, no other can be re-rolled, even if the original property is restored. Primary properties can be replaced with primary only, and secondary with secondary only.[3]
So, I'm a noob to this game. Which is funny because I have a lvl. 70 (17) Crusader, and am working on a hardcore Barbarian at the moment. Got some questions though:
1. I want to grab the Arkhan set for my Crusader that everyone is talking about. Where do I get it?
2. My Crusader is T1-capable. Which acts should I grind?
3. What stats should I focus on for a crusader? I have amazing defense but noticed that it takes me forever to kill enemies, I'm just able to out-last them all.
4. What does it mean to re-roll an item?
Like I said, total noob. I survived by holding "A" through-out the whole game, spamming powers randomly, and equipping what I think/thought was the best gear. Please provide as much detail as possible, don't assume I know what you're talking about.
I wish some of you played on 360.![]()
Up to 691k now, managed to get a piece of the Akkhan set drop, guess that's what I should be aiming for now?
Also just got another RoRG drop if anyone has anything they would like to swap up.
What kind of build are you aiming at? Akkan's is good for any Crusader build if you are using Akarat's Champion, but if you are doing a Shield Bash build, Roland's is another option.
Very nice on the damage now, btw. What torment level are you running at now?
How have you gotten both of your RoRGs? I am looking for one of these for my Crusader (who is also collecting a set of Akkan's).
I have heard you can only get these in a Horadic cache, and Act I to boot. Is that how you've gotten your rings?
One question regarding gems and sockets. I'm currently equipping a bunch of legendary items that have no sockets in them. What should I do in order to equip items that do have sockets? Thanks.
EDIT: My damage is around 150,000 DPS on Torment 1. Is that too low? I noticed it takes me a while to kill some enemies.
One question regarding gems and sockets. I'm currently equipping a bunch of legendary items that have no sockets in them. What should I do in order to equip items that do have sockets? Thanks.
EDIT: My damage is around 150,000 DPS on Torment 1. Is that too low? I noticed it takes me a while to kill some enemies.
858k DPS now and 40.5% crit chance. 4 of 6 pieces of the Akkhan set, but now my Crusader seems to drop to the floor very quickly.
Need to read up on some builds and see what I need to change. Things were fine before I swapped out my gear tbh was hovering around 780k but didn't feel like a glass cannon.
What is your defense (middle stat-shield) at?
I actually found the same, where I was relatively well originally, as I added more Akkan's pieces, my defense dropped. Honestly, it was something I didn't notice at first. I remember having a defense of 9000k+, and then starting to play yesterday and it was just shy of 6000k.
I couldn't remember where I made the changes that lessened my defense so much, probably where I felt "oh, I'm good defense-wise, so I'll change out "+350 Armor" for something else, or take lower armor numbers in general. It just adds up, or, better put, doesn't add up as much when you do it too much.
Like you, of course I noticed my Crusader dropping much more quickly, where he was tanking much better before. Trying to get my defense back up again, It's around 7400k now, but still not where I want to be.
What is your defense (middle stat-shield) at?
I actually found the same, where I was relatively well originally, as I added more Akkan's pieces, my defense dropped. Honestly, it was something I didn't notice at first. I remember having a defense of 9000k+, and then starting to play yesterday and it was just shy of 6000k.
I couldn't remember where I made the changes that lessened my defense so much, probably where I felt "oh, I'm good defense-wise, so I'll change out "+350 Armor" for something else, or take lower armor numbers in general. It just adds up, or, better put, doesn't add up as much when you do it too much.
Like you, of course I noticed my Crusader dropping much more quickly, where he was tanking much better before. Trying to get my defense back up again, It's around 7400k now, but still not where I want to be.
I need to check again as I also switched the helm socket to a diamond instead of a ruby and it's stupidly low now, maybe about 6400,
This happens to every crusader who runs akkhan set. Your first pieces are almost always not very good with to many junk stats. It is just important to just get the set completed so you can kill a lot faster so you can get more drops to improve each slot. If you are running akkahn 7400k defense is not to far off from where you need to be. I run in the mid 8000k for defense and it is plenty. The key is refining gear to the point of always being in champion with the prophet rune. Once you reach that point you have more than enough toughness for T6 and higher level greater rifts(37-38 with out unity combo). If I wanted to add more toughness I would end up sacrificing a lot of damage which is self defeating. The best way to avoid death is killing fast as possible. Also + armor is basically a near worthless stat for crusader. You have so much natural armor from strength +armor is a drop in the bucket.
Well, sounds like you ran into (did) the same thing as myself, made small changes here and there that dropped your defense down.
You said you are running around on T4? I would think 6400k is pretty low for that. I am at T3, and even when I raised mine up into the low 6000s (for Defense), I was still dying often enough in Elite fights.
Hate those lasers! That is Arcane resistance, correct?
I'm hoping now, that I raised it to 7400 right before stopping yesterday, I will be ok the next time I play. But will see.
it's a godsend just standing in the lasers beating down an elite pack lolSecondary
Prevent all Arcane damage taken and heal yourself for 2025% of the amount prevented.
Yeah I was running T4 at 8000k defence fine, but thought to change the gem and it dropped real bad. When I get an arcane fight I switch amulets from Squirts Necklace to Countess Julias Cameo for the secondary ability it's a godsend just standing in the lasers beating down an elite pack lol
Wow, that's pretty awesome. Not worthwhile to keep it on? I really don't want to have to be switching out gear all the time.
Not sure what Squirt's Necklace does. Also, have a Legendary Gem in my amulet slot, right now.
After you find the legs spend blood shards on helm for leorics. It makes getting to the 55.6% cool down so much easier. Getting 23-25% cooldown from 1 spot is a game changer. Adding cooldown from a weapon and you are in the low 30s with just 2 locations. It is a great starting point for the massive cool down requirement for a crusader. Once you get into the mid 40's with cool down you will notice a massive difference. At that point you can use iron skin and unstoppable force to bridge the gap between champion casts. Once you hit the high 40s you can use the cooldown gem to get perm champion if there is good monster density.
What does Leoric's helm do for you? I got one of those long ago in the campaign mode, but haven't seen one since (even the times I've killed the Skeleton King in bounties).
My base cool down is around 30% right now (for everything) and goes pretty quick. Although my Champion's cool down is around 66%. I have no hard numbers for that, but I timed it and it takes around 30 seconds for Champion to renew.
And I do have a cool down gem right now in my helm, Flawless Royal Diamond (12.5%). Is that the gem you are talking about?
Squirts doesn't have any great abilities, but it's a big dps increase for me with the +crit dmg. Mine wasn't even a good role either.... haven't yet done the reroll.
Leorics crown will double the ability of any gem placed in to it, so yeah the gem would be a 25% cool down reduction. Had a lvl70 one in the early days and decided to nuke it..... Ooops!
Oh wow, nice! Will have to find myself one of these. Is the best (only) way by killing the Skeleton King? Haven't seen one yet from on the bounties I've run and killed him.
Sorry about nuking it, you live and learn. I've certainly done similar acts.![]()
Yeah I was running T4 at 8000k defence fine, but thought to change the gem and it dropped real bad. When I get an arcane fight I switch amulets from Squirts Necklace to Countess Julias Cameo for the secondary ability it's a godsend just standing in the lasers beating down an elite pack lol
Hi Raptor. I had a very long work week. I'm looking forward to enjoying this weekend.
I mentioned a Wizard build experiment a while ago, and I think I found a good gear and skill set now.
Leoric's hat, Magefist, Fire SOJ, RORG for - Tal's (chest belt amulet), Augild's (shoulder bracer), and now Firebird 3 piece (feet pants source) for the extra revive. Stack Fire% and CDR, toss in EB damage.
Elemental Exposure and Evocation are the mandatory passives.
WOW for EB/Chain Reaction (Fire). Base 56% CDR means EB goes off every 2.6 seconds (obviously Gogok helps here). Black Hole / Spellsteal (Arcane), Frost Nova with longer duration, Diamond Skin with damage shards. Ice Armor (Cold) and Magic Weapon rounds off the six skills. Activate those latter two and just hold the thumb over the four face buttons and watch as everything gets frozen and vortexed and struck by EB constantly, with all kinds of meteors coming down in the meantime. Wreath of Lightning adds the Lightning damage to the mix, and with all the attacks happening so frequently it doesn't take long for the full 20% EE effect to apply. In all, it's vaguely similar to the vanilla CM permafrost build but definitely not for purposes of crowd control. The damage does rack up quickly and having EE apply helps everyone in a group, so that's nice. As a bonus, it's a circus to watch unfold. It has problems with distanced threats, but that's the nature of any melee build.
Any eta on the patch?
How much does your DPS drop when you put on Countess? I know it has three down arrows compared to Squirts, but what does the number drop to?
Honestly, what I probably would do is try to re-enchant that Lightning damage slot for a socket. Then put in an offensive Legendary gem to make up for the DPS loss.
Oh wow, nice! Will have to find myself one of these. Is the best (only) way by killing the Skeleton King? Haven't seen one yet from on the bounties I've run and killed him.
Sorry about nuking it, you live and learn. I've certainly done similar acts.![]()
Crap, sliced open my thumb today. No stitches, but glued and in a splint, so won't be playing any D3 (or any other game for that matter) for a little while.
Patch is up!
Downloading on PS4 currently.
Hmmmm previously Kadala was charging 5 shards per piece of armour. That's shot up with the patch.
How much is she charging now?
75 for weapons, 25 armour, 100 amulets and 50 for rings
Oh wow, that is quite an increase in price. I wonder why that was done?
Almost doesn't make Kadala a viable venue. Takes too long to build up shards to get a really good run of items.
Edit:Reading on the official forums that getting a Legendary is supposed to be easier now. If that's the case, not so bad. Will need to test for myself.
Oh wow, that is quite an increase in price. I wonder why that was done?
Almost doesn't make Kadala a viable venue. Takes too long to build up shards to get a really good run of items.
Edit:Reading on the official forums that getting a Legendary is supposed to be easier now. If that's the case, not so bad. Will need to test for myself.
Did they up the blood shard limit? Getting shards more quickly kinda doesn't matter if you're still limited to 500.