niggas in here talking about how hot Colossus' big metal dick is
we deserve community
Though I guess it boils down to a basic physics question. Does matter retain temperature during / after the act of transmutation? I imagine the transmutation itself would require energy, and thus might add additional heat to the equation anyway.
I read fuck all this weekend, besides a few Cable & the X-Force issues to try and catch up with the other X books
its...alright. I like Dr.Nemesis in it, thats about it. And Domino fucking Colossus, him turning into metal and she going "hmmm I like that"
wait what?![]()
I'm surprised that because Marvel has a character named Domino that DC didn't add a girl character to the Suicide Squad named Pizza Hutt.
Who is your comic book waifu, JC?niggas in here talking about how hot Colossus' big metal dick is
we deserve community
Also like your new avi. But remember when Colossus goes metal he ahem gains mass.
What westaboo fuckery is going on in here?
I'm surprised it hasn't fallen through your bookshelf like Darkseid collapsing through creation in Final Crisis.
Seriously if we had to have a ComicGAF husbando it would have to be him, right? He's big and strong and his dick is probably big and mentally too right?
Never seen a mental dick.
Also, Ikea bookshelves can handle omnibus action. Those shits are just a great investment.
Seriously if we had to have a ComicGAF husbando it would have to be him, right? He's big and strong and his dick is probably big and mentally too right?
Dr Psycho?
I like Dick, I'm sure I'm not aloneI like Thor.
I like Thor.
I like Dick, I'm sure I'm not alone
I use one for some of my figures. Been meaning to grab another to use as an actual bookshelf. The one I have in my bedroom is getting on in years, and he billy units that IKEA sells have an extra shelf.
Boy Thor or Girl Thor? And does choosing Thor as your comic book husbando automatically entitle you to threesomes with Girl Thor? The people need to know.
The Black Glove Deluxe Edition is out of print unfortunately. Best route to go now is Batman & Son New Edition
At that size, I'm not sure why you wouldn't break it down to two more manageable volumes
Damn, all this talk about re-reading this, and now I can't resist either. Guess I'm starting this today:
I finished my Morrison Batman re-read (better every time) and read volumes two and three of East of West. All in all its been a day of great comics.
Some shit just aren't worth thinking about.
Now stop readin lame X-Men books and go read Brubaker's Captain America if you haven't already.
to both those things
Love that extra shelf. If my Billy wasn't already almost touching the ceiling, I'd have figured out a way to attach a double extra shelf.
I feel like male Thor would snuggle. So male Thor. Lover not a fighter.
Seriously. What a step down from the normal conversations.
What westaboo fuckery is going on in here?
Oh shit, is this photoshopped? Cant remember that he had a sparkling dick in the OHCsnuggle? dude is a cold bastard
Oh shit, is this photoshopped? Cant remember that he had a sparkling dick in the OHC![]()
snuggle? dude is a cold bastard
I use one for some of my figures. Been meaning to grab another to use as an actual bookshelf. The one I have in my bedroom is getting on in years, and the billy units that IKEA sells have an extra shelf.
snuggle? dude is a cold bastard
Dude Ive been reading it since it started. It's you who is late to the party.Please, someone has to read Rachel Rising with me. It's too good.
Dude Ive been reading it since it started. It's you who is late to the party.