Yeah, sure, I'll play. You can host if you like.
Do we have each other added already?
Yeah, sure, I'll play. You can host if you like.
Oh, no. I sent a request.Do we have each other added already?
Oh, no. I sent a request.
Yeah, getting error while joining. Should I host?Alright, hosting but tell me if it won't let you in because of my connection :/
Yeah, getting error while joining. Should I host?
Send a PM to them, as well.Hey Falawful or StevenYoungblood. Im available for ranbats.
I totally believe and understand that. However, the fact remains that Bracket 1, if it had 6 people, would have the best from each bracket + 1 second place. I'm just not able to be entirely fair on this point due to logistics, unfortunately. No offense is intended.Yeah, sure, I'll play. You can host if you like.
The matches against Poltergust went 4-4, final game, final stock. But, he clutched it out. They were good games though.
Lol that villager downb is terrible. All it does is encourage camping
Lol that villager downb is terrible. All it does is encourage camping
Ok ggs. The Robin Link matchup feels dreadful...Alright last one for me quote,
You say that and yet that Charizard match lol. You seem to struggle with other character that can chuck projectiles at you back.Ok ggs. The Robin Link matchup feels dreadful...
I think with customs Robin could be better, but your Link just whiped the floor with my Robin. And your Rosalina did too (and Charizard). Who are your mains?Alright GG direct quote. Great robin. Wish I can play as great with him/her.
I will play in a bit, if you are cool with waiting 5-10 min.Ok ggs. The Robin Link matchup feels dreadful...
edit: If anyone else is still up for matches, nnid:direct_quote
I am really surprised that happened.I cannot believe the smash Hyper Monado Arts + Power Vision combo literally only barely failed because of Palutena's dash attack guard
Yah sure I'm game, can't stay up too late though tonight. I feel if I try Robin against your Bowser I will have a bad time..I will play in a bit, if you are cool with waiting 5-10 min.
Base on successful win rates, Link. But I tend to play a lot of characters. Your Robin has inspired me to get some work done lol. I never knew Robin is so mobile in the air yet so dang slow on the ground. Nice up b spikes too. I could use some serious polishing with Peach.I think with customs Robin could be better, but your Link just whiped the floor with my Robin. And your Rosalina did too. Who are your mains?
Some of those SDs were really funny. But, good games man! I really like the tech that you have with some characters. Just have to stop SDing a lot.Oh my god I don't think I'll ever be able to top that suicide
Room is up.Yah sure I'm game, can't stay up too late though tonight. I feel if I try Robin against your Bowser I will have a bad time..
Some of those SDs were really funny. But, good games man! I really like the tech that you have with some characters. Just have to stop SDing a lot.
Well, that's one way to bowsercide
Ok this is my last one gotta go to bed, ggs.
GGs. Still figuring Palutena out.Ok this is my last one gotta go to bed, ggs.
Cronoc, still want to play?
Or Beef?
GGs. Still figuring Palutena out.
Sorry off-topic guys...I mean it kind of has to do with this game,My Wii-U gamepad left analog stick is acting funny,I press down or up or left or right and most times It just doesn't act right.
It only works properly if I'm so careful where I take forever to just go one square on the home-menu.
I think my stick is faulty, d-pad works perfectly and the pro-controller works just as perfect, there are some youtube videos with my problem.
Mine is not that extreme, however it is still pretty bad and my Wii-U Gamepad has not been used in Months since Bayonetta came out and I always take care of it like it was a million dollars.
Anyone heard of a way to fix it? I tried holding the A,B,+ and - at the same time for 3 seconds, didn't do squat.
I'm still under warranty I think, I got the Wii U when Mario Kart 8 came out, I'm just wondering if there is a fix without going to support?
Thanks.(Sadly it happens today when I got myself Smash Bros and Hyrule Warriors, man I'm unlucky)
Re: DDD. SHADC is great against him, because he will almost always try to space you out. Run in, shield, Fortress is good, too. Fire Breath is still good. You should have time to punish fsmash, but not on block. Stay out of range and run in right as it hits the floor.Ha, sorry I didn't see this post, I went to FG after trying to troll into your 1v1.
My FG livejournal reports for the night:
Found a Dedede that made me painfully aware that DDD's jab beats most of Bowser's ground attacks besides flame breath, and when that comes out it's a free gordo. Turns out if you try to punish a DDD whiffed fsmash from in front of him, there isn't enough time before he starts up a jab. Annoying, but I figured it out. Despite coming back and beating the guy every match for like 30+ minutes, still a little discourage how long it takes me to adapt/adjust to certain gimmicky styles of play. In a Bo3 tourney setting, I'd have lost to that player, a player that basically used 3 moves - gordo, jab and fsmash. Oy.
Also got flame walled to death by a Ness player (pk fire + 5 or 6 and bat) multiple times, was surprised how hard it was to get out of that once it started, going to have to research if there's a specific DI or if one just has to mash on the controller... I know how to get out of one (albeit I get punished often anyway), but once two flame pillars are on me it becomes really hard.
LMAO that's the struggle. I'm good around 4 CST, if you'd like we could play then. No connection johns either, I'm wired.Man, where is everyone.I get a snow day and everyone else is at work.
4 hours from now?LMAO that's the struggle. I'm good around 4 CST, if you'd like we could play then. No connection johns either, I'm wired.
Wait hold on is it CST or CDT? Ah, you probably understood what I meant...
Anyone up for matches in a bit? I want to mess with Palutena customs more.
I'm up for some matches if you'd like. Just got back from my vacations so I haven't been able to get the Ethernet adaptor, but I haven't had many issues with other gaffers if you wanna give it a try.Man, where is everyone.I get a snow day and everyone else is at work.
Nice, I made it to the scary bracket #1. Now to not fraud it out and get kicked out of it real easily.
Anyone want to play 1v1 with customs?