Genndy is awesome, what's your point?
He gets no respect. He's the Rodney Dangerfield of animation.
Genndy gets a lot of respect in animation circles and fandoms what I've seen. It's the medium of animation, especially TV animation, that gets no respect.
I'm talking about from production companies and multiple failed projects due to mismanagement on their end.
Ugh I had to explain the joke. Why bother.
Messi x Zombine main event at Wrestlemania
Genndy gets a lot of respect in animation circles and fandoms what I've seen. It's the medium of animation, especially TV animation, that gets no respect.
I watch it. Laurel is my favorite character. Love the show.
The animation age ghetto is still a real thing. Western animation is either for kids, a sitcom or whatever Adult Swim does. And the kids shows live and die on merchandising, not ratings, so that doesn't help. Most VAs aren't unionised either, which makes legitimizing the medium more difficult.
It would take HBO or someone similar making a big-budget animated series for adults, with a Game of Thrones level marketing push, to even begin to change this. And even then, people will ask why they don't just use real actors.
It's a sad thing, because I would love more animated movies that weren't the Dreamworks style (I know Disney does these as well, I just associate them more with Dreamworks). I have had to sit through the trailer for Home a dozen times and I already hate that movie with every fibre of my being.
Batgirl Year One is indeed good.
Also it's arrived! A few days after my b-day but still glad I got them =D
I read through the entire "controversial" cover thread. My God.
It's taken on a life of its own.
Its Messi's Ultron
It's taken on a life of its own.
It took away my hope.Its Messi's Ultron
Does that make Messi Stark or Pym?
Pym of course. That MCU nonsense has no business in Comic-gaf affairs
*watches Marvel retcon Ultron's origin through Secret War*
I read through the entire "controversial" cover thread. My God.
I still suspect that they will let Pym be involved in some kind of way.Pym of course. That MCU nonsense has no business in Comic-gaf affairs
*watches Marvel retcon Ultron's origin through Secret War*
I still suspect that they will let Pym be involved in some kind of way.
More than Pym delivered the Parts of the AI, Stark the body and the magic spark from Lokis stick.Pym bought coffee and donuts for Stark during the development of Ultron.
Happy birthday!
This Powers tv show could make for a great comic.
It's even more of a steal if you buy them separately. For some reason it's more expensive as the Test Pattern collection than buying the individual trades contained in it
You just know they would get Bendis to write it though.
Buying them individually is like $26, the bundle is only $19.
That's weird. The bundle is £13.49 on the UK store and all the trades individually come to £12.95 in my cart. Not a huge difference but still weird nonetheless.
edit: just to clarify, I meant getting the individual trade collections for each series rather than individual issues.
Hey look, a perfectly timed Jonathan Hickman sale so everyone (coughFilthySlugcough) can get caught up on Manhattan Projects before it relaunches on Wednesday! If you haven't read anything in the Test Pattern group, $19 for the whole lot of it is an absolute steal.
Does that make Messi Stark or Pym?
I want this:
I ended up adding Batwoman Bombshell statue and Annihlator HC to my dcbs pre-order, dcbs does offer replacements for paint problems like i had with Wonder Woman but didn't ask for replacement ( ....... ), so that helped with the decision, making it my most expensive pre-order in months.
No Gotham Academy vol 1 though, i have to have some standards.
looks like Spider Gwen covers!
You fucked up. Gotham Academy is awesome. Then again you would probably hate it.
Hate is such a strong word. I gave it a two issue pre-order but didn't think much of it outside of a few good Maps moments, it was an uphill climb to make the purchase list in trade form. The whole Olive I know what you did last summer stuff plagued it into mopey territory for me.
Sillymonkey can always be counted on to have something bad to say about everything.
wait wait wait. The Flash tv show hasHow the hell do you pull that off.Gorilla Grodd?!?
I really should finally watch this thing.
wait wait wait. The Flash tv show hasHow the hell do you pull that off.Gorilla Grodd?!?
I really should finally watch this thing.