kira batch is out. Rates aren't up though if you read the text just 4* guarantee and 5+1.
Completely screwed up here... and wasted 8 summons and got nothing.
damn it... people are summoning feevas
seems like you can evolve them to 7* too!
shiiiiitt... wonder if I can resist...
Just let Selena sooth your wounded soul
Also I'm so glad frontier hunter is ending tomorrow. Grinding it is so monotonous and the faster I don't need to see Narza's stupid face the better.
I can resist. I escaped Vegas positive 6 grand.I mean, you summoned 8 and didn't get any, so I think it would be safe to assume the RNG is not with you this day. At the very least hold off til tomorrow![]()
I've rolled enough in this game that I feel I only lack about three units for my collection and I've only seen four rainbow doors in my time playing this game. Judging from reddit, it looks like people are hurting lol
I still can't get the last two rewards on terminus FH
Tried a bunch of different things but really only managed to even beat the damn thing once with my normal team and I think a maxwell friend:
Orna (leader)
Tried swapping in Shida for Ciara and switching leader to Zelnite and it kind of went worse lol.
Narza just tends to one shot my entire party at seemingly random times. Maybe it's after a certain hp or something. Guess I should read a guide.
Narza has an attack called Wrath of the Gods. Magic and Dark Souls referenceI still can't get the last two rewards on terminus FH
Tried a bunch of different things but really only managed to even beat the damn thing once with my normal team and I think a maxwell friend:
Orna (leader)
Tried swapping in Shida for Ciara and switching leader to Zelnite and it kind of went worse lol.
Narza just tends to one shot my entire party at seemingly random times. Maybe it's after a certain hp or something. Guess I should read a guide.
How are you starting round 1? Did you pop at least 2 fujins and maintain bb spam from the start and maintain until Narza?
Narza has an attack called Wrath of the Gods. Magic and Dark Souls referenceAnyway, it does massive aoe damage and has killed my Shida before even with mitigation when he's not topped off. It also removes all buffs.
Have you tried Lario or a Rosetta friend? Keep Shida for sure.
Zelnite gets more damage, bc, hc and item buff increases, but his 8 bc per turn stays the same.edit: General question. For a super BB like Zelnite or Shida that generate BB gauge, does it generate more based on the SBB level does the SBB level just dictate damage?
Zelnite gets more damage, bc, hc and item buff increases, but his 8 bc per turn stays the same.
Shida gets more bc from 8 to 10 and his sbb cost decreases from 21 bc to 12 bc.
Try the marauder set with a Rosetta friend and your Lario.
I think you have the wrong approach cause you should always get offensive set just for the fujins.
How you should start is pop 2-3 fujins immediately at the start that will allow you to fill up bb gauge for all yur units AFTER that first attack. I always give a fujin to Zelnite for that bb gauge fill, and he should always be the last one to use BB so your party won't waste his bb.
As long as you have two targets on screen, you should almost always be able to maintain bb spam. That is the goal for terminus.
The roadblock is Narza because he is single target and it will be very hard to have your bb charged after first attack. The goal is to use just enough bb to not kill him in the first turn and be able to finish him off with normal attacks by the consequent rounds. If you don't kill him by 2nd round, you have to use your mitigation bb or you'll be wiped.
After Narza, the goal is to maintain bb spam again. Zelnite is key!
My team: Feifang lead, Orna, Zelnite, Tridon, Kuda, Yujeh, Rosetta friend. Very similar to yours
Good thoughts guys. I'll take another stab at it!
Note, I don't have a LarioI have one friend with one. If I can get them to come up out of the 50 I'll use them lol
Good thoughts guys. I'll take another stab at it!
Note, I don't have a LarioI have one friend with one. If I can get them to come up out of the 50 I'll use them lol
So, with the glut of BBFrogs, I have about 15-20 saved up. What's the general concensus, is it better to work on getting SBBs up to level 10, or unlock more SBBs?
Good thoughts guys. I'll take another stab at it!
Note, I don't have a LarioI have one friend with one. If I can get them to come up out of the 50 I'll use them lol
I've rolled enough in this game that I feel I only lack about three units for my collection and I've only seen four rainbow doors in my time playing this game. Judging from reddit, it looks like people are hurting lol
Well they have to do something. Can't imagine anyone besides the super whales bothering to gem anymore.As I already mentioned, you shouldn't have to see a Rainbow door to get one of these units.
It picks a unit and a * rating. It colors the door based on the * rating it picked.
When you open the door, if the unit doesn't have that * rating, it will give you the unit anyway, which is why for the past 8 months or so you can open up a yellow door to get a red door effect, because lots of units have no 3* form.
Now you would just open up a yellow or red door to a rainbow effect because it has neither a 3 or 4* form.
If Gumi implemented it so you have to actually see a Rainbow door to get one of these, that's a fundamental change to the way door summoning works, and I don't see why they'd bother, when they can just set the odds lower...why muck around with the door summon logic itself?
Oh god that live stream is pretty much the text book example of how not to do damage control right.
We screwed up. Sorry. No compensation. We might do better next time. No guarantees. FH is extended. Peace bitches.
Hmm. I just did another FH try. Was up like 30 min ago.
I just got my Lily Matah to 6* this morning. If I was to use her as my FH leader (provided I get her leveled up quick), who would I replace? Elza? Zelnite? With lily boosting the BB gauge maybe Zelnite isn't as necessary? Elza with the spark damage and high hits seems more valuable....
Orna (leader)
lily matah doesn't attack, which makes her an awful FH unit.
Not yet.I've got so many gems with the FH, ones they give and the prosperity pack. I don't know when I should summon though. D=
Not yet.
Next most wanted will be worth doing for sure.
Maybe. I won't be surprised at all if they don't put the Kira batch in for voting on the Most Wanted since they are "special".