What's even happening with that game now, though?
Well it's published by Square-Enix is what's happening
What's even happening with that game now, though?
Well it's published by Square-Enix is what's happening
But will that be out before P5?Next year we'll finally see the Endurance Run we've been waiting for, as Jeff and/or Vinny returns to Atlus and a world of anime high school students solving their real world problems and entering an alternate world to fight monsters. That's right, an Endurance Run of SMTxFE.
Next year we'll finally see the Endurance Run we've been waiting for, as Jeff and/or Vinny returns to Atlus and a world of anime high school students solving their real world problems and entering an alternate world to fight monsters. That's right, an Endurance Run of SMTxFE.
Next year we'll finally see the Endurance Run we've been waiting for, as Jeff and/or Vinny returns to Atlus and a world of anime high school students solving their real world problems and entering an alternate world to fight monsters. That's right, an Endurance Run of SMTxFE.
Next year we'll finally see the Endurance Run we've been waiting for, as Jeff and/or Vinny returns to Atlus and a world of anime high school students solving their real world problems and entering an alternate world to fight monsters. That's right, an Endurance Run of SMTxFE.
I just worry we're going to get Sleeping Dogs'd and blindsided here.
What's even happening with that game now, though? They had their really, really weird "reveal" and we've heard nothing since. Plus Just Cause 3 got spared from microtransaction hell.
basically what I'm saying is that Square should probably commit to F2P bullshit or not
I just worry we're going to get Sleeping Dogs'd and blindsided here.
What's even happening with that game now, though? They had their really, really weird "reveal" and we've heard nothing since. Plus Just Cause 3 got spared from microtransaction hell.
basically what I'm saying is that Square should probably commit to F2P bullshit or not
They've actually showd off a ton of that Sleeping Dogs game, they do streams all the time & post um on YouTube. It's in closed beta (I tried to get in but Square-Enix's community site is a fucking nightmare). It looks kinda interesting. Though I would much prefer a proper Sleepy Dogs sequel too.
Oh right, that's... well I guess it's still basically what they said it was then
Square pls give a sequel
I think most anime is garbage, but I watched Space Brothers a year or two back and remember enjoying it. It didn't have much of the normal anime garbage in there. I have a feeling Drew would be a fan due to his interests, but I've never seen past 3 or 4 episodes. Anyone here watch it? Does it stay good or does it go to shit?
i bought two copes of both that and DX:HR so i've done what i can
Oh man he's going in deep on it. Can't wait to hear his impressions. If he's still playing..does that mean he's turned a new leaf on Souls?
I don't think it means he's going to go back and enjoy Dark Souls 1 and 2.
I'll laugh if Jeff just goes into a ten minute rant on the bombcast about how bloodborne sucks.
Destiny.I'll laugh if Jeff just goes into a ten minute rant on the bombcast about how bloodborne sucks.
Oh man I wonder if he's just forcing himself through it, or if he's legitimately enjoying bloodborne?
Either way can't wait for his impressions on bombcast!
Jeff doesn't seem like a person who'd force himself through a game. He's not playing BB because of a QL or embargo, and there's no other reason to play the game. Jeff strikes me as the guy who wouldn't play a game he doesn't like if he doesn't need to.
WWE SupercardDestiny™.
I'll laugh if Jeff just goes into a ten minute rant on the bombcast about how bloodborne sucks.
Difference between Destiny and Bloodborne/Souls is that Jeff legitimately enjoys the gameplay/gunplay of Destiny. It's everything else in it he despises.
The difference between Destiny and Bloodborne/Souls is that Jeff legitimately enjoys the gameplay/gunplay of Destiny. It's everything else in it he despises.
Doesn't Jeff's girlfriend use his account? Without Jeff's experience in being indifferent to cool stuff, she probably couldn't resist falling into a Soulsian stupor.
Logically, this is the only proper conclusion.
Ok started tackling my GB backlog that has accumilated over the last 2 weeks thanks to my bloodborne obsession. Which quick looks are worth watching?
Anything with Alex and Vinny.
Quite a turn around, isn't it? People were doubting the combo would work, but they're a damned good combo.
Jeff was the last bastion of hope on the podcast for people like me who are indifferent/dislike From's games. This is the darkest path things could have taken.
Quite a turn around, isn't it? People were doubting the combo would work, but they're a damned good combo.