From those Fox promos:
Frankenstein - looks a bit generic, but the lead seems very fun, like really caveman-like

Might be nice if they push towards mythology with other creatures roaming around. If they stick to just him then I doubt it will be nice.
Lucifer - nothing like comics, at all. But it seems promising. It looks beautiful, the guy playing Lucifer seems to be having a total blast and the "Lucifer Morningstar? Is that your real name" "God given, I'm afraid" line made me laugh more than any of the upfronys comedy promos

. overall it seems to be quite funny. Again...this seems like a show that will live or die based on how much serialized elements/mythology it will introduce. But unlike Frankenstein this promo already had signs of those, with angels pestering him to return and demons and evil souls running away from hell. Still..hard to judge, considering new showrunner will take over from Ep2.
Minority Report seems like it could be set in Almost Human world. Very similiar style and atmosphere. But I don't see anything ther that could pull me in for the longer run, since even the leads seem pretty boring.
Rosewood - meh. Looks very generic and the twist doesn't help much. Plus it's sad that Anthony Michael Hall has been reduced to playing an ageing police captain. Could somebody in all the sequels/reboots insanity please give this man a new season of Dead Zone?
Overall..the obvious pattern is that if you use genre elements you need to build mythology and do serialized storylines inside procedural episodes. Lack of that is what killed Almost Human and Gotham got a lot better once they started to introduce serialized elements. From those promos Lucifer seems like it might have the longest legs and turn out into something interesting, especially since the showrunner knows how to mix procedural and serialized well. But we'lll see.
I try to watch pretty much everything genre for one or two episodes, to give it a chance anyway