Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT| The only ATB here is Active Time Battle.

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I dunno.... I'm kinda falling out of love with this game. It's becoming a chore... I just can't bring myself to be excited about orb farming and save scumming and trying to master ridiculous elites... :-(

Take it from someone who thinks farming is bullshit. You don't have to farm stuff like four star orbs or black cowls to play this game.

And you don't have to master any of the elites, either, if you don't want to. Not like you're going to be missing out on anything besides stamina shards. (Most of them are pretty easy to master if you know the boss' weakness beforehand anyway.)


that puzzling face
On the other hand farming Mist Cave IV for Greater Earth Orbs is future-proofing because both Quake and Protega eat those like candy.



I dunno.... I'm kinda falling out of love with this game. It's becoming a chore... I just can't bring myself to be excited about orb farming and save scumming and trying to master ridiculous elites... :-(

I can totally sympathize with this. I used to be able to clear the new additions without much hassle --but the recent dungeon additions were too difficult for my level 20ish group (even with the crappy 5 star equipment)

Between the atrocious drop rates for orbs, rare weapons; and high stamina costs for hard dailies / elites, playing this has become like a tedious chore.

I've given up on ever getting character specific relics, and my only motivation for playing this is to see the pixel versions of the characters.

Ok. rant over.

Come back flans, I need to raise my characters to level 30.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Tossed SE $30 earlier in the week mostly because I've been enjoying the game so much and I wanted to show some love, but got no 5*s on the 11 pull.

Then just now I did my first 11 pull after saving mythril I got in the game, and still no 5*s. That one actually stung more.

I need to find out what kind of incense the RNG gods like.
Probably going to drop the game if I don't get some good shit from my 11 pull (5 mythril short because these fucking elite dungeons are bogus). Way too fucking frustrating. Just threw my best squad at Odin and didn't win. 2 50's, Cloud with Buster Sword(armor and power break), Terra...over 200 magic. 2 48's, Cyan, 4* Sword and White Mage with half curaga and Dia with a 6* Judgment Staff) and Tyro is like level 42 who was there to cast the Mental Breakdown(the 4* support that increases magic damage) or whatever it's called so Terra can unleash 4 uses of Dark and 2 of Firaga for more damage on the punk...the fucking difficulty is like 50 something. I should be able to win but can't because this game is hot garbage...the difficulty ratings, as I said in another post, are just not accurate. Total waste of fucking time.


Probably going to drop the game if I don't get some good shit from my 11 pull (5 mythril short because these fucking elite dungeons are bogus). Way too fucking frustrating. Just threw my best squad at Odin and didn't win. 2 50's, Cloud with Buster Sword(armor and power break), Terra...over 200 magic. 2 48's, Cyan, 4* Buster and White Mage with half curaga and Dia with a 6* Judgment Staff) and Tyro is like level 42 who was there to cast the Mental Breakdown(the 4* support that increases magic damage) or whatever it's called so Terra can unleash 4 uses of Dark and 2 of Firaga for more damage on the punk...the fucking difficulty is like 50 something. I should be able to win but can't because this game is hot garbage...the difficulty ratings, as I said in another post, are just not accurate. Total waste of fucking time.

I just armor break'd him and pummeled him with fira/blizzara strike, comet, thundaga, and a bunch of double cuts. Probably would have been easier if I'd crafted mental breakdown first, but I managed to master it anyway. Aerith wasn't even using any offensive skills besides the occasional regular attack from the back row when nobody needed healing. (My party was Tidus, Dark Knight Cecil, Celes, Terra, and Aerith. All level 50.)

This seems like the perfect time to abuse that boost/retaliate/double cut thing that people keep talking about but I've never tried.


People with a Buster Sword and a 6* Judgement staff complaining about quitting if they don't get good loot? Jesus. I mastered it with far less than what you have.


The difficulty levels aren't even bad lol Rinoa event elite was the only time were the difficulty levels were ridiculous.

Anyway I'm finally done VI elites! I might try XIII.
People with a Buster Sword and a 6* Judgement staff complaining about quitting if they don't get good loot? Jesus. I mastered it with far less than what you have.

Then how come I didn't win? I'm pressing the damn buttons as fast as I can. Have a good set of abilities although not honed too well on the breaks(2 for all 3 breaks I have). Dia is at 8, my healing spell is at 6 but I didn't even use them they weren't needed...cast like 4-5 Dia in the fight. The fight is all about DPS and with a Buster, Dia attached to a 6* Judment staff, Cyan with his 4 star sword(around 175 Attack), and Terra at 212 would think I would fucking win...nope. The diificulty says 48. It's not fucking 48. Tyro had besides Mental Breakdown or whatever drops resist of target...had 3* Ice attack...he's the weak link on the team but needed because of his abilities.
All my characters literally take turns holding the one good knife and I'm doing alright. Good pulls of course help but you can make it work without if you plan accordingly. Plus, besides the events, the dungeons aren't going anywhere, so if one is giving you trouble now, just come back a late time when you have better gear/skills suited for the enemies.


Then how come I didn't win? I'm pressing the damn buttons as fast as I can. Have a good set of abilities although not honed too well on the breaks(2 for all 3 breaks I have). Dia is at 8, my healing spell is at 6 but I didn't even use them they weren't needed...cast like 4-5 Dia in the fight. The fight is all about DPS and with a Buster, Dia attached to a 6* Judment staff, Cyan with his 4 star sword(around 175 Attack), and Terra at 212 would think I would fucking win...nope. The diificulty says 48. It's not fucking 48. Tyro had besides Mental Breakdown or whatever drops resist of target...had 3* Ice attack...he's the weak link on the team but needed because of his abilities.

If you use the Retaliate trick with Boost and Armor Break Odin will go down like a chump. It turns the entire party into a death machine. I had Aeris use Boost because Dia wasn't going to cut it. You have a Buster Sword so Odin will go down faster than in my game, I had a 4* dagger from FF6.

If you don't want to resort to retaliate cheese, use Haste instead of Dia.


Then how come I didn't win? I'm pressing the damn buttons as fast as I can. Have a good set of abilities although not honed too well on the breaks(2 for all 3 breaks I have). Dia is at 8, my healing spell is at 6 but I didn't even use them they weren't needed...cast like 4-5 Dia in the fight. The fight is all about DPS and with a Buster, Dia attached to a 6* Judment staff, Cyan with his 4 star sword(around 175 Attack), and Terra at 212 would think I would fucking win...nope. The diificulty says 48. It's not fucking 48. Tyro had besides Mental Breakdown or whatever drops resist of target...had 3* Ice attack...he's the weak link on the team but needed because of his abilities.

Well, for one thing, you're not giving Cloud anything to deal damage with since you said you gave him two Break skills. You haven't said what you're using with Cyan in terms of abilities. Tyro is useless so you're definitely not getting much damage out of him. And how much damage does Dark do? It's probably not as powerful as Comet or another -aga spell..
Spent the whole night refreshing stamina while working on Inspector. Kinda sad and hilarious at the same time that I ended up with about 70 combined 3* Ice, Holy, and Wind orbs from repeating the first stage of heroic orb daily (not to mention that I spent about $10 just so I could fix a damn bug in my program)

I'm glad I finally fixed the issue. But the neat thing is that now my tool computes a mathematically precise margin of error for all of the data that gets recorded. Example:


So we will soon be able to put to rest the question of how large is a large enough sample size.
What does your tool do exactly? Replays some stages? Or just reads data like drops etc.

Injects itself into the network between your device and their server, so as you play the game it sees all the messages going back and forth. The main aspect I've been working on is just seeing what items dropped in battle and writing it all to a database, then giving UI to search, filter, and sort based on criteria like how efficient an item an item is to obtain from a certain dungeon . I've got about 25 people who are using the program on a daily basis, so all of their drops are automatically recorded to a central database.

Tl;dr - automated crowd sourced drop rate collection


Oh Scarlatium, how I missed ye. Averaging at 9 Scarlatium per run (+3 for completion). I'll upgrade most weapons I didn't upgrade yet and keep 20 Scarlatium for whatever the Lenna or Vanille event will drop. Anyhow, at least now both my 4* Axes (from FFV and FFXII) are at 15/15. Too bad Luneth and WoL are still way behind in terms of level (I really want to use them).

Also saving Mythril to be able to make two 11 pulls for Vanille's event (though I'm not quite sure I should do that - it will depend on the banner's items).


Spent the whole night refreshing stamina while working on Inspector. Kinda sad and hilarious at the same time that I ended up with about 70 combined 3* Ice, Holy, and Wind orbs from repeating the first stage of heroic orb daily (not to mention that I spent about $10 just so I could fix a damn bug in my program)

I'm glad I finally fixed the issue. But the neat thing is that now my tool computes a mathematically precise margin of error for all of the data that gets recorded. Example:


So we will soon be able to put to rest the question of how large is a large enough sample size.

Hmm, why are you testing on a battle that costs 15 stamina? FF4 Fabul Castle is the designated place to rest stuff, only 1 stamina per battle. =p

Your tool is looking great, just need to get more people now.


Yeah, he is one of the hardest bosses when you begin. Nothing much to do except bring Fira/Firaga/Fire Strike to kill the bears quickly, and nova him before he Gale Cut you to death.
I'm just surprised, I've been playing since day 1, full 50s, synergy gear, ect. No fire though.... Haha. I'll try that next time.

I have firaga but only 2 uses, whereas fira has 6, worth bringing - aga spells when they only have 2 uses? Or bring something else?
If you use the Retaliate trick with Boost and Armor Break Odin will go down like a chump. It turns the entire party into a death machine. I had Aeris use Boost because Dia wasn't going to cut it. You have a Buster Sword so Odin will go down faster than in my game, I had a 4* dagger from FF6.

If you don't want to resort to retaliate cheese, use Haste instead of Dia.

Well, for one thing, you're not giving Cloud anything to deal damage with since you said you gave him two Break skills. You haven't said what you're using with Cyan in terms of abilities. Tyro is useless so you're definitely not getting much damage out of him. And how much damage does Dark do? It's probably not as powerful as Comet or another -aga spell..

Thanks for the tips. I have not resorted to the retaliate trick as of yet in playing. How long does retaliate last before I have to recast it? Can't I use haste and retalliate? whynotboth.gif

Looks like I already beat today's heroic(although not mastered) I'm still stuck at 45. I'll pick up the free one today. I get 2 tomorrow(due for the 5-day and mid-may mayhem). So I'm up to 48. Then if I can beat Odin I'll be at 49. That still leaves me one short. Can wait another day(ugh) or hope to get that one spell that has a high chance of paralyzing to help take down some FFX elites. From reading comments....I stand no chance at FFV elites. Have gotten the mythril from all the other newly released dungeons besides FFV, X and Odin. I'd like to get my 50 roll as soon as possible in hopes of some better gear or combinable gear so I can try to master T-Rex before that event looks like Friday. I'll make it to the pull before that event closes regardless of the other dungeons if I can beat Odin. There's the other daily heroics too. Probably can make it through with I already beat today's(the only one I have beaten).


I'm just surprised, I've been playing since day 1, full 50s, synergy gear, ect. No fire though.... Haha. I'll try that next time.

I have firaga but only 2 uses, whereas fira has 6, worth bringing - aga spells when they only have 2 uses? Or bring something else?

Well, -aga spells hurt a lot, you may want to consider bringing it with you. Fira has a 2.9 multiplier, whereas Firaga has a 4.9 one. You can bring them both with you, though since Vargas is weak to Bio I would advise you to bring Fira and Bio.
Vargas is also susceptible to both Blind and Stop. If you have a good Support ability user, it is a very good idea to bring Dark Buster. If you've been playing since day 1, then bring Aerith: her Seal Evil Soul Break will allow you a brief respite (do note though that it won't hit Vargas as long as the bears are alive IIRC).


that puzzling face
The gotye for that fight really is burning down the Ipoohs ASAP so that you can get Magic Break/Power Break/etc. on Vargas, so that a Gale Cut isn't close to killing the entire party.

So yes, 2 Firaga > 6 Fira, savescum like a mongoloid.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Got my first greater orb from Mist Cave Elite and it was exactly what I needed: one 4* earth orb so I could finally create Quake. RNG gods, thank you for this small blessing.
The difficulty levels aren't even bad lol Rinoa event elite was the only time were the difficulty levels were ridiculous.

Anyway I'm finally done VI elites! I might try XIII.

Considering your massive fortune with the relic pull, do you honestly have a reasonable concept of what is difficult for the average player in this game at this point? How many 5* weapons and armors natural and upgraded do you have in your inventory? 20? If everyone had your luck, they would bump up the difficulty like the initial elites for every level.


that puzzling face
The game right now isn't insurmountably difficult if you have one 5* weapon that can be used by either Cloud (optimal), Sephiroth (second best) or Cyan (suboptimal but eh) because current bulldoze strat is two double cuts, a retaliate, a boost, and a shit ton of savescumming, along with Breaks as necessary. And even then, that 5* is more of a floor for when you don't have a usable 4* for that particular realm, which by far will outdamage a non-synergy 5*.

This will get you really, REALLY far if your dudes are 50 for a HP pool to tank hits, which reduces savescumming. Further 5*s don't do much except also further reduce the amount of savescumming you do, especially defensive 5*s and/or synergy 4*s. Good caster weapons are nice for AOE where weaknesses come into play, but even then the majority of my damage has been coming solely from Cloud with retaliate/bladeblitz. (Bladeblitz is obviously a luxury item compared to 2* abilities like boost/double cut/retaliate)

There are other cheeses for the various fights, not the least significant of which being Intimidate completely trivializing almost half of this batch of elites. (Again, savescumming taken into account so Paralysis sticks)

Yes, it's still really based on luck, but the longer you play, the lower the chances are that you've never, ever scored one of the above. Wazzy's perspective is definitely skewed, but it's not 100% wrong either.

Believe me, I should know. My only two 5* draws are a Buster Sword and a Danjuro, so while Buster Sword is one of the better draws for the above bulldoze strat, I'm not geared out the ass, and certainly not rolling in e.g. VIII loot. I have been playing since near day 1 though, so my floor of random useful 3*s and 1*++s is pretty extensive, and I do have a reasonable stash of 4*s. I cleared V elites with a 1++ Helm and Bronze Armor on Cloud and Sephiroth.

edit: More thoughts, for what it's worth. I'm not sold that the Retaliate strat was something that the designers could have anticipated trivializing content to this extent. I get the feeling that the elites are padding that SHOULD last a significant fraction of the months between each additional painting update, not cleared in 3 days like a few of us have been doing. That's supposed to be the content content, with events breaking up the monotony.

Also like one poster said much earlier in the thread, we have the massive advantage of having everything already pre-scoped out for us, so we're pretty much as prepared as Batman for each update.


The game right now isn't insurmountably difficult if you have one 5* weapon that can be used by either Cloud (optimal), Sephiroth (second best) or Cyan (suboptimal but eh) because current bulldoze strat is two double cuts, a retaliate, a boost, and a shit ton of savescumming, along with Breaks as necessary. And even then, that 5* is more of a floor for when you don't have a usable 4* for that particular realm, which by far will outdamage a non-synergy 5*.

This will get you really, REALLY far if your dudes are 50 for a HP pool to tank hits, which reduces savescumming. Further 5*s don't do much except also further reduce the amount of savescumming you do, especially defensive 5*s and/or synergy 4*s. Good caster weapons are nice for AOE where weaknesses come into play, but even then the majority of my damage has been coming solely from Cloud with retaliate/bladeblitz. (Bladeblitz is obviously a luxury item compared to 2* abilities like boost/double cut/retaliate)

There are other cheeses for the various fights, not the least significant of which being Intimidate completely trivializing almost half of this batch of elites. (Again, savescumming taken into account so Paralysis sticks)

Yes, it's still really based on luck, but the longer you play, the lower the chances are that you've never, ever scored one of the above. Wazzy's perspective is definitely skewed, but it's not 100% wrong either.

Believe me, I should know. My only two 5* draws are a Buster Sword and a Danjuro, so while Buster Sword is one of the better draws for the above bulldoze strat, I'm not geared out the ass, and certainly not rolling in e.g. VIII loot. I have been playing since near day 1 though, so my floor of random useful 3*s and 1*++s is pretty extensive, and I do have a reasonable stash of 4*s. I cleared V elites with a 1++ Helm and Bronze Armor on Cloud and Sephiroth.

edit: More thoughts, for what it's worth. I'm not sold that the Retaliate strat was something that the designers could have anticipated trivializing content to this extent. I get the feeling that the elites are padding that SHOULD last a significant fraction of the months between each additional painting update, not cleared in 3 days like a few of us have been doing. That's supposed to be the content content, with events breaking up the monotony.

Also like one poster said much earlier in the thread, we have the massive advantage of having everything already pre-scoped out for us, so we're pretty much as prepared as Batman for each update.

Tell us more about your 5* weapon(s) and how it/they make(s) some elements of the game not feel impossible. Those of us without a single one (and for whatever reason get favored by the 3* or 4* FFXII Axe RNG Gods) are still scratching our heads at ways to tackle some of the earlier elites.


that puzzling face
Tell us more about your 5* weapon(s) and how it/they make(s) some elements of the game not feel impossible. Those of us without a single one (and for whatever reason get favored by the 3* or 4* FFXII Axe RNG Gods) are still scratching our heads at ways to tackle some of the earlier elites.

Did you completely miss the part where I said 4* RS completely outdamages a 5*?

Tell us more about how the Buster Sword and Danjuro even more completely trivializes all the hard FFVII and FFXII content currently in the game.


Falk being bossy ;)

Falk, did you Mastered Elite Rinoa Event? (khe khe)

Got through Elite Iguions mastered using a Mesmerize Blade, which, although not a 5* draw, was actually an even luckier draw, since right now for VIII it outclasses everything for retaliate besides a Blitz Sword 5*
The game right now isn't insurmountably difficult if you have one 5* weapon that can be used by either Cloud (optimal), Sephiroth (second best) or Cyan (suboptimal but eh) because current bulldoze strat is two double cuts, a retaliate, a boost, and a shit ton of savescumming, along with Breaks as necessary. And even then, that 5* is more of a floor for when you don't have a usable 4* for that particular realm, which by far will outdamage a non-synergy 5*.

This will get you really, REALLY far if your dudes are 50 for a HP pool to tank hits, which reduces savescumming. Further 5*s don't do much except also further reduce the amount of savescumming you do, especially defensive 5*s and/or synergy 4*s. Good caster weapons are nice for AOE where weaknesses come into play, but even then the majority of my damage has been coming solely from Cloud with retaliate/bladeblitz. (Bladeblitz is obviously a luxury item compared to 2* abilities like boost/double cut/retaliate)

There are other cheeses for the various fights, not the least significant of which being Intimidate completely trivializing almost half of this batch of elites. (Again, savescumming taken into account so Paralysis sticks)

Yes, it's still really based on luck, but the longer you play, the lower the chances are that you've never, ever scored one of the above. Wazzy's perspective is definitely skewed, but it's not 100% wrong either.

Believe me, I should know. My only two 5* draws are a Buster Sword and a Danjuro, so while Buster Sword is one of the better draws for the above bulldoze strat, I'm not geared out the ass, and certainly not rolling in e.g. VIII loot. I have been playing since near day 1 though, so my floor of random useful 3*s and 1*++s is pretty extensive, and I do have a reasonable stash of 4*s. I cleared V elites with a 1++ Helm and Bronze Armor on Cloud and Sephiroth.

edit: More thoughts, for what it's worth. I'm not sold that the Retaliate strat was something that the designers could have anticipated trivializing content to this extent. I get the feeling that the elites are padding that SHOULD last a significant fraction of the months between each additional painting update, not cleared in 3 days like a few of us have been doing. That's supposed to be the content content, with events breaking up the monotony.

Also like one poster said much earlier in the thread, we have the massive advantage of having everything already pre-scoped out for us, so we're pretty much as prepared as Batman for each update.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but do you feel you have a proper appreciation for difficulty on this game for the average player considering how much time you've spent honing advanced skills and min maxing throughout? It's great to put time into something and become an expert at it, but let us recognize that expertise makes the game easier and not the other way around.


that puzzling face
No, not taking offense at all. I'm going to be first in line to freely admit I'm throwing way more hours into this (both researching like Batman and grinding stuff) just because I have nothing to do at the moment (Extended vacation, one month so far) and that's how I tackle games in general. As another example, I platinum JRPGs, and I don't expect that to be the norm.

Like I said though, retaliate meta can and will propel you through a lot of the game as long as your Retaliate dude has a decent RS weapon. It's just that plain and simple.

Retaliate means:
- You only need to boost 1 person, saving turns. Boost last through rounds while Breaks don't (they need to be applied on each mob)
- Every single person on your team, healer included, will deal the damage of your boosted person.
- Everyone with a double cut will deal twice that, per turn. And it's better than a vanilla double cut in that it will hit two different mobs if the first one dies, and carry between rounds.
- Your gear requirement drops from needing 3 (or 4) good RS weapons to one.
- Your base orb requirements drop to honing Boost, Double Cuts, Retaliate to a reasonable number. Obviously you'll need other things per fight, but that's the core.

If you can't see what an overwhelming advantage this gives over virtually every other strat right now barring VIT0 exploiting, I'm not too sure what else I can say.

Again, while it's still RNG, it's a lot less of being a one-in-a-million shot, when we're talking in terms of standard deviations and all that, what more when you play longer and draw more things. You need to be exponentially more unlucky (as a whole, in hindsight, I know how stats work, etc.) to have a long drought be immediately followed by another long drought.
Min-maxing was one of the things drawing me away from this game... Not hating on people who do it (or retaliate cheese) as everyone is free to play the game how they like... but I'm not going to and I'm actually enjoying butting my head against things and not always winning... but I guess I'm just weird that way.

For reference, I was (slowly) tackling all of the original elites before they were nerfed hard at a pretty steady pace. I didn't mind grinding gear and orbs to get there, and it seems like a lot of people are against any sort of grinding at all to beat the latest content (which in turn sounds ridiculous to me as if there is no challenge, then the missions themselves become a grind).


Can someone confirm me that if I drop too many items which would make me hit the inventory limit during a fight, I can still loot items and go beyond the inventory limit, but I will just need to do some fusions or sell equipment, because otherwise the game won't let me play until I clear some space?

Also, are the chances for a monster to drop an item/orb fixed when a battle is initiated? I tried saving and reload a few battles in the Tuesday Dungeon, but monsters who didn't drop scarlatium still didn't drop some after a S/L (and the same one still dropped gils each time I killed it).
No, not taking offense at all. I'm going to be first in line to freely admit I'm throwing way more hours into this (both researching like Batman and grinding stuff) just because I have nothing to do at the moment (Extended vacation, one month so far) and that's how I tackle games in general. As another example, I platinum JRPGs, and I don't expect that to be the norm.

Like I said though, retaliate meta can and will propel you through a lot of the game as long as your Retaliate dude has a decent RS weapon. It's just that plain and simple.

Retaliate means:
- You only need to boost 1 person, saving turns. Boost last through rounds while Breaks don't (they need to be applied on each mob)
- Every single person on your team, healer included, will deal the damage of your boosted person.
- Everyone with a double cut will deal twice that, per turn. And it's better than a vanilla double cut in that it will hit two different mobs if the first one dies, and carry between rounds.
- Your gear requirement drops from needing 3 (or 4) good RS weapons to one.
- Your base orb requirements drop to honing Boost, Double Cuts, Retaliate to a reasonable number. Obviously you'll need other things per fight, but that's the core.

If you can't see what an overwhelming advantage this gives over virtually every other strat right now barring VIT0 exploiting, I'm not too sure what else I can say.

Again, while it's still RNG, it's a lot less of being a one-in-a-million shot, when we're talking in terms of standard deviations and all that, what more when you play longer and draw more things. You need to be exponentially more unlucky (as a whole, in hindsight, I know how stats work, etc.) to have a long drought be immediately followed by another long drought.

Man, that sounds game breaking. You think they will nerf it in the future?


that puzzling face
Can someone confirm me that if I drop too many items which would make me hit the inventory limit during a fight, I can still loot items and go beyond the inventory limit, but I will just need to do some fusions or sell equipment, because otherwise the game won't let me play until I clear some space?

Yes, it'll show for example 105/100 in red, then you need to sell 5 items before the game will let you initiate any other stage.

Also, are the chances for a monster to drop an item/orb fixed when a battle is initiated? I tried saving and reload a few battles in the Tuesday Dungeon, but monsters who didn't drop scarlatium still didn't drop some after a S/L (and the same one still dropped gils each time I killed it).

Yes. Savescumming drops means you have to select "don't continue" then restart the stage for its stamina cost.

Man, that sounds game breaking. You think they will nerf it in the future?

I hope not. Classic Final Fantasy had a shit ton of ways to exploit the shit out of game mechanics, something that sorta carried over to Bravely Default and why I love the combat in that game.

They did nerf VIT0 exploiting by giving bosses immunity to shell/protect though. I think I can understand that one - it was too huge an advantage for too small an opportunity cost. At least with retaliate meta you need to load up on 4 abilities, minimum. At the same time, they haven't nerfed Retaliate and that's been going on about as long.


@Falk: Thank you very much for your answers!

Man, that sounds game breaking. You think they will nerf it in the future?

Well, it is gamebreaking, no doubt about that. Considering the game was released a while ago in Japan and that they never nerfed it (at least, as far as I know)... On the other hand, Japan did improve several characters' stats (such as Kain and Celes), added new abilities, the Friend and Materia systems, Quests (no idea what those actually are), so there are now more options making the game easier and funnier to play.

I wish the Lenna or Vanille Event was up already.


This is really bad news if that's the case... balancing around such tactics creates an "exploit or fail" environment...

I'm not sure how it has gone down in the Japanese version, but it could very well end up being that way :( if it does you'll probably be able to "play normally" if you pay for gear though, so there's that......


Well, Final Fantasy is known for its numerous game-breaking tactics, though some balancing would be appreciated in the case of Retaliate. At least it is not something as ridiculous as the Vanish + Doom bug in FFVI. And well, with a Freemium game such as this one, I have no qualms using everything I can to save some time and stamina (that being said, I don't use Retaliate, it is a little too cheesy for me, but I may give it a try later).

That being said, I wouldn't be against a "Spellblade-Dual Wield-Rapid Fire" thingy... Hehe.
Kinda disappointed that we are getting Lenna as a WHM from FFV. Galuf is probably next, but no signs or Faris (my favorite FFV character), Krile or Bartz.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Just so everyone is aware, the official wiki actually recommends using the retaliate trick. This isn't some random glitch the developers are unaware of, it may have started off like that (I don't know) but content is being created with the intention of it being used: VI_Humbaba

Eh, that's quite a bit of a leap. For one, there's no evidence that the developers are creating content with the intention of it being used. Second, I very much doubt that SE is personally approving all content and strategies included in this "official" site. They paid someone to set it up and run it, but that's probably it.

The strategy exists, but I think it's a bit lame and hope they remove it.


that puzzling face
Personally while I hope It stays since it does call back aforementioned game-breaking of classic final fantasy, I wouldn't mind terribly if it gets removed, to be honest (other than the time I spent farming 2* power orbs to hone the shit out of double cuts)

I get the impression, though, that the hard content is there to get people to gacha, not balanced around getting people to spam retaliate. That's whatever, I don't particularly care (e.g. not getting Mastery for last Sorceress Elite stage is 'eh' for me) because I'm still going to enjoy min-maxing the game regardless.

You're probably right that the guide site isn't written by the developers, but it -still- is an official face, which is even referenced in the app itself.


Did you completely miss the part where I said 4* RS completely outdamages a 5*?

Tell us more about how the Buster Sword and Danjuro even more completely trivializes all the hard FFVII and FFXII content currently in the game.


In terms of Stats: a 20/20 Buster sword [107 Attack] is very comparable to a random 4 star with RS. A 15/15 Swordbreaker(VI) in today's daily has an attack of 114...

So yeah it must be nice running around every realm with Weapons that are very comparable to 4* weapons with RS.


that puzzling face
In terms of Stats: a 20/20 Buster sword [107 Attack] is very comparable to a random 4 star with RS. A 15/15 Swordbreaker(VI) in today's daily has an attack of 114...

So yeah it must be nice running around every realm with Weapons that are very comparable to 4* weapons with RS.

Those moving goalposts man...

Next I'm going to say I have a Ripper 3*+ that gives 100 ATK in FFII realms and you're gonna say 'it must be nice to have 3*+ items in every realm'


edit: Oh! Or how about, a Mythril Sword 2*++ that gives 105 ATK in FFIV realms? "must be nice to farm the weapon daily and get RNG drops"?

What about a Galbadian Blade 2*++ that the event hands to you on a silver platter that gives 105ATK in FFVIII realms? "must be nice to do events and get weapons"?

When does this madness end?!
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