Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT| The only ATB here is Active Time Battle.

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that puzzling face
If I'm not outright selling it, I only ever use surplus 1* gear to upgrade other 1* or 2* gear.

I'm a packrat. :E

Sera O

I only ever use unwanted gear in upgrades if it's to fill that last little bit of the bar. Otherwise it seems like a waste of gil.

I need to go through my stuff and cull the junk. Navigating inventory is so cumbersome that it will be a project. I am always tempted to expand my inventory, but at the same time the thought of it being an even bigger mess is not a fun one.

I would LOVE if they put sort-by-record in the equip menus.


that puzzling face
Are you using Item Keeper or the spreadsheet?

I would have gone insane by now if I hadn't.

edit: beaten
Ugh, I got to the Archaeosaur boss in FF8 elite and ran out of abilities and died. I think I'm giving up on that event. A team of 40+ characters with 4 and 5 star gear and I can't get better than low expert scores.
I don't ever use gear for upgrading other gear anymore anyway. You get way less xp per item, even if it's a dagger for a dagger or whatever, than you do from scarletite/adamantite but you pay the same amount of gil, so it's inefficient.

Gil is the least of my concerns in this game due to humbab farming. I'm far more concerned with having my new toys fully upgraded and can't wait for the upgrade day. Now, this only applies to 2 and 3 star items usually for me.


Frankly, my wish list right now is something like this:
  • A good Fist weapon. Right now I have Tiger and Wyvern Claws, both 3* (III) weapons. I hope that when the Vanille's event shows up Snow's weapon will be included in Vanille's banner.
  • At least a natural 4* sword. Only got one natural 3* (Icebrand) and three 4*++ (though I guess I can't really complain about that).
  • A good throw weapon for Wakka. Well, we do have the 4* (V) bow, but I'd like to have something better.
  • Something for Snow to wear as an armor. That doofus is incapable of wearing anything remotely interesting to boost his defense! At least Josef can wield shields. Snow? Hats (but no Helmets), Robes, Bracers and that's it. For a front-liner, that's really problematic. Oddly enough, the official website says that he can equip Light Armors, yet he can't. I wonder if it is a bug or if he will get buffed in the future. Really, Snow's weapon and armor selection sucks.

As I recall, Snowe doesn't get unique stuff until Hope's event, which was last week for JP. lol. He's stuck with whatever gear from other series you can get.


As I recall, Snowe doesn't get unique stuff until Hope's event, which was last week for JP. lol. He's stuck with whatever gear from other series you can get.

Well, that's a bummer.

I'm still confused though: most websites mention than he can wear Light Armor, but in the game proper (the Western version at least) he can't. Did he get buffed in the JP version? I know that Kain and Celes will get a boost in stats (eventually, like they did in the JP version), so I'm wondering if Snow's case is similar.

Anyhow, I guess I'll focus on Luneth and WoL. I simply have no reason to use Snow right now.


I think he got buffed which is why he can wear light armor. Most of the XIII chars aren't that great aside from Sazh who has an awesome Soul Break on his weapon that makes him super useful as a friend summon. Good Time casts Protect and Haste on the party in one go, I think.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)

Praise be! And with that I'm done with the event. I'm not even going to bother trying Parade Float Elite, I'm not going to waste mythrils with recoveries and thankfully the rewards are not worth the effort. In the end I did much better in this event than I expected when I saw those difficulties. :p

Going to clear the rest of the new Elites next, then farm until the next thing.

For the sake of context in regards to the earlier discussions in the thread, I'm a F2P player who's been playing since day 1 (although I only started really getting my teeth into it after the first week or so). At the moment my 5* relics from mythril pulls are:
Blitz Sword
Balamb Garden Uniform
Regal Gown

I haven't used retaliate meta on any boss even when I only had the Danjuro (nothing against it, I just haven't felt the need so far). When the trash hits too hard I savescum like a maniac, but aside from that I play normally while casually checking some of the RK sites and following tips from this thread, reddit, etc.


Presidential Residence also mastered here. Was scared shitless that I'd lost too many medals, I'm sure below 6 is the threshold for Mastery.

Gaia Rod + Gaia Gear + Rinoa + Quake = 99999999999999999999999999999999


Only 4 missions away from a non elite clear of this event. That'll unlock Rinoa, which I'm excited as can be for. No chance in hell for an Elite clear, but this'll do.
Leena event? Looks like I'd better figure out a gameplan of what I need. By the end of this I need to have bladeblitz, retliate up to level 2, and armor break for sure. Maybe quake as well to help trivialize dailies and elite mobs.


Presidential Residence also mastered here. Was scared shitless that I'd lost too many medals, I'm sure below 6 is the threshold for Mastery.

Gaia Rod + Gaia Gear + Rinoa + Quake = 99999999999999999999999999999999

Just got them done as well. Took me 40 minutes save scumming the trash mobs (by the way, the most ridiculous part of the event is to have you fight level 95 enemies that drop 1* gear...) while I only restarted the Iguions once, because I pressed a wrong ability button...

I didn't have Gaia Rod, so my Quakes were hitting for 8k, but I did got a critical hit of 9999. I didn't even know magic had critical hits. Edit: I re-watched the fight and it isn't a critical. One of the Iguions always take 9999 while the other ~8400. Weird, since both have the same mdef and I had put mental break.

I just got Valkyrie, is there any magic user other than Rinoa can use it in the future?



I need a new healer so badly, I've maxed almost all the available good ones.
I really need to put someone in who can be dedicated healer. I have Rydia right now as substitute for terra since Terra isn't promptly levelled. I was using DK Cecil but I found two BM's way more useful for elites.
I'm just 2 mission from complete the Rinoa event so what level should my characters be around to clear these events
What level are they currently? Early 40's should be good(I auto battled the majority with all 50's and mediocre gear since I didn't have the gear till after I beat classic mode) with some decent spells and abilities.
I really need to put someone in who can be dedicated healer. I have Rydia right now as substitute for terra since Terra isn't promptly levelled. I was using DK Cecil but I found two BM's way more useful for elites.

What level are they currently? Early 40's should be good(I auto battled the majority with all 50's and mediocre gear since I didn't have the gear till after I beat classic mode) with some decent spells and abilities.

It can't be that high I'm at 21/22 with my characters
T-Rex Elite strategies please. Should I blind and poison him? That seems like the safest way. Or should I go all out with Blizzara/aga spells/strikes and hope for the best? My Cloud isn't high enough level to be a Retaliate bot with the Galbadian Sword.


that puzzling face
Just saw this from JP



nostalgia overload


But... I really don't want to spend 50 mythril on XIII gear. ;_;

You just know that the way Wazzy got like a billion 5* VIIIs via the power of love, HawthorneKitty is gonna get a billion 5*s from the XIII banner.

Except he probably actually quit D:

T-Rex Elite strategies please. Should I blind and poison him? That seems like the safest way. Or should I go all out with Blizzara/aga spells/strikes and hope for the best? My Cloud isn't high enough level to be a Retaliate bot with the Galbadian Sword.

Poison/Blind coexists with any other strat, really. You just need to savescum till it lands. Aerith's soul break also stops him if you need a timeout. I feel just as big a hurdle is getting through the trash and having enough abilities/HP when you get to T-Rex.


What's Lenna's weapon like? She'll almost certainly be my new healer and I have 100 mythril sitting around gathering dust.


I think it's time that I quit this game. Everytime I play, it feels like a chore. It has really pushed me to actually replay the SNES rpgs I haven't beat, so I guess I should thank DeNa/Square for that haha.


Regen-all without blowing an ability slot (or summon orbs) on Kirin sounds great.

Too bad Lenna's ability affinities kinda blow though. Situational, I guess.

That won't help me master stuff.

Maybe I'll just give her the judgement staff I already have and keep my mythril for Squall or something.

She'll be the first mage who can actually equip bows (unless you count Red Mage), so there's that at least.
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