If you've never played an RPG before you should honestly be playing on normal. You'll have a better time.
weirdly though I am interested in doing another run through of DA:I after this game. Its really made me long for rpgs lol
Normal shouldn't even exist as an option. It's only slightly harder to play than a screensaver.
Any tips for beating the Wyvern at the Lighthouse in the Griffin School gear/armour quest? It's a level 14 while I'm a 7. I'm using it's weaknesses against it but still struggling.
Best to leave it and level up along with better armour?
I really enjoy the detective like preparation Geralt does at the beginning of a quest, especially since it can add to the dialogue options depending on what you find.
I made the assumption that you're on PC, is that right?
4th crash.
Just metLetho in the side quest Ghost Of The Past. This guy was great in Witcher 2
weirdly though I am interested in doing another run through of DA:I after this game. Its really made me long for rpgs lol
I'm playing on Death March with minimal HUD, no points of interest and strict role playing and that's the perfect experience for me, but my work affords me a lot of free time so I can play as deep as I like.Normal shouldn't even exist as an option. It's only slightly harder to play than a screensaver.
How far in are you? This is just silly. The side content rivals the old days.On PC? Identical. Rock steady 30fps at 1440p/Ultra no Hairworks.
Anyone else find the side content lacking? Sure, it's head and tails ahead of shite like Skyrim, but there's nout memorable, and nothing lasting more than 10 or so minutes so far. Maybe it'll change further into the game, but I miss the days where RPGs had side quest-chains that'd rival those of a modern RPGs main quest.
The night wolfHaha, that's really great in this game. Everytime i do this, i feel like a medieval Batman ^^
What graphics card are you using? Do you have the GoG or Steam overlays open?
On PC? Identical. Rock steady 30fps at 1440p/Ultra no Hairworks.
Anyone else find the side content lacking? Sure, it's head and tails ahead of shite like Skyrim, but there's nout memorable, and nothing lasting more than 10 or so minutes so far. Maybe it'll change further into the game, but I miss the days where RPGs had side quest-chains that'd rival those of a modern RPGs main quest.
Damn, that fight in the caves,the one after the gollem. God dammit was that White Hunt guy though. After two deaths I figured it out (or cheesed it out?) when the witch attacks him I jumped in then backdashed. Had to keep at it. Loving the difficulty so far (even on normal, hey I am a wimp).
weirdly though I am interested in doing another run through of DA:I after this game. Its really made me long for rpgs lol
Any tips for beating the Wyvern at the Lighthouse in the Griffin School gear/armour quest? It's a level 14 while I'm a 7. I'm using it's weaknesses against it but still struggling.
Best to leave it and level up along with better armour?
Yrden has definitely been my most underestimated sign, need to use it more. It's a serious game changer.
On PC? Identical. Rock steady 30fps at 1440p/Ultra no Hairworks.
Anyone else find the side content lacking? Sure, it's head and tails ahead of shite like Skyrim, but there's nout memorable, and nothing lasting more than 10 or so minutes so far. Maybe it'll change further into the game, but I miss the days where RPGs had side quest-chains that'd rival those of a modern RPGs main quest.
This game is so good, my OCD will be the end of me though lol, I slowly took out a camp of level 10s while being a level 4 tonight, I think I spent an hour trolling them one at a time and carefully fighting them so I wouldn't die lmao! I really should attempt to go for the quest, but there's so much hidden stuff everywhere and also hardest difficultly ftw!
I recently completed that mission. I think it was probably the most tedious fight i've had thus far. It was literally: Activate quen>attack >dodge to the left>attack twice>dodge to the left>repeat. If i get hit, reactivate quen.
A lot of people seem to really like the combat and it's a bit lost on me. It's serviceable and by serviceable i mean AssCreed serviceable. The only thing it's missing is the "Hit triangle to counter/win" button.
It's a bit frustrating to watch Geralt do unnecessary jumps and twirls just to land a simple 3 hit combo. It makes the combat feel disjointed and tedious especially when your fighting monsters that will often jump out of the way after the first or second hit. So it's basically attack once or twice, have monster back away then either dodge/block when they lunge and then repeat.
The signs are a key part of combat and make things interesting but unfortunately they just add to the tedium given the fact that to switch you have to pull up the radial wheel. There really should have been some kind of quick swap between your last 2 signs to keep things more fluid and on the fly
What graphics card are you using? Do you have the GoG or Steam overlays open?
I need advice for the botchling quest. Fucking wraiths are so annoying with their double attacks. And they thought it would be a great idea for the player to fight multiple wraiths with this shitty targeting system.
I need advice for the botchling quest. Fucking wraiths are so annoying with their double attacks. And they thought it would be a great idea for the player to fight multiple wraiths with this shitty targeting system.
I need advice for the botchling quest. Fucking wraiths are so annoying with their double attacks. And they thought it would be a great idea for the player to fight multiple wraiths with this shitty targeting system.
I need advice for the botchling quest. Fucking wraiths are so annoying with their double attacks. And they thought it would be a great idea for the player to fight multiple wraiths with this shitty targeting system.
How far through is this quest? Wondering if I'd missed it..I'm playing through on a default World State so praying he's not dead
Enough Witcher for one day.
Invest X amount of points in that specific tree. It'll tell you how many is required.How do I unlock the next row of a skill tree?