Blue Ninja
Fucking almost made me switch out my headphones,doors slamming and things whipping around, I was on edge waiting for something to attack me
The hair on my arms is standing straight up, I fucking love it. Great design.
Fucking almost made me switch out my headphones,doors slamming and things whipping around, I was on edge waiting for something to attack me
I assumed, that he cleaned it out already since he was trying to get the prisoner out. If there were still an enemy, he would've seeked his fall, would he not?
What difficulty should I play GAF?
What difficulty should I play GAF?
What difficulty should I play GAF?
That was CreepyThat 'A Towerful of Mice' quest is eerie as fuck. The music on the island is fantastic, and the stuff happening is just sending shivers down my spine.
The one you're comfortable with. You can change the difficulty at any time, so if it's to your liking you can start of on the harshest and wiggle it down if it's unpleasant. Some folk is talking about the second harshest as a demanding, but fair one.What difficulty should I play GAF?
I see. I didn't know prisoners had their own symbols. Only cleared out a camp with a prisoner once and can't remember any else than the bandit camp symbol. I don't know much about the questionmarks though, since I play without undiscovered POIs, so I just do things as I come along.He obviously hasn't cleaned out the question mark since the question mark was the prisoner in a cage.
It's the last game of Geralt, not the last Witcher game. We may get more Witcher games with other protagonists. Not nearly through with the game yet, but I have high hopes of Ciri taking the reigns.
played the previous games?
best difficulty seems to be blood and broken bones, but start on whatever you feel since you can just change mid-game
Eh... I think normal is not very difficult at all.
If you aren't achievement-minded, you can change difficulty at any time.
I will never think ofthe same after this gamemiscarriages![]()
Oh awesome. I haven't played any Witcher games before, but I think I'll go with the one you mentioned. I was just wondering if it was similar to Halo in that Normal is a joke and Heroic is the "actual" correct difficulty level.
Yeah, i don't care about that stuff!
I smiled at the scene, it was somewhat cute and funny.Hahaha.I made him carry that fucker.
I'm really enjoying it, but I'm in the second area, Noven maybe?, and I have no food, and I can't find any merchants. My health is at 5%, and I'm playing on Hard,so my health doesn't regen while meditating. I just feel like I'm playing this....wrong.
Do I need to backtrack to the opening area to buy health items? Cuz the guy at the 2nd Inn just has a little water to sell.
I'm confused.
If I have to choose between Yennifer or Triss then I'm going to fucking lose my fucking mind
100 crowns a minute... bullshit
I just tried and got 3000... cdpr please prevent this
I'm not I reverted back to a previous save.. I don't want other people making easy money
Buy or find the Saddlebags asap as they greatly improve your carrying capacity.
I need to find a shirt to craft a piece of armor, any idea where I can find that ?
I need to find a shirt to craft a piece of armor, any idea where I can find that ?
I believe there's a merchant just outside the Novigrad walls who sells them. Forgot his name but you come across him during the main quest.
The dwarf at the barons place can.Good to know. I just found one being sold by the blacksmith at Midscope, of course now I gotta find a blacksmith proficient enough to craft the thing >_>
Did anyone else notice everyone in this game stores everything in their back right pocket?
Once we've read a document or book, is it safe to discard it ?
Now this is a witch the lodge needs.yennefer reminds me a lot of bayonetta
Yes. I think I saw a screenshot with a potion for that purpose. Look out for it.Anyways, is there an option to respec? I think I invested three points into something I'm never going to use again.
Once it no longer is a quest item you are.
Stop wanting.I want to play as Ciri.
Quick question on crafting legendary witcher equipment.
I finished the quest for the Venom Witchers' equipment, but haven't found a blacksmith yet that will craft it. I know a tooltip said one was in Velen, but damned if I know where.
Once it no longer is a quest item you are.
Is there a recommended way to approach when to pause from doing main quests and instead do all the little side quests etc? Just arrived in Midcopse, having ridden past lots of other small towns etc and random yellow quest exclamation marks on the way here...
Is it best to ignore these distractions and notice boards etc along the way for now... or should I be stopping at them all and doing them there and then?
Bit overwhelmed.