I'm listening to Game Informer's, I guess, video podcast, and they interviewed Grant Kirkhope. Apparently Kirkhope listened Dan's to "Kirkhope or Wise" gameshow on the Bombcast, lol.
Lol Jason
Lol Jason
I'm a day late to the Black Mesa party, but man I enjoyed that. Some real schadenfreude from the comments.
One day we'll get a sequel to that Quick Look.
Anyone remember that one 2D, cartoonish plane game Vinny and someone else Quick Looked for a really short time, trashing it? And then Jeff came back from a vacation or something and disapproved of how they showed that game, in the QL, on a Bombcast? Heh, one of the rare times something like that happened.
Fuck it, I'm rewatching the Hatsune Miku quicklook.
They really need to do Farming Simulator 15 (just released on consoles on Tuesday). The first QL was amazing.
"Quick Look"
what are you, a commenter on Gamespot?
Fuck it, I'm rewatching the Hatsune Miku quicklook.
As this is the first time ever watching this video, I was amused by it.
As this is the first time ever watching this video, I was amused by it.
I miss the Wii because it led to some amazing QLs just because of how popular it was. I feel like Wii has a better library of funny dumb games than the modern Steam shit bucket
I miss the Wii because it led to some amazing QLs just because of how popular it was. I feel like Wii has a better library of funny dumb games than the modern Steam shit bucket
Lol Jason
Did I miss something?
They really need to do Farming Simulator 15 (just released on consoles on Tuesday). The first QL was amazing.
Have these games changed at all in the few years they've been "popular"?
black mesa
don bradman cricket
Yeah...were you off watching NXT when this kicked off? In a nutshell: Dan & Drew pretended not to know that this is a Half Life remake during the QL. People got upset because you know, somebody please think of the children/developers!
Ludwig has a 2 handed thrust which works great on this boss. It has good range.Maaaaan that fight that Brad is at seems rough without having a good vertical swing like the axe has.
Heh, that Black Mesa video was brilliant. I can't believe there are people who are either didn't get the joke or did but fanboyraged regardless.
Heh, that Black Mesa video was brilliant. I can't believe there are people who are either didn't get the joke or did but fanboyraged regardless.